This book gives the complete overview of polymeric systems for drug and gene delivery from bench to bedside. It covers the most important biodegradable polymers applied in drug and gene delivery, their nano-scale production and characterization as well as their interaction with cells and live bodies. Pharmaceutical aspects of such delivery systems and their current and future usage in clinic are also discussed.
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A General Overview of Polymer Systems Used as Carriers for Drugs and Genes Hydrogels for Medical Applications The Use of Self–Assembling Polymer Systems Dendrimer and Hyperbranched Structures as Efficient Carriers Temperature– and pH Responsive Copolymer Systems How to Prepare Monodisperse Particles with High Drug Loading Capacity? (Microfluidicity and Stopped Flow) Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery Systems Polymeric Systems in Clinical Use Challenges for Gene Delivery Biopharmaceutical Aspects on Polymeric Carriers Cell Uptake and Membrane Passage of Polymeric Nanostructures In Vivo Models for Nanosystems Drug Delivery
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Blackwell Verlag GmbH
244 mm
170 mm
P, 06
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Om bidragsyterne

Bo Nyström is a Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway. He received his PhD degree from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden, in 1978 and became Docent at the same institute later. His research activities focus on structural, dynamical, and rheological studies of associating polysaccharides, hydrogels, microgels, responsive copolymers, and nanoparticles. He is involved in several projects on the production of polymeric nanobeads of various natures for drug delivery applications. In recent years his interest is focused on the use of various polymer nanostructures as carriers for genes and siRNA.

Sverre Arne Sande has been Professor in Pharmaceutics at the School of Pharmacy, University of Oslo for the past 15 years. His primary field of interest is the encapsulation and controlled release of active pharmaceutical ingredients. This includes controlling both the site where the release is taking place and the rate. His research covers delivery systems ranging from tablets to nanoparticles and release mechanisms from pure diffusion or erosion to responsive polymeric systems. As toxicity has been a major concern, polysaccharides have been central substances for his research.

Shahla Bagherifam is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo. She is working in interdisciplinary projects between Department of Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, and Oslo Research Hospital (Radium Hospital). She received her B. S in Department of applied chemistry from Urmia University in Iran. She got her master degree and PhD in Department of Polymer Science and Technology at Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. She is working on stimuli responsive polymeric nanostructures as drug carrier.