As we enter the Industrial Revolution 4.0, demands for an increasing degree of trust and privacy protection continue to be voiced. The development of blockchain technology is very important because it can help frictionless and transparent financial transactions and improve the business experience, which in turn has far-reaching effects for economic, psychological, educational and organizational improvements in the way we work, teach, learn and care for ourselves and each other. Blockchain is an eccentric technology, but at the same time, the least understood and most disruptive technology of the day. This book covers the latest technologies of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology and their applications. This book discusses the blockchain and cryptocurrencies related issues and also explains how to provide the security differently through an algorithm, framework, approaches, techniques and mechanisms. A comprehensive understanding of what blockchain is and how it works, as well as insights into how it will affect the future of your organization and industry as a whole and how to integrate blockchain technology into your business strategy. In addition, the book explores the blockchain and its with other technologies like Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence, etc.
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List of Figures xv List of Tables xix Foreword xxi Preface xxiii Acknowledgments xxix Acronyms xxxi Part I Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology 1 Blockchain: A New Era of Technology 3Gururaj H L, Manoj Athreya A, Ashwin A Kumar, Abhishek M Holla, Nagarajath S M, Ravi Kumar V 1.1 Introduction to Web 3.0 6 1.1.1 Web 1.0 6 1.1.2 Web 2.0 6 1.1.3 Web 3.0 7 1.2 Blockchain 7 1.2.1 Hash Cryptography 8 1.2.2 Immutability 9 1.2.3 Distributed P2P Network 10 1.2.4 Mining 11 1.2.5 Consensus Protocol 11 1.3 Bitcoin 12 1.4 Ethereum 12 1.4.1 Ethereum Network 13 1.4.2 Interfacing with Ethereum 13 1.4.3 Ethereum Account 14 1.4.4 Ethereum Network Transactions 15 1.5 InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) 15 1.6 Decentralized Applications (DApps) 16 1.7 Case Study: FIR 17 1.7.1 Project Description 18 1.7.2 Tools Used 18 1.7.3 Project Workings 20 1.8 Conclusion 22 References 23 2 Blockchain: A Path to the Future 25Avinash Kaur, Anand Nayyar, Parminder Singh 2.1 Introduction 26 2.2 Blockchain Architecture 27 2.2.1 Block 27 2.2.2 Digital Signature 28 2.2.3 Main Attributes of Blockchain 29 2.3 Types of Blockchain Systems 29 2.4 Consensus Algorithms 30 2.4.1 Proof of Work (PoW) 30 2.4.2 Pure Stake-Based Consensus 34 2.4.3 Leased Proof of Stake (LPoS) 34 2.4.4 Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) 34 2.4.5 Hybrid Form of PoS and PoW 35 2.4.6 Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) 35 2.4.7 Ripple 35 2.4.8 Tendermint 35 2.4.9 Proof of Elapsed Time 36 2.4.10 Proof of Activity (PoA) 36 2.4.11 Proof of Burn (PoB) 36 2.5 Blockchain Applications That are Transforming Society 37 2.6 Future Scope 38 References 39 3 Blockchain in 5G 43C. Mageshkumar, J. Rajeshkumar, L. Godlin Atlas, P. Hamsagayathri 3.1 Introduction 44 3.1.1 What is Blockchain Technology? 45 3.1.2 Blockchain in Real-Time World 45 3.1.3 Working Process of Blockchain 47 3.2 Data Economy of Blockchain and 5G 47 3.3 Combination of Blockchain Technology and 5G Mobile Connection 50 3.4 How to Use 5G and Blockchain Together 50 3.5 Applications of Blockchain and 5G 52 3.5.1 Smart Contracts 52 3.5.2 Data Management 52 3.5.3 Supply Chain Auditing 52 3.5.4 Entertainment and Multimedia 52 3.5.5 Smart Home 53 3.5.6 Logistics and Shipping 53 3.5.7 Drone Operation 53 3.6 Conclusion 53 References 53 4 Blockchain in Social Networking 55T. Poongodi, R. Sujatha, D. Sumathi, P. Suresh, B. Balamurugan 4.1 Overview of Blockchain and Social Networking Platform 56 4.1.1 Basic Structure of Blockchain 57 4.1.2 Review of Social Networking Platform 58 4.1.3 Relationship between Social Media and Blockchain 60 4.2 Decentralized Online Social Network 60 4.2.1 Distributed Online Social Network Architecture 60 4.2.2 Social Data Representation 61 4.2.3 Security Issues 63 4.3 Trusted Social Network with Blockchain Technology 63 4.3.1 Rumor Spreading Model 65 4.3.2 Blockchain Protocols for Rumor Spreading 66 4.3.3 Comparison of SIR and Blockchain-Based SIR 67 4.4 Privacy-Preserving Services for Social Network 69 4.4.1 Blockchain-Based Social Media 70 4.4.2 Impact of Blockchain in Social Media 71 4.5 Issues and Challenges of Blockchain in Social Network 72 4.6 Conclusion 73 References 73 5 Integrating Blockchain with CACC for Trust and Platoon Management 77Pranav Kumar Singh, Roshan Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi, Sukumar Nandi 5.1 Introduction 78 5.2 Literature Review 80 5.3 Background 81 5.3.1 CACC Platooning 81 5.3.2 Blockchain 82 5.3.3 Smart Contracts 82 5.3.4 Ethereum 82 5.4 Consensus in Blockchain 83 5.4.1 Proof-of-Work (PoW) 83 5.4.2 Proof-of-Authority (PoA) 84 5.5 Proposed Framework 84 5.5.1 Blockchain at the Vehicular Plane for Intra-platoon Communications 84 5.5.2 Blockchain at the RSU Plane for Trust and Reputation Management 89 5.6 Experiments 91 5.6.1 Experiment 1: Blockchain for Intra-platoon Communication and Platoon Management 91 5.6.2 Experiment 2: Blockchain for Trust and Reputation Management 91 5.7 Results and Discussion 92 5.8 Conclusion 94 References 95 6 Impact of Blockchain for Internet of Things Security 99Bhawana Rudra 6.1 Introduction 100 6.2 Challenges and Issues in IoT 101 6.2.1 Attacks on IoT 101 6.3 Blockchain 106 6.3.1 Features 107 6.3.2 Blockchain Types 110 6.4 IoT Blockchain Approaches 110 6.4.1 Blockchain Platforms for IoT 111 6.4.2 Applications 114 6.5 Research Challenges 119 6.6 Conclusion 121 References 121 7 Chaos Control Dynamics of Cryptovirology in Blockchain 129Rashmi Bhardwaj and Saureesh Das 7.1 Introduction 130 7.2 Mathematical Modeling and Stability Analysis 132 7.2.1 Fixed-Point Analysis 134 7.2.2 Phase Space Analysis 137 7.2.3 Time Series Analysis 138 7.2.4 Bifurcation Analysis 139 7.3 Lyapunov Exponent and Chaos 142 7.4 Controlling of Chaos 144 7.5 Conclusion 145 References 146 8 Blockchain and Bitcoin Security 149K. Murugeswari, B. Balamurugan and G. Ganesan 8.1 Introduction 150 8.2 Security Threats to Bitcoin 151 8.3 Working Idea of Bitcoin 151 8.4 Case Study for Analyzing the Reason for Fall in Bitcoin Value 152 8.4.1 Security Threats to Bitcoin Protocol 152 8.4.2 Security Threats to Bitcoin Services 152 8.4.3 Security Threats by Other Factors 152 8.5 Analyzed Report 152 8.6 Rise of Bitcoin Value 154 8.7 Conclusion 154 References 154 Part II Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Applications 9 Applications with Blockchain Technique 159L. Godlin Atlas, C. Magesh Kumar, Rajakumari, P. Hamsagayathi 9.1 Introduction 160 9.1.1 Overview 160 9.1.2 Decentralization 161 9.1.3 Immutability 163 9.2 Applications of Blockchain Technology 164 9.2.1 Blockchain Technology in the Food Industry 164 9.2.2 Cybersecurity 165 9.2.3 Voting 167 9.2.4 Land Registry 169 9.2.5 Blockchain Applications in Healthcare 170 9.2.6 Blockchain Applications in Internet of Things (IoT) 173 9.2.7 Vehicle Industries 176 9.2.8 Smart Appliances 176 9.2.9 Supply Chains 177 9.3 Conclusion 177 References 177 10 Impact of Application of Big Data on Cryptocurrency 181Sandeep Kr. Sharma, Rajiv Kumar Modanval, N. Gayathri, S. Rakesh Kumar and C. Ramesh 10.1 Introduction 182 10.2 Related Studies 183 10.3 Cryptocurrency 183 10.3.1 How Does a Cryptocurrency Transaction Work? 184 10.3.2 The Cryptocurrency Market 185 10.3.3 Future of Cryptocurrency in a Country Like India 185 10.4 Blockchain 186 10.5 Big Data 187 10.5.1 Introduction 187 10.5.2 Importance of Big Data 188 10.6 Coexistence of Big Data and Blockchain 189 10.6.1 Ensuring Data Quality Using Blockchain and Big Data 190 10.6.2 Where Can Cryptocurrency with Big Data Be Used? 191 10.7 Future Aspects of Cryptocurrency with Big Data 192 10.8 Conclusion 193 References 193 11 A Neoteric Smart and Sustainable Farming Environment Incorporating Blockchain 197M. Afshar Alam, Abdul Ahad, Sherin Zafar, Gautami Tripathi 11.1 Introduction 198 11.2 Artificial Intelligence Technology and Its Impact on Agriculture 200 11.2.1 Future of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 200 11.2.2 AI vs. Grasshoppers 201 11.3 Blockchain Technology (BCT) and Its Impact on Agriculture 201 11.3.1 Types of Blockchain 202 11.3.2 Generations of Blockchain Technology 202 11.3.3 Blockchain in Agriculture: A Boost to Smart Agriculture 203 11.4 A Neoteric Smart and Sustainable Farming Environment Incorporating Blockchain-Based Artificial Intelligence Approach 206 11.5 Conclusion and Future Work 211 References 211 12 Theories of Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Distributed Systems and Environmental Implications 215P. Mary Jeyanthi 12.1 Introduction 216 12.2 Literature Review 218 12.3 Theories of Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Distributed Systems 219 12.3.1 The Theory of Blockchains 219 12.3.2 Definition of Blockchains 220 12.3.3 Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) vs. Blockchain 220 12.3.4 Evolving Terminology with Evolved Technology: Decentralized vs. Distributed 221 12.3.5 Main Bitcoin Properties: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System 224 12.4 Environmental Implications of the Cryptocurrency Market 232 12.4.1 Key Stats 232 12.4.2 Energy Consumption 234 12.4.3 What’s Next? 235 12.5 Conclusion 236 References 236 13 Blockchain Technology: A Paradigm Shift in Investment Banking 239R. Vedapradha, Hariharan Ravi, Arockia Rajasekar 13.1 Introduction 240 13.1.1 Evolution of Technology 240 13.1.2 Scope of Applications 240 13.1.3 Merits of Blockchain Technology in Banks 242 13.1.4 Investment Banks 243 13.1.5 Theoretical Framework 243 13.1.6 Investment Banking Operational Levels 244 13.1.7 Conceptual Framework 247 13.1.8 Challenges 248 13.2 Literature Review 249 13.3 Statement of the Problem 250 13.3.1 Objectives 250 13.3.2 Hypothesis 251 13.3.3 Sampling 251 13.3.4 Data Collection and Source 251 13.3.5 Variables and Statistical Tools Used 251 13.3.6 Limitations 251 13.4 Results 251 13.5 Discussion of Findings 256 13.6 Conclusion 257 References 257 14 Trading Energy as a Digital Asset: A Blockchain-Based Energy Market 261Claudia Pop, Marcel Antal, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel 14.1 Introduction 262 14.2 Blockchain-Based P2P Energy Market 263 14.3 Distributed Ledger for Energy Tracking 265 14.3.1 Energy Provenance and Immutability 266 14.3.2 Energy Transactions Privacy 268 14.4 Self-Enforcing Smart Contracts for Energy Market Management 271 14.4.1 Prosumers Registration and Permission Control 271 14.4.2 Prosumers Energy Trading 273 14.5 Conclusion 277 References 277 15 Application View towards Blockchain: Demystifying the Myths 281Utkarsh Chitranshi and Sunil Kumar Chawla 15.1 Introduction 282 15.1.1 Problems in the Present System 282 15.1.2 Definitions 283 15.2 What Blockchain Does Not Replace 286 15.3 Mining Mechanism 287 15.4 Various Participants of Blockchain System 287 15.5 Organized Use Cases 288 15.6 Hyperledger 289 15.7 Steps to Creating Your Own App 289 15.8 Advertising Industry 290 15.9 Present Day Implementation 291 15.10 Versatile Use Cases 292 15.11 Myths 293 15.12 Conclusion 294 References 294
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This book discusses the blockchain and cryptocurrencies related issues and also explains how to provide security through different algorithms, frameworks, approaches, techniques and mechanisms, while exploring how blockchain is applied to other technologies such as IoT and Big Data as well as Artificial Intelligence. As we enter the Industrial Revolution 4.0, demands for an increasing degree of trust and privacy protection continue to be voiced. The development of blockchain technology is very important because it can help frictionless and transparent financial transactions and improve the business experience, which in turn has far-reaching effects for economic, psychological, educational and organizational improvements in the way we work, teach, learn and care for ourselves and each other. Blockchain is an eccentric technology, and at the same time, the least understood and most disruptive technology of the day. In 15 chapters, this book covers the latest technologies of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology and their applications. The book discusses the blockchain and cryptocurrencies related issues and also explains how to provide the security differently through an algorithm, framework, approaches, techniques and mechanisms. It provides a comprehensive understanding of what blockchain is and how it works, as well as insights into how it will affect the future of your organization and industry as a whole, and how to integrate blockchain technology into your business strategy. In addition, the book explores the blockchain with other technologies like Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence, etc. Audience The book is directed to three distinct groups: computer scientists, cyber security engineers, software developers, and information technology specialists; innovators, engineers and managers in all types of businesses; policy makers in governments tasked with ensuring data integrity.
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Gulshan Shrivastava earned his Master of Technology in Information Security from GGSIPU Delhi, India and an MBA degree in IT & Finance from Punjab Technical University, India and is currently pursuing his PhD in Computer Science & Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Patna, India. He earned certification of SCJP from Sun Microsystem and has edited/authored 6 books and at least 30 research articles in international journals. His research interests include information security, data analytics, cyber security & forensics, mobile computing, intrusion detection and computer networks.

Dac-Nhuong Le has a MSc and PhD in computer science from Vietnam National University, Vietnam in 2009 and 2015, respectively. He is Associate Professor in Computer Science, Deputy-Head of Faculty of Information Technology, Haiphong University, Vietnam. He has a total academic teaching experience of 12+ years with many publications in reputed international conferences, journals and online book chapters. His area of research areas include evaluation computing and approximate algorithms, network communication, security and vulnerability, network performance analysis and simulation, cloud computing, IoT and image processing in biomedical. Currently, he is serving on editorial boards of international journals and he has authored more than 15 computer science books, with at least 5 with the Wiley-Scrivener imprint.

Kavita Sharma is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Computer Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India. She received the Master of Technology (M. Tech.) in Information Security from Ambedkar Institute Technology of Advanced Communication Technology and Research, Delhi, India. She is the editor of 3 books and authored more than 48 research papers and book chapters. Her research area is mobile device/smartphone security and data analytics.