<p>"Both volumes of the book are very suitable for a broad audience and address the issue head on. The volumes nicely accomplish their goals. The editors have crafted a highly accessible publication that invites readers to digest it in a single sitting, and those who take that opportunity will be pleasantly surprised. The volumes seamlessly interweave thoughts on the history of changes in weather pattern, the dynamics of climate, and its effect on horticulture. Volume 2 ventures into some of the new emerging approaches like use of nana-particles bio chart technologies, home therapy, to name a few. Is change in climate dynamics altering the horticultural scenario? Both volumes of the book agree to the fact. There is a need to protect these valuable crops for sustainability against the climate change scenario. Both volumes contribute well and raise the attention toward the serious issue regarding changes in the climate dynamics affecting horticultural scenario, supporting with strong and justifiable facts."</p><p>— <strong>Prof. (Dr.) R. S. Dhua</strong>, Former Head, Department of Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, Faculty of Horticulture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, India</p>