SMART GRID AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Discover foundational topics in smart grid technology as well as an exploration of the current and future state of the industry As the relationship between fossil fuel use and climate change becomes ever clearer, the search is on for reliable, renewable and less harmful sources of energy. Sometimes called the “electronet” or the “energy Internet,” smart grids promise to integrate renewable energy, information, and communication technologies with the existing electrical grid and deliver electricity more efficiently and reliably. Smart Grid and Enabling Technologies delivers a complete vision of smart grid technology and applications, including foundational and fundamental technologies, the technology that enables smart grids, the current state of the industry, and future trends in smart energy. The book offers readers thorough discussions of modern smart grid technology, including advanced metering infrastructure, net zero energy buildings, and communication, data management, and networks in smart grids. The accomplished authors also discuss critical challenges and barriers facing the smart grid industry as well as trends likely to be of importance in its future development. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to smart grid architecture, including traditional grids, the fundamentals of electric power, definitions and classifications of smart grids, and the components of smart grid technologyAn exploration of the opportunities and challenges posed by renewable energy integrationPractical discussions of power electronics in the smart grid, including power electronics converters for distributed generation, flexible alternating current transmission systems, and high voltage direct current transmission systemsAn analysis of distributed generation Perfect for scientists, researchers, engineers, graduate students, and senior undergraduate students studying and working with electrical power systems and communication systems. Smart Grid and Enabling Technologies will also earn a place in the libraries of economists, government planners and regulators, policy makers, and energy stakeholders working in the smart grid field.
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About the Authors Acknowledgements Preface List of Abbreviations 1.      Smart Grid Architectural Overview 1.1   Introduction 1.2   Fundamentals of Electric Power system 1.2.1        Electrical Power Generation 1.2.2        Electric Power Transmission 1.2.3        Electric Power Distribution 1.3   More limitations of the traditional power grid 1.3.1        Lack of circuit capacity and aging assets 1.3.2        Operation Constrains 1.3.3        Security of Supply 1.3.4        Respond to national initiatives 1.4   Smart Grid Definition 1.5   Smart Grid Characteristics 1.5.1        Achieve flexibility in the network topology 1.5.2        Improved efficiency 1.5.3        Transportation Electrification 1.5.4        Demand response support 1.5.5        Improvement in Reliability and Power Quality 1.5.6        Market-enabling 1.6   Moving towards Future grid 1.6.1        Electrification 1.6.2        Decentralization 1.6.3        Digitalization 1.7   The transformation from the traditional grid to smart grid 1.8   Smart Grid Enabling Technologies 1.9   Smart Grid Architecture 1.9.1        Distributed Generation 1.9.2        Energy Storage 1.9.3        Demand Response 1.9.4        Integrated communications   Communication Networks   Power Line Communication (PLC)   Standardization 1.9.5        Customer Engagement 1.9.6        Sensors and PMU Units 1.9.7        Smart Meters 1.10Classification of Smart Grid Control 1.11Smart Grid Challenges 1.11.1     Accessibility and acceptability 1.11.2     Accountability 1.11.3     Controllability 1.11.4     Interoperability 1.11.5     Interchangeability 1.11.6     Maintainability 1.11.7     Optimality 1.11.8     Security 1.11.9     Upgradability 1.12Organization of the Book 2.      Renewable Energy: Overview, Opportunities and Challenges 2.1   Introduction 2.2   Description of Renewable Energy Sources 2.2.1        Bioenergy Energy 2.2.2        Geothermal Energy 2.2.3        Hydropower Energy 2.2.4        Marine Energy 2.2.5        Solar Energy   Photovoltaic   Concentrated Solar Power   Solar Thermal Heating and Cooling 2.2.6        Wind Energy 2.3   Renewable Energy: Growth, Investment, Benefits and Deployment 2.4   Smart Grid Enable Renewables 2.5   Conclusion 2.6   References 3.       Power Electronics Converters for Distributed Generation 3.1   An overview of distributed generation systems with power electronics 3.1.1        Photovoltaic technology 3.1.2        Wind power technology 3.1.3        Energy storage systems 3.2   Power electronics for grid-connected AC smart grid 3.2.1        Voltage-source converters 3.2.2        Multilevel power converters 3.3   Power electronics enabled autonomous AC power systems 3.3.1        Converter level controls in microgrids 3.3.2        System level coordination control 3.4   Power electronics enabled autonomous DC power systems 3.4.1        Converter level controls 3.4.2        System level coordination control 3.5   Conclusion 3.6   References 4.      Energy Storage Systems as an Enabling Technology for the Smart Grid 4.1   Introduction 4.2   Structure of Energy Storage System 4.3   Energy Storage Systems Classification and Description 4.4   Current State of Energy Storage Technologies 4.5   Techno-Economic Characteristics of Energy Storage Systems 4.6   Selection of Energy Storage Technology for Certain Application 4.7   Energy Storage Applications 4.8   Barriers to the Deployment of Energy Storage 4.9   Energy Storage Roadmap 4.10Conclusion 4.11References 5.      Microgrids: State of the Art and Future Challenges 5.1   Introduction 5.2   DC Versus AC Microgrid 5.2.1        LVAC and LVDC Networks 5.2.2        AC Microgrid 5.2.3        DC Microgrid 5.3   Microgrid Design 5.3.1        Methodology for the Microgrid Design 5.3.2        Design Considerations 5.4   Microgrid Control 5.4.1        Primary Control Level 5.4.2        Secondary Control Level 5.4.3        Tertiary Control Level 5.5   Microgrid Economics 5.5.1        Capacity Planning 5.5.2        Operations Modeling 5.5.3        Financial Modeling 5.5.4        Barriers to Realizing Microgrids 5.6   Operation of Multi-Microgrids 5.7   Microgrid Benefits 5.7.1        Economic Benefits 5.7.2        Technical Benefits 5.7.3        Environmental Benefits 5.8   Challenges 5.9   Conclusion 5.10References 6.      Smart Transportation 6.1   Introduction 6.2   Electric Vehicle Topologies 6.2.1        Battery Electric Vehicles 6.2.2        Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles 6.2.3        Hybrid Electric Vehicles 6.2.4        Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicles 6.2.5        Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicles 6.3   Powertrain Architectures 6.3.1        Series HEV Architecture 6.3.2        Parallel HEV Architecture 6.3.3        Series-Parallel HEV Architecture 6.4   Battery Technology 6.4.1        Battery Parameters 6.4.2        Common Battery Chemistries 6.5   Battery Charger Technology 6.5.1        Charging Rates and Options 6.5.2        Wireless Charging 6.6   Vehicle to Grid (V2G) Concept 6.6.1        Unidirectional V2G 6.6.2        Bidirectional V2G 6.7   Barriers to EV Adoption 6.7.1        Technological Problems 6.7.2        Social Problems 6.7.3        Economic Problems 6.8   Trends and Future Developments 6.9   Conclusion 6.10References 7.      Net Zero Energy Buildings 7.1   Introduction 7.2   Net Zero Energy Building Definition 7.3   Net Zero Energy Building Design 7.4   Net Zero Energy Building: Modelling, Controlling and Optimization 7.5   Net Zero Energy Community 7.6   Net Zero Energy Building: Trends, Benefits, Barriers and Efficiency Investments 7.7   Conclusion 7.8   Reference 8.      Smart Grid Communication Infrastructures 8.1   Introduction 8.2   Advanced Metering Infrastructure 8.3   Smart Grid Communications 8.3.1        Challenges of SG Communications 8.3.2        Requirements of SG Communications 8.3.3        Architecture of SG Communication 8.3.4        SG Communication technologies 8.4   Conclusion 8.5   References 9.      Smart Grid Information Security 9.1   Introduction 9.2   Smart Grid Layers  9.2.1        The power system layer 9.2.2        The information layer 9.2.3        The communication layer 9.3   Attacking Smart Grid Network Communication 9.3.1        Physical Layer Attacks. 9.3.2        Data Injection and Replay Attacks. 9.3.3        Network-Based Attacks 9.4    Physical Layer Attacks. 9.4.1        Resilient Industrial Control Systems 9.4.2        Areas of Resilience   Human systems   Cyber security   Complex networks and networked control systems 9.5   Cyber Security Challenges in Smart Grid 9.6   Adopting a Smart Grid Security Architecture Methodology 9.6.1        Smart Grid Security Objectives. 9.6.2        Cyber Security Requirements   Attack detection and resilience operations.   Identification, and access control.   Secure and efficient communication protocols. 9.7   Validating Your Smart Grid 9.8   Threats and Impacts: Consumers and Utility Companies 9.9   Governmental Effort to Secure Smart Grids 9.10Conclusion 9.11References 10.  Data Management in Smart Grid 10.1Introduction 10.2 Sources of Data in Smart Grid 10.3Big Data Era 10.4Tools to Manage Big Data 10.4.1     Apache Hadoop 10.4.2     Not Only SQL (NoSQL) 10.4.3     Microsoft HDInsight 10.4.4     Hadoop MapReduce 10.4.5     Cassandra 10.4.6     Storm 10.4.7     Hive 10.4.8     Plotly 10.4.9     Talend 10.4.10  Bokeh 10.4.11  Cloudera 10.5Big Data Integration, Frameworks, and Data Bases 10.6Building the Foundation for Big Data Processing 10.6.1     Big Data Management Platform  Acquisition and Recording.  Extraction, Cleaning, and Prediction.  Big Data Integration 10.6.2     Big Data Analytics Platform  Modeling and Analysis  Interpretation 10.7Transforming Big Data for High Value Action 10.7.1     Decide what to produce 10.7.2     Source the raw materials 10.7.3     Produce insights with speed 10.7.4     Deliver the goods and act 10.8Privacy Information Impacts on Smart Grid. 10.9Meter Data Management for Smart Grid 10.10                  Summary 10.11                  References 11.  Demand-Management 11.1 Introduction 11.2Demand Response 11.3Demand Response Programs 11.3.1     Load-Response Programs 11.3.2     Price Response Programs 11.4 End User Engagement 11.5Challenges of Demand Response within Smart Grid 11.6Demand-Side Management (DSM) 11.7Demand Side Management Techniques 11.8Demand-Side Management Evaluation 11.9Demand Response Applications 11.10                  Summary 11.11                  References 12.  Business Models for the Smart Grid 12.1The Business Model Concept 12.2The Electricity Value Chain 12.3Electricity Markets 12.4Review of the Previous Proposed Smart Grid Business Models 12.4.1     Timing-Based Business Model 12.4.2     Business Intelligence Model 12.4.3     Business Models for Renewable Energy 12.4.4     Service-oriented Business Models 12.4.5     Prosumer Business Models 12.4.6     Integrated Energy Services Business Model 12.4.7     Future Business Model Levers 12.5Blockchain Based Electricity Market 12.6Conclusion 12.7References 13.  Smart Grid Customers’ Acceptance and Engagement 13.1Introduction 13.2Customer as one of the Smart Grid Domains 13.3Understanding the Smart Grid Customer  13.4Smart Grid Customer Acceptance 13.5Customer Engagement in the Smart Grid 13.6Challenges for Consumer Engagement, Policy Recommendation and Research Agenda 13.7Conclusion 14.  Cloud Computing for Smart Grid 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Overview of Cloud Computing for Smart Grid 14.3 Cloud Computing 14.4 Cloud computing Architecture 14.4.1     1Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 14.4.2     2Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 14.4.3     Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 14.5Cloud Computing Applications 14.6Cloud Applications for Smart Grid performance 14.7Cloud Applications for Energy Management 14.8Cloud computing-based power dispatching in smart grid 14.9Cloud computing characteristics in improving SG 14.10                  Opportunities and challenges of Cloud Computing in Smart grid 14.11                  Multiple perspectives for cloud implementation 14.12                  Conclusion 15.  On the Pivotal Role of Artificial Intelligence Towards the Evolution of Smart Grids: Advanced Methodologies and Applications 15.1Introduction 15.2Century-old grid and SG transition 15.3AI techniques in smart grid 15.3.1     AI commonly deployed techniques  Artificial Neural Networks-based  Fuzzy logic-based  Ensemble methods-based  Genetic algorithms-based  Expert Systems-based  Support Vector Machines-based  Hybrid models-based 15.3.2     Machine Learning Model Evaluation 15.4Major applications of AI in SG 15.4.1     Load forecasting 15.4.2     Alternative energy forecasting 15.4.3     Photovoltaic energy 15.4.4     Wind power 15.4.5     MPPT-based AI 15.4.6     Fault diagnosis-based AI 15.4.7     AI and Cyber smart grid security 15.4.8     Electricity price forecasting 15.5Challenges and future scope 15.6Conclusion   16.  Smart Grid Simulation Tools 16.1Introduction 16.2Simulation Approaches 16.2.1     Multi-Domain Simulation 16.2.2     Co-Simulation 16.2.3     Real-Time Simulation and Hardware-in-the-Loop 16.3Review of Smart Grid Planning and Analysis Tools 16.3.1     PSCAD 16.3.2     PowerWorld Simulator 16.3.3     ETAP 16.3.4     DIgSILENT PowerFactory 16.3.5     OpenDSS 16.3.6     GridLab-D 16.3.7     Conclusions 17.  Smart Grid Standards and Interoperability 17.1Introduction 17.2Organizations for Smart Grid Standardization 17.2.1     IEC Strategic Group on Smart Grid 17.2.2     Technical Communities and their Subcommittees of IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) 17.2.3     National Institute of Standards and Technology 17.2.4     National Standard of P.R.C. for Smart Grid 17.3Smart Grid Policies for Standard Developments 17.3.1     United States 17.3.2     Germany 17.3.3     Europe 17.3.4     South Korea 17.3.5     Australia 17.3.6     Canada 17.3.7     Japan 17.3.8     China 17.4Smart Grid Standards 17.4.1     Revenue Metering Information Model 17.4.2     Building Automation 17.4.3     Substation Automation 17.4.4     Powerline Networking 17.4.5     Energy Management Systems 17.4.6     Interoperability Center Communications 17.4.7     Cyber Security 17.4.8     Electric Vehicles 17.5Conclusion 17.6References 18.  Smart Grid Challenges and Barriers, Critical Success Factors and Future Vision 18.1Introduction 18.2Structure of modern smart-grids 18.3Concept of reliability in power systems 18.4Smart-grid challenges and barriers 18.4.1     Low inertia issues – Frequency support 18.4.2     Moving towards full/more renewable energies 18.4.3     Protection issues 18.4.4     Control dynamic interactions. 18.4.5     Reliability issues 18.4.6     Marketing 18.5New reliability paradigm in smart-grids 18.5.1     Adequacy 18.5.2     Security 18.5.3     Static security 18.5.4     Dynamic/transient security 18.5.5     Cyber-security 18.6Summary 18.7References Index [not supplied to follow later
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Discover foundational topics in smart grid technology as well as an exploration of the current and future state of the industry As the relationship between fossil fuel use and climate change becomes ever clearer, the search is on for reliable, renewable and less harmful sources of energy. Sometimes called the “electronet” or the “energy Internet,” smart grids promise to integrate renewable energy, information, and communication technologies with the existing electrical grid and deliver electricity more efficiently and reliably. Smart Grid and Enabling Technologies delivers a complete vision of smart grid technology and applications, including foundational and fundamental technologies, the technology that enables smart grids, the current state of the industry, and future trends in smart energy. The book offers readers thorough discussions of modern smart grid technology, including advanced metering infrastructure, net zero energy buildings, and communication, data management, and networks in smart grids. The accomplished authors also discuss critical challenges and barriers facing the smart grid industry as well as trends likely to be of importance in its future development. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to smart grid architecture, including traditional grids, the fundamentals of electric power, definitions and classifications of smart grids, and the components of smart grid technologyAn exploration of the opportunities and challenges posed by renewable energy integrationPractical discussions of power electronics in the smart grid, including power electronics converters for distributed generation, flexible alternating current transmission systems, and high voltage direct current transmission systemsAn analysis of distributed generation Perfect for scientists, researchers, engineers, graduate students, and senior undergraduate students studying and working with electrical power systems and communication systems. Smart Grid and Enabling Technologies will also earn a place in the libraries of economists, government planners and regulators, policy makers, and energy stakeholders working in the smart grid field.
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Shady S. Refaat is an Associate Research Scientist at Texas A&M University at Qatar. His research interests include electrical machines, power systems, smart grid, energy management systems, reliability of power grid and electric machinery, fault detection, and condition monitoring in conjunction with fault management and development of fault tolerant systems.

Omar Ellabban is a Principal Power Electronics Engineer (Team Lead) at Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult in Newport, UK. His research activities focus on Compound Semiconductor Applications, renewable energies integration, smart grid, power electronics converters design and control for various applications, and electric vehicles.

Sertac Bayhan currently works at the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Qatar, as a Senior Scientist. Sertac received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2008 and 2012, respectively.

Haitham Abu-Rub is Professor at Texas A&M University at Qatar, and is the Managing Director of the Smart Grid Center at the same university. His research interests include energy conversion systems, including electric drives, power electronic converters, renewable energy, and smart grid.

Frede Blaabjerg is Professor of Power Electronics and Drives at Aalborg University in Denmark. His research interests include power electronics and its applications such as in wind turbines, PV systems, reliability, harmonics, and adjustable speed drives.

Miroslav M. Begovic is Carolyn S. and Tommie E. Lohman ’59 Professor at Texas A&M University in the United States. He is Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests include the monitoring, analysis, and control of power systems, as well as the development and applications of renewable and sustainable energy systems.