Preface xvii 1 A Comprehensive Review on Text Classification and Text Mining Techniques Using Spam Dataset Detection 1 Tamannas Siddiqui and Abdullah Yahya Abdullah Amer 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Text Mining Techniques 3 1.2.1 Data Mining 3 1.2.2 Information Retrieval 4 1.2.3 Natural Language Processing (NLP) 5 1.2.4 Information Extraction 5 1.2.5 Text Summarization 6 1.2.6 Text Categorization 7 1.2.7 Clustering 7 1.2.8 Information Visualization 7 1.2.9 Question Answer 8 1.3 Dataset and Preprocessing Steps 9 1.3.1 Text Preprocess 9 1.4 Feature Extraction 9 1.4.1 Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency 10 1.4.2 Bag of Words (BoW) 10 1.5 Supervised Machine Learning Classification 11 1.6 Evaluation 11 1.7 Experimentation and Discussion Results for Spam Detection Data 11 1.8 Text Mining Applications 13 1.9 Text Classification Support 13 1.9.1 Health 13 1.9.2 Business and Marketing 14 1.9.3 Law 14 1.10 Conclusions 14 References 15 2 Study of Lidar Signals of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using Statistical Technique 19 Kamana Mishra and Bhavani Kumar Yellapragada 2.1 Introduction 19 2.2 Methodology 21 2.2.1 A Statistical Approach to Determine the CBLH 21 2.2.2 A Statistical Approach to Determine the Best Fit Distribution to the Backscatter Signals of the Lidar Dataset 22 2.3 Mathematical Background of Method 23 2.4 Example and Result 24 2.5 Conclusion and Future Scope 27 Acknowledgement 28 References 28 Annexure 30 3 Optimal Personalized Therapies in Colon Cancer Induced Immune Response using a Fokker-Planck Framework 33 Souvik Roy and Suvra Pal 3.1 Introduction 33 3.2 The Control Framework Based on Fokker-Planck Equations 35 3.3 Theoretical Results 39 3.4 Numerical Schemes 41 3.5 Results 43 3.6 Conclusion 44 Acknowledgments 45 References 45 4 Detection and Classification of Leaf Blast Disease using Decision Tree Algorithm in Rice Crop 49 Sarvesh Vishwakarma and Bhavna Chilwal 4.1 Introduction 49 4.2 Proposed Methodology 51 4.3 Result Analysis 52 4.4 Conclusion 55 4.5 Future Work 55 References 56 5 Novel Hybrid Optimal Deep Network and Optimization Approach for Human Face Emotion Recognition 59 J. Seetha, M. Ayyadurai and M. Mary Victoria Florence 5.1 Introduction 60 5.2 Related Work 61 5.3 System Model and Problem Statement 62 5.4 Proposed Model 63 5.4.1 Preprocessing Stage 64 5.4.2 Knowledge Based Face Detection 64 5.4.3 Image Resizing 64 5.4.4 Feature Extraction 64 5.5 Proposed HDC-GEN Classification 65 5.6 Result and Discussion 68 5.6.1 Performance Metrics Evaluation 69 5.6.2 Comparative Analysis 70 5.7 Conclusion 74 References 74 6 An Application of Information Technology in Adaptive Leadership of Ministry of Ayush During Pandemic of Covid 19: A Case Study 77 Vikram Singh, Shikha Kapoor and Sandeep Kumar Gupta 6.1 Introduction 77 6.2 Ministry of AYUSH 78 6.3 Leadership Principles and Practices by Ministry of AYUSH During Covid- 19 79 6.4 Effective Communication 79 6.5 Sharing of Resources 80 6.6 Shared Decision Making 81 6.7 Training of Manpower 81 6.8 Use of IT Platform 81 6.9 Finding Opportunities for R&D During the Crisis 83 6.10 Collaborating with Stakeholders for International Day of Yoga (IDY) 84 6.11 Providing Hope When Nothing Seemed to be Working 87 6.12 Leveraging Old Knowledge 87 6.13 Conclusion 88 References 88 7 Encoder-Decoder Models for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction 91 Ashish Kumar Sharma and Rajeev Srivastava 7.1 Introduction 91 7.2 Literature Review 93 7.3 Experimental Work 93 7.3.1 Data Set 93 7.3.2 Proposed Methodology 94 7.3.3 Data Preprocessing 94 7.3.4 Long Short Term Memory 94 7.4 Results and Discussion 96 7.5 Conclusion 97 References 98 8 Hesitancy, Awareness, and Vaccination: A Computational Analysis on Complex Networks 101 Dibyajyoti Mallick, Aniruddha Ray, Ankita Das and Sayantari Ghosh 8.1 Introduction 101 8.2 Model Formulation 103 8.3 Model Analysis on Complex Network 106 8.3.1 Effect of Vaccination Rate 107 8.3.2 Effect of Negative Rumors 108 8.3.3 Effect of Positive Peer Influence 108 8.4 Conclusions and Perspectives 111 References 112 9 Propagation of Seismic Waves in Porous Thermoelastic Semi-Infinite Space with Impedance Boundary Conditions 115 Annu Rani and Dinesh Kumar Madan 9.1 Introduction 115 9.2 Basic Equations 116 9.3 Problem Formulation 118 9.4 Reflection at the Free Surface 121 9.4.1 Boundary Conditions 124 9.4.2 Energy Ratios 126 9.5 Numerical Results and Discussion 127 9.6 Conclusion 133 References 134 10 IoT Based Ensemble Predictive Techniques to Determine the Student Observing Analysis through E-Learning 137 Rufia Thaseen I., S. Shahar Banu and Sudha Rajesh 10.1 Introduction 138 10.2 Review of Literature 140 10.2.1 Objectives of the Study 142 10.3 Methodology 142 10.4 Analysis and Interpretation 143 10.5 Findings and Conclusion 147 References 148 11 Modelling and Analysis of a Congestion Dependent Queue with Bernoulli Scheduled Vacation Interruption and Client Impatience 151 K. Jyothsna and P. Vijaya Kumar 11.1 Introduction 152 11.2 Model Overview 154 11.3 Model Analysis 155 11.3.1 Pre-Arrival Epoch Probabilities 157 11.3.2 Arbitrary Epoch Probabilities 162 11.4 Special Cases 163 11.5 Performance Metrics 163 11.6 Numerical Outcomes 164 11.7 Conclusion 169 References 169 12 Resource Allocation Determines Alternate Cell Fate in Bistable Genetic Switch 173 Priya Chakraborty and Sayantari Ghosh 12.1 Introduction 173 12.2 Model Formulation 176 12.3 Result Section 178 12.3.1 Pitchfork Bifurcation in Genetic Toggle 178 Resource Affinity Regulates the Symmetry of Pitchfork Bifurcation 178 Availability of Total mRNA Pool Regulates the Symmetry of Pitchfork Bifurcation 180 Total Resource Availability Regulates the Point of Bifurcation in the System 180 12.3.2 Saddle Node Bifurcation in Genetic Toggle 180 Resource Distribution Regulates the Point of Bifurcation in Toggle Switch 182 Region of Interest in Toggle Switch is Significantly Regulated by Resource Allocation 182 Total Resource Availability T Regulates Saddle Node Bifurcation Curve 183 12.4 Conclusion 183 Acknowledgement 184 References 184 13 A Hybrid Approach to Ontology Evaluation 187 Aastha Mishra and Preetvanti Singh 13.1 Introduction 187 13.2 Background 188 13.3 The Developed OntoEva Method 189 13.4 Ontology Selection for Epilepsy Disorder 190 13.4.1 Accuracy 191 13.4.2 Adaptability 191 13.4.3 Clarity 191 13.4.4 Completeness 192 13.4.5 Conciseness 192 13.4.6 Consistency 192 13.4.7 Organizational Fitness 192 13.5 Results 201 13.6 Comparison of Ontologies 201 13.7 Conclusion 202 References 203 14 Smart Health Care Waste Segregation and Safe Disposal 205 R.M. Bommi, Sami Venkata Sai Rajeev, Sarvepalli Navya, Veluru Sai Teja and Uppala Supriya 14.1 Introduction 206 14.2 Related Works 207 14.3 System Architecture 210 14.3.1 Wrapping 212 14.3.2 Incinerator 213 14.3.3 Conveyor Cleaning System 213 14.3.4 Circuit Diagram 213 14.3.5 Optimal Path Planning Algorithm for Waste Collection 214 14.4 Methodology 214 14.5 Mobile App 217 14.6 Conclusions and Future Works 218 Declarations 219 Availability of Data and Materials 219 Competing Interests 219 Author’s Contribution 219 References 219 15 Investigation of Viscoelastic Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Flow Over an Expanded Lamina Surrounded in a Permeable Media 223 Hiranmoy Mondal, Arindam Sarkar and Raj Nandkeolyar 15.1 Introduction 223 15.1.1 Literature Review 223 15.1.2 Nomenclature 224 15.2 Formulation of the Problem 226 15.2.1 Analytical Solution 227 15.2.2 Numerical Methods (Spectral Quasi-Linearization Methods) 228 15.3 Result and Argument 230 15.4 Conclusion 235 References 236 16 Quickest Multi-Commodity Contraflow with Non-Symmetric Traversal Times 239 Shiva Prakash Gupta, Urmila Pyakurel and Tanka Nath Dhamala 16.1 Introduction 239 16.2 Preliminaries with Flow Models 242 16.2.1 Mathematical Model with Contraflow 242 16.3 QMCCF with Non-Symmetric Transit Times 244 16.3.1 Approximation Approach for the QMCCF 245 16.4 Conclusions 248 Acknowledgments 248 References 248 17 A Mathematical Representation for Deteriorating Goods with a Trapezoidal-Type Demand, Shortages and Time Dependent Holding Cost 251 Ruma Roy Chowdhury 17.1 Introduction 251 17.2 Assumptions and Notations 253 17.2.1 Assumptions 253 17.2.2 Notation 254 17.2.3 Decision Variables 255 17.3 Formulation and Solution 255 17.3.1 Case 1 i) 0 < ν < t 1 < t 2 < t 3 < T 255 17.3.2 Case 2 ii) 0 < t a < ν < t b < t c < T 257 17.3.3 Case 3 iii) 0 < t a < t b < ν < t c < T 259 17.4 Numerical Example 261 17.5 Discussion 261 17.6 Inference 262 References 262 18 An Amended Moth Flame Optimization Algorithm Based on Fibonacci Search Approach for Solving Engineering Design Problems 265 Saroj Kumar Sahoo and Apu Kumar Saha 18.1 Introduction 266 18.2 Classical MFO Algorithm 268 18.3 Proposed Method 270 18.4 Results and Discussions on IEEE CEC 2019 Benchmark Problems 273 18.5 Real-Life Applications 277 18.5.1 Optimal Gas Production Capacity Problem 277 18.5.2 Three-Bar Truss Design (TSD) Problem 277 18.6 Conclusion with Future Studies 278 References 279 19 Image Segmentation of Neuronal Cell with Ensemble Unet Architecture 283 Kirtan Kanani, Aditya K. Gupta, Ankit Kumar Nikum, Prashant Gupta and Dharmik Raval 19.1 Introduction 284 19.2 Methods 285 19.3 Dataset 285 19.4 Implementation Details 286 19.5 Evaluation Metrics 286 19.6 Result 286 19.7 Conclusion 289 References 289 20 Automorphisms of Some Non-Abelian p−Groups of Order p4 291 Muniya Sansanwal, Harsha Arora and Mahender Singh 20.1 Introduction 291 20.2 Categorization of p-Groups with Order p4 292 20.3 Number of Automorphisms of Some Non-Abelian Groups of Order p4 293 20.3.1 Computation of Automorphisms of Group G9 293 20.3.2 Computation of Automorphisms of Group G10 297 20.3.3 Computation of Automorphisms of G11 300 References 304 21 Viscoelastic Equation of p-Laplacian Hyperbolic Type with Logarithmic Source Term 305 Nazlı Irkıl and Erhan Pişkin 21.1 Introduction 305 21.2 Preliminaries 307 21.3 Global Existence Result 314 21.4 Blow Up Results of the Solution for Equation (21.1) 317 References 324 22 Flow Dynamics in Continuous-Time with Average Arc Capacities 327 Badri Prasad Pangeni and Tanka Nath Dhamala 22.1 Introduction 327 22.2 Literature Review 329 22.3 Failure in Extension of AP to AAP 329 22.4 Formulation 331 22.5 Conclusion 334 Acknowledgment 334 References 334 23 Analysis of a Multiserver System of Queue-Dependent Channel Using Genetic Algorithm 337 Anupama and Chandan Kumar 23.1 Introduction 337 23.2 Description of the Model 338 23.3 Notations 338 23.4 Steady State Equations 340 23.4.1 Performance Characteristics of the System 342 23.4.2 Queue Length Evaluations at Different Epochs 343 23.4.3 Leisure Period and Working Period Length 343 23.4.4 Cost of the System 343 23.5 Conclusions 347 References 347 24 An Approach to Ranking of Single Valued Neutrosophic Fuzzy Numbers Based on (α, β, γ) Cut Sets 349 Sunayana Saikia 24.1 Introduction 349 24.2 Definition and Representations 351 24.3 Proposed Method 355 24.4 Theorems 356 24.5 Numerical Examples 357 24.6 Conclusion 358 References 359 25 Performance Analysis of Database Models Based on Fuzzy and Vague Sets for Uncertain Query Processing 363 Sharmistha Ghosh and Surath Roy 25.1 Introduction 363 25.2 Basic Definitions 364 25.2.1 Fuzzy Set 365 25.2.2 Vague Set 365 25.2.3 Similarity Measure 365 25.3 Algorithm to Generate Membership Values 366 25.4 Real Life Applications 368 25.5 Conclusion 382 References 382 26 Estimating Error of Signals by Product Means (N, pn,qn) (C, 2) of the Fourier Series in a W(Lr , ξ (t))(r ≥ 1) Class 385 Pankaj Tiwari and Aradhana Dutt Jauhari 26.1 Introduction 385 26.1.1 Definition 1 386 26.1.2 Definition 2 386 26.1.3 Definition 3 386 26.1.4 Definition 4 387 26.1.5 Remark 1 387 26.2 Known Result 388 26.2.1 Theorem 1 388 26.3 Main Theorem 389 26.3.1 Theorem 2 389 26.4 Some Auxiliary Results 390 26.4.1 Lemma- 1 390 26.4.2 Lemma- 2 390 26.5 Theorem’s Proof 391 26.6 Applications 394 26.6.1 Cor. 1 394 26.6.2 Cor. 2 394 26.7 Conclusion 394 Acknowledgement 395 References 395 About the Editors 397 Index 401
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