Discussing Language Dialogues with Wallace L. Chafe, Noam Chomsky, Algirdas J. Greimas, M. A. K. Halliday, Peter Hartmann, George Lakoff, Sydney M. Lamb, André Martinet, James McCawley, Sebastian K. Saumjan, Jacques Bouveresse Parret Herman Innbundet / 1974 / Engelsk
Semiotics and Pragmatics An evaluative comparison of conceptual frameworks Parret Herman Heftet / 1983 / Engelsk
(On) Searle on Conversation Compiled and introduced by Herman Parret and Jef Verschueren Searle John R. Innbundet / 1992 / Engelsk
Exigences et perspectives de la sémiotique Recueil d'hommages pour A.J. Greimas. / Aims and Prospects of Semiotics. Essays in honor of A.J. Greimas Parret Herman Innbundet / 1985 / Fransk
Jean-François Lyotard Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists Lyotard, Jean-François Innbundet / 2014 / Engelsk
Possibilities and Limitations of Pragmatics Proceedings of the Conference on Pragmatics, Urbino, July 8–14, 1979 Parret Herman Innbundet / 1981 / Engelsk
Miscellaneous Texts, Volume I Aesthetics and Theory of Art Lyotard, Jean-François Innbundet / 2012 / Engelsk
Miscellaneous Texts "Aesthetics and Theory of Art" and "Contemporary Artists" Lyotard, Jean-François Innbundet / 2012 / Engelsk
Langage en Contexte Etudes philosophiques et linguistiques de pragmatique Parret Herman Innbundet / 1980 / Fransk
Miscellaneous Texts "Aesthetics and Theory of Art" and "Contemporary Artists" Lyotard, Jean-François Innbundet / 2012 / Engelsk
Langage en Contexte Etudes philosophiques et linguistiques de pragmatique Parret Herman Innbundet / 1980 / Fransk