This book covers channel coding and modulation technologies in DTTB systems from the general concepts to the detailed analysis and implementation. Covers the Chinese DTTB standard which was announced recently and hasn’t been covered in detailIntroduces the SFN network using the successful implementation of DTMB in Hong Kong as an exampleIntroduces the latest announced systems including the ATSC M/H and DVB-NGH
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Now under massive deployment worldwide, digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DTTB) offers one of the most attractive ways to deliver digital TV over the VHF/UHF band. Written by a team of experts for specialists and non-specialists alike, this book serves as a comprehensive guide to DTTB.
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Preface xiii 1 Basic Concepts of Digital Terrestrial Television Transmission System 11.1 Introduction and Historic Review 11.1.1 Birth and Development of Television Black-and-White TV Era 11.1.2 Analog Color TV Era 21.1.3 Digital TV Era 31.2 Major International and Regional DTV Organizations 71.2.1 International DTV Broadcasting Standards 71.2.2 Related International and Regional Organizations 91.3 Composition of DTV System 111.3.1 Constitution of DTV System 111.3.2 Functional Layers of DTV 141.4 Compression Layer and Multiplexing Layer 191.4.1 Image Format 191.4.2 Compression Modes for DTV Signal 191.4.3 MPEG-2 for Video Compression 201.4.4 Intraframe Coding 211.4.5 Interframe Coding Method 231.4.6 Audio Compression 241.4.7 MPEG-2 Coding 251.4.8 MPEG-2 Multiplexing 261.4.9 Transport Stream 261.5 Current Deployment of DTTB Systems 291.5.1 Developments of ATSC DVB-T and ISDB-T 301.5.2 Development and Deployment of DTMB System 331.5.3 Network Convergence with DTTB Systems 351.6 Summary 37References 372 Channel Characteristics of Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Systems 392.1 Introduction 392.2 Mathematical Models of Wireless Radio Channel 422.2.1 Statistical Model of Channel Impulse Response 422.2.2 Channel Impulse Response with Deterministic Parameters 442.3 Property of Wireless Fading Channel Parameters 462.3.1 Multipath Delay Spread and Frequency-Selective Fading 462.3.2 Doppler Shift and Time-Selective Fading 502.3.3 Time- and Frequency-Selective Fading of Wireless Radio Channel 542.4 Commonly Used Statistical Models for Fading Channel 552.4.1 Rayleigh Fading Model 552.4.2 Ricean Fading Model 562.5 DTTB Channel Model 582.5.1 Typical DTTB Channel Model 582.5.2 Single-Frequency Network of Channel Model for DTTB Systems 632.6 Summary 67References 683 Channel Coding for DTTB System 693.1 Channel Capacity and Shannon’s Channel Coding Theorem 693.2 Error Control and Classification of Channel Coding 733.3 Linear Block Code 753.3.1 Basic Concept of Linear Block Code 753.3.2 BCH Code 783.3.3 Reed–Solomon Code 793.4 Convolutional Codes 803.4.1 Construction and Description of Convolutional Codes 813.4.2 Distance Property and Decoding of Convolutional Codes 843.5 Interleaving 873.5.1 Block Interleaving 873.5.2 Convolutional Interleaving 883.6 Concatenation Codes 893.7 Parallel Codes 923.7.1 Product Codes 923.7.2 Turbo Codes and Iterative Decoding 943.8 Trellis Coding and Modulation 1003.8.1 Mapping by Set Partition of TCM Codes 1003.8.2 Code Construction and Basic Principles of TCM Codes 1013.9 Low-Density Parity-Check Code 1033.9.1 Basic Concept of LDPC Codes 1043.9.2 Decoding Algorithms of LDPC Codes 1063.10 Channel Coding Adopted by Different DTV Broadcasting Standards 1083.11 Summary 110References 1104 Modulation Technologies for DTTB System 1134.1 Introduction 1134.2 Digital Modulation 1144.2.1 Signal Space and Its Representation 1144.2.2 Typical Digital Modulations 1174.2.3 The Power Spectrum of Modulated Signal 1244.2.4 Demodulation and Performance Evaluation 1294.2.5 Variations of Digital Modulations 1374.3 Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation 1404.3.1 BICM System Model 1404.3.2 BICM Design and Performance Evaluation 1414.3.3 BICM-ID System Model 1444.3.4 BICM-ID with Doping: Design and Performance Evaluation 1454.3.5 BICM-ID Design Based on EXIT Charts 1464.3.6 BICM-ID with LDPC Coding 1474.4 Multicarrier Modulation 1484.4.1 Principle of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 1494.4.2 Implementation of OFDMwith Discrete Fourier Transform 1514.4.3 Guard Interval and Cyclic Prefix of OFDM 1524.4.4 Frequency Domain Property 1564.4.5 General Comparison between OFDM and Single-Carrier Modulation System 1574.5 Design Considerations of DTTB Modulation 1594.5.1 Modulation Scheme Determination 1594.5.2 Modulation Schemes in Typical DTTB Standards 1604.6 Summary 160References 1615 First-Generation DTTB Standards 1635.1 General Introduction 1635.1.1 ATSC Standard 1635.1.2 DVB-T Standard 1645.1.3 ISDB-T Standard 1645.1.4 DTMB Standard 1645.2 Introduction to ATSC Standard 1645.2.1 Scrambler 1665.2.2 RS Encoding and Data Interleaving 1675.2.3 TCM Encoder and Interleaver 1685.2.4 Multiplexing 1695.2.5 Pilot Insertion and VSB Modulation 1705.3 Introduction to DVB-T Standard 1715.3.1 Channel Coding 1735.3.2 Modulation 1765.4 Introduction to ISDB-T Standard 1805.4.1 Multiplexing 1845.4.2 Channel Coding 1855.4.3 Constellation Mapping and Modulation 1865.4.4 TMCC Information 1945.5 Introduction to DTMB Standard 1955.5.1 Major System Parameters 1975.5.2 Input Data Format 1985.5.3 Scrambler 1985.5.4 FEC Coding 1985.5.5 Constellation Mapping 2015.5.6 Interleaving 2035.5.7 System Information 2055.5.8 Signal Frame Structure 2065.5.9 Frame Header (FH) 2075.5.10 Frame Body Data Processing 2095.5.11 Baseband Signal Post Processing 2105.5.12 RF Output Interface 2105.5.13 System Payload Data Throughput 2135.6 Summary 213References 2136 Second-Generation DTTB Standards 2156.1 Introduction to Second-Generation Digital Video Broadcasting 2156.1.1 System Structure 2176.1.2 Input Processing 2176.1.3 Bit-Interleaved Coding and Modulation 2206.1.4 Frame Builder 2266.1.5 OFDM Symbol Generation 2286.2 Introduction to DTMB-A System 2356.2.1 System Architecture 2356.2.2 Interface and Data Preprocessing 2366.2.3 Scrambling Interleaving and Modulation 2386.2.4 Superframe Structure 2456.2.5 Signal Frame 2476.2.6 Synchronization Channel 2486.2.7 Transmit Diversity 2516.2.8 Baseband Postprocessing 2526.2.9 RF Signal 2526.2.10 Baseband Signal Spectrum Characteristics and Spectrum Mask 2526.2.11 System Payload Data Rate 2536.3 Summary 254References 2547 Design and Implementation of DTV Receiver 2557.1 Introduction 2557.2 Mathematical Principles 2597.2.1 Channel Synchronization 2597.2.2 Channel Estimation 2627.3 Single-Carrier Systems 2697.3.1 Timing Synchronization 2697.3.2 Carrier Synchronization 2727.3.3 Channel Estimation and Equalization 2767.4 Multicarrier Systems 2807.4.1 Timing Synchronization 2807.4.2 Carrier Synchronization 2807.4.3 Channel Estimation/Equalization for OFDM System 2857.5 Introduction to DTMB Inner Receiver 2887.5.1 Frame Synchronization 2897.5.2 Carrier Synchronization 2917.5.3 Channel Estimation and Equalization 2927.6 Summary 297References 2978 Network Planning for DTTB Systems 2998.1 Introduction 2998.2 Basic Concepts 3008.2.1 Carrier-to-Noise Ratio 3008.2.2 Minimal Field Strength 3008.2.3 Cliff Effect 3018.2.4 Location Coverage Probability 3018.2.5 Protection Ratio 3028.3 Analog and Digital TV Broadcasting 3038.3.1 Comparison between Analog and Digital Transmissions 3038.3.2 Frequency Planning for Terrestrial Broadcasting 3038.3.3 Simulcast of Digital and Analog TV 3048.3.4 Frequency Utilization of Terrestrial Broadcasting 3058.4 Multiple-Frequency and Single-Frequency Networks 3068.4.1 Introduction to MFN 3068.4.2 Introduction to SFN 3078.4.3 Classification of SFNs 3088.4.4 Interference Analysis of SFN 3098.4.5 Synchronization in SFN 3108.4.6 Network Gain in SFN 3128.4.7 Application of SFN 3148.5 Transmission System of DTTB 3148.5.1 DTTB Transmitter System 3168.5.2 DTTB Exciter 3188.5.3 Power Amplifier 3218.5.4 Multiplexer 3228.5.5 Transmitting Antenna 3258.6 Signal Reception of DTTB 3278.6.1 Main Impact Factors of Physical DTTB Channel 3278.6.2 Fixed Reception 3288.6.3 Portable Reception 3288.6.4 Mobile Reception 3298.7 Diversity Techniques 3298.7.1 Various Diversity Schemes 3298.7.2 Design Principles of Diversity Schemes for DTTB System 3308.7.3 Transmit Diversity Technique 3318.7.4 Receiving Diversity 3378.8 Summary 343References 3439 Performance Measurement on DTTB Systems 3459.1 Introduction 3459.2 Measurement Description 3459.2.1 BER Measurement and Decision Threshold 3469.2.2 C/N Measurement 3509.2.3 Input Signal Level to the Receiver 3519.2.4 Interface Parameters 3519.2.5 Multipath Models 3519.2.6 Laboratory Test 3519.3 Laboratory Test Plan Using DTMB System as Example 3549.3.1 Laboratory Test Platform 3549.3.2 Interface Setup of Test Platform 3559.3.3 C/N Threshold under Gaussian Channel 3559.3.4 Minimum Reception Level in Gaussian Channel 3579.3.5 Maximum Reception Level 3599.3.6 C/N Threshold in Ricean Channel 3609.3.7 C/N Threshold in Rayleigh Channel 3619.3.8 Maximum Doppler Frequency Shift in Dynamic Multipath Channel 3629.3.9 Maximum Delay Spread in Two-Path Channel with 0-dB Echo 3649.3.10 C/N Threshold in Two-Path Channel with 0-dB Echo 3659.3.11 Maximum Pulse Width of Impulse Noise Interference 3669.3.12 C/I Measurement with Cochannel and Adjacent-Channel Analog TV Signal Interference 3689.3.13 C/I Measurement with Cochannel and Adjacent-Channel DTV Signal Interference 3719.3.14 C/I Measurement with Single-Tone Interference 3729.3.15 Antiphase Noise Measurement 3759.4 Field Test Plan 3769.4.1 Field Test 3769.4.2 Objectives of Field Test 3779.4.3 Testing Signal 3799.4.4 Antenna 3799.4.5 Measurement Time 3809.4.6 Channel Characteristic Recoding 3819.4.7 Test Location 3819.4.8 Test Calibration 3819.4.9 Records and Documents 3819.4.10 Test: Instruments and Auxiliary Equipment 3829.4.11 Coverage Test Procedure 3839.4.12 Service Test Procedures 3869.4.13 Measurement Guideline of Field Test for DTTB System 3899.4.14 Field Test Platform 3909.4.15 Procedure for Fixed Reception Test 3909.4.16 Mobile Test 3919.5 Summary 392References 39210 Digital Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting Systems 39310.1 Introduction 39310.2 DVB-H System 39510.2.1 Block Diagram of DVB-H System 39610.2.2 Technical Features of DVB-H System 39710.3 ATSC-M/H System 40210.3.1 Frame Structure of ATSC-M/H System 40310.3.2 ATSC-M/H System Block Diagram 40310.3.3 Frame Encoding of ATSC-M/H System 40510.3.4 Block Processor of ATSC-M/H System 40610.3.5 ATSC-M/H Trellis Encoder 40610.4 CMMB System 40810.4.1 Frame Structure of CMMB System 40810.4.2 Channel Coding of CMMB System 40810.4.3 CMMB Byte Interleaving 40910.4.4 Modulation Scheme of CMMB System 41110.4.5 Payload Data Rate of CMMB System 41110.5 DVB-NGH 41310.5.1 Alamouti Scheme 41510.5.2 eSFN Scheme 41610.5.3 eSM-PH Scheme 41910.5.4 Hybrid System 42210.6 Summary 424References 426Index 427 
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Digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DTTB, also known as Digital Terrestrial Television, DTT) is one of the most important ways to deliver digital TV signals over the air in the VHF/UHF band, and is now under massive deployment worldwide.  Written by a team of experts, this book will serve as a comprehensive guide for engineering students and practicing professionals in this area Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting covers the fundamentals on channel coding and modulation technologies with emphasis on those used in DTTB systems, from the general concept to the detailed analysis, receiver design and implementation. It introduces the Single Frequency Network (SFN) as well as the multiple-input-multiple-output concept for DTTB network planning and the measurement (including methodology and performance) of DTTB systems using Digital Terrestrial/Television Multimedia Broadcasting (DTMB) system as an example before introducing various mobile multimedia DTV systems based on DTTB networks. Important features of this book include: General techniques for digital terrestrial TV broadcasting receiver design such as carrier synchronization, timing recovery, channel estimation, equalization, decoding, and de-interleaving with concrete implementation detailsKey topics for the understanding of DTTV systems: frame structure, modulation, error correction, and channel codingAn introduction to the latest announced systems such as ATSC M/H and DVB-NGH  The editors of this book are leading experts in the field and are actively involved in the Chinese national standard on the digital terrestrial television broadcasting activities. Jian Song is a Professor and Director of DTV Technology R&D Center at Tsinghua University (China). He is the associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, an administrative committee member of IEEE Broadcast Technology Society, and the vice chair of Working Party 6A of International Telecommunication Union. Dr. Song leads the efforts of promoting Chinese DTMB standard worldwide. Zhixing Yang is a Professor at Tsinghua University (China) and Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory on Microwave and Digital Communications. Professor Yang led the research and development efforts for the Chinese DTMB Standard. Jun Wang is an Associate Professor at Tsinghua University (China), and is actively involved in the technical activities for Chinese DTMB Standard as the standard drafting committee member selected by the Standardization Administration of China.
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Jian Song is a Professor and Director of DTV Technology R&D Center at Tsinghua University (China). He is the associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, an administrative committee member of Broadcast Technology Society, and the vice chair of Working Party 6A of International Telecommunication Union. Dr. Song leads the efforts of promoting Chinese DTMB standard worldwide.

Zhixing Yang is a Professor at Tsinghua University (China) and Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory on Microwave and Digital Communications. Professor Yang led the research and development efforts for Chinese DTMB Standard.

Jun Wang is an Associate Professor at Tsinghua University (China), and is actively involved in the technical activities for Chinese DTMB Standard as the standard drafting committee member selected by the Standardization Administration of China.