<p><strong>'This is a fine contribution to the literature on European public policy and planning. It develops a critical approach to the European integration project, as this political idea is being translated into conceptions of the spatial organisation of the European territory and into resultant policy initiatives. Grounded in the new relational and multiscalar geography and in recent debates on planning theory, Richardson and Jensen provide a robust analysis of the power dynamics of contemporary European spatial policy initiatives.'</strong> - <em>Patsy Healey, University of Newcastle</em><br /><br /><strong>'Europeanisation is probably a more physical process than many of us realise. Jensen and Richardson show the many different sites at which the new spatiality of Europe is constructed showing the power play at work, and the different 'Europes' that actors seek to impose on others. Indispensable reading for a full understanding of politics in Europe.'</strong> - <em>Professor Maarten Hajer, University of Amsterdam</em><br /><br /><strong>'This book offers painstaking analyses of transnational planning practices.... the book enlightens by laying bare power struggles and alerting us to the complexities and contradictions involved in 'Making European Space'.'</strong> - <em>Andreas Faludi, University of Nimegen, The Netherlands</em></p>