Spirits of the Dead Roman Funerary Commemoration in Western Europe Carroll Maureen Innbundet / 2006 / Engelsk
Infancy and Earliest Childhood in the Roman World 'A Fragment of Time' Carroll Maureen Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Spirits of the Dead Roman Funerary Commemoration in Western Europe Carroll Maureen Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk
Cartwheels on the Keyboard Computer-Based Literacy Instruction in an Elementary Classroom Carroll Maureen Heftet / 2004 / Engelsk
Consuming Passions Dining From Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century Carroll Maureen Heftet / 2005 / Engelsk
Making of a Roman Imperial Estate: Archaeology in the Vicus at Vagnari, Puglia Carroll Maureen Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
Living Through the Dead Burial and Commemoration in the Classical world Carroll Maureen Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk