Every one of her books is a treat and this is my favourite, because of its wonderful cast of characters, and because of the deftness with which Taylor's narrative moves between them ... A wonderful writer
Sarah Waters
Jane Austen, Elizabeth Taylor, Barbara Pym, Elizabeth Bowen - soul-sisters all
Anne Tyler
A wonderful novelist
Jilly Cooper
An eye as sharply all-seeing as her prose-style is elegant - even the humdrum becomes astonishing
Daily Telegraph
She's a favourite of <i>this </i>writer. I've read this novel, set in a seaside town in the 1940s, five times and I'm itching to read it again. There's a mother from hell in it who makes me wince and chuckle
- Jacqueline Wilson,
There is a deceptive smoothness in her tone, or tone of voice, as in that of Evelyn Waugh; not a far-fetched comparison, for in the work of both writers the funny and the appalling lie side by side in close amity
- Kingsley Amis,
It is time that justice was done to Elizabeth Taylor... All her writings could be described as coming into the category of comedy. Comedy is the best vehicle for truths that are too fierce to be borne
- Anita Brookner,
Her best novels-<i>At Mrs. Lippincote's</i> (1945), <i>A View of the Harbour</i> (1947), <i>A Game of Hide and Seek</i> (1951)-are, in spite of their prim titles, funny, savage and full of loneliness and suppressed emotion. For her characters, as for their author, propriety is a survival mechanism, a way of keeping the show on the road
- Rachel Cooke, Guardian