A truly wonderful read. Guiding you through every step of being an ECT with relevant and clear information, it is like having a mentor by your side every step of the way!
- Paige Brown, Class Teacher @MissPABrown
A wonderfully uplifting yet thoroughly practical and indispensable resource for every new teacher. Highly recommended.
Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive Chartered College of Teaching @alisonmpeacock
<i>You Got This!</i> includes plenty of practical advice, anecdotes and stories from other ECTs. A great book to have to hand during your first few years in teaching!
Sue Cowley, Author, presenter and teacher educator, @Sue_Cowley
This is the perfect book for any ECT. It is full of useful advice, tips and links that will support you through your ECT years and no doubt beyond! The coaching moments invite a time to pause to engage in reflection which is so important but often forgotten.
Catherine Carden, Staff Tutor; School of Education, Childhood, Youth & Sport at The Open University, Independent Education Consultant & Co-Founder Bowden Education, @catliscar
This will be a really useful book for anyone embarking on their teaching career... within each chapter there is a wealth of advice to help and support the reader.
The School Librarian