Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Structures and Building Materials (ICSBM 2014), March 15-16, 2014, Guangzhou, China. The 431 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Structural Engineering, Chapter 2: Monitoring and Control of Structures,Chapter 3: Structural Rehabilitation, Retrofitting and Strengthening, Chapter 4: Reliability and Durability of Structures,Chapter 5: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation,Chapter 6: Bridge Engineering, Chapter 7: Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Chapter 8: Tunnel, Subway and Underground Facilities, Chapter 9: Seismic Engineering, Chapter 10: Roads, Railway Engineering and Traffic Engineering, Chapter 11: Hydrology, Coastal and Hydraulic Engineering, Chapter 12: Computational Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling, Chapter 13: Construction Technology, Chapter 14: Project Management and Engineering Management, Chapter 15: Architectural Design and Its Theory,Chapter 16: Urban Planning and Design, Chapter 17: Landscape Planning and Design,Chapter 18: Architectural Environment, Eco-Building and Green Building, Chapter 19: Building Energy Saving Technology,Chapter 20: Construction Materials Research,Chapter 21: Materials Science, Chapter 22: Data and Signal Processing, Chapter 23: Environmental Engineering and Wastewater Treatment, Chapter 24: Engineering Education
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Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Structures and Building Materials (ICSBM 2014), March 15-16, 2014, Guangzhou, China
Preface and Conference OrganizationChapter 1: Structural EngineeringA Nonlinear Model for Beam-Column Joint Based on OpenSeesA Study on the Effect of a Dyke Reinforced by Geotextile-Encased Sand ColumnsAnalysis of a Transmission Tower Structure with Dynamic Elastic-Plastic Time History MethodAnalysis of Composite Beam with Different Web OpeningsAnalysis of Reconstruction and Reinforcement Design for a Thermal Power Plant Boiler FrameAxial Strains in FRP-Confined Normal- and High-Strength Concrete: An Examination of Strain Measurement MethodsComparison of Stress-Strain Relationships of FRP and Actively Confined High-Strength Concrete: Experimental ObservationsConstruction Control of a Continuous Beam Arch Composite BridgeConstruction Technique of Cast In Situ RC Grillage Shear Wall Building Formed with Thermal Insulation Hollow BlocksDamage Identification Based on Power Spectral Density Sensitivity Analysis of Structural ResponsesDamage Location Identification of Truss Structure Based on Strain Modal MethodDesign Analysis of Steel Frame for Denitrification through Existing StructureDesign and Numerical Simulation on Concrete Two-Way Slab Strengthened with Partially Bonded Steel PlateDiscussion on the Rationality Simplified Calculation Method of Reinforced Concrete Two-Way SlabDisplacement Control Technology on High-Rise Steel Structure about Main Power House of Thermal Power PlantDynamic Analysis of Tapered Plates Based on Higher Order Beam TheoryEffect of Loading Pattern on Performance of FRP-HSC-Steel Double Skin Tubular ColumnsEvaluation of Snow Load Using a Wind Tunnel on the Arched HouseEvaluation of the Fire Resistance of H-Section Made of High Strength Structural Steels with a Difference of LengthExperiment Design of the Scale Model of the RC Frame Structure under Internal Blast LoadingExperimental Study of Reinforcement Effect of Injured Frame Joints under Different Axial Compression RatioExperimental Study of Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Externally Bonded GFRP SheetsExperimental Study on Early-Age Crack of RC Using TSTMExperimental Study on Glued Bamboo BeamExperimental Study on the Flexural Behavior of Stone Slabs with near Surface Mounted Steel BarFailure Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Explosion and Post-Explosion FireFinite Element Software for Optimization of Triangular Light Roof Truss Structure of GymnasiumGeometric Nonlinear Shallow Shells for Variable Thickness InvestigationInterfacial Slip Calculation of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Plate under Mid-Span Concentrated LoadsIsolation Performance Analysis of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Composite Structure Based on the Lead Rubber BearingLifting Point Optimization of Large Steel Truss on the Principle of Minimum Potential EnergyNon Shrinkage Self-Compacting Steel Box Concrete Application in a Landscape TowerNonlinear Buckling Analysis of Long-Span Suspended Latticed Intersected Cylindrical ShellNonlinear Finite Element Method Ultimate Strength Analysis of Open Box GirdersNonlinear Numerical Study of Cold-Formed Lipped Channel Beam-ColumnsOn Expected Performance of a Frame-Structure Made by All GFRP Pultruded ProfilesParametric Sensitivity Analysis of Long-Span Arch-Truss String StructurePerformance Based Optimized Design of Steel StructurePrediction Method of the Load Resisting Mechanisms in the Corroded RC BeamsResearch on Compressible Flow around Cylinder and Truncated Cone with LES MethodSnow Wind Tunnel Experiment for Snowdrift Prediction of Domed StadiumStress and Stability Analysis of a Cooling Tower by ANSYSStudy on Collapse Numerical Simulation Method of Frame Structures Based on Explicit DynamicsStudy on Dynamic Characteristics of a New Space Latticed Shell String StructureStudy on New Reinforcing Method of Composite Beam with Web Openings under Negative MomentTest Scheme and Result Analysis of New-Type Frame Structure with Column End of Steel-Concrete Composite JointThe Dynamic Characteristic and Response's Discussion of External Prestressing Curved BeamThe Effect of Splicing Area Parameters on Mechanical Behavior of Beam-Column Connection with Cantilever Beam SplicingThe Numerical Simulation Experiment of Exploded in the Flat Box Sealed StructureThe Optimization Calculation and Analysis of Trough Solar Collector Bracket SystemThermal Effect Test of Outer Compressive Ring of the Roof of Bao'an StadiumTransverse Free Vibration of Timoshenko Beams Resting on Viscoelastic FoundationsRPC Pole Composite Cross Arm Design and Wind-Induced Dynamic AnalysisExterior-Template Design for Concrete Engineering in an Arched StructureThe Strain Change Rules of Full-Scale High Strength Concrete Frame Columns with High Axial Compression RationsUpheaval Buckling Analysis of Buried Offshore Pipelines under High Temperature and High PressureA Case Study on the Use of Aluminum Forms in Nuclear Power Plant ConstructionChapter 2: Monitoring and Control of StructuresA DE-Based Algorithm for Structural Damage DetectionConstruction Monitoring of Prestressed Concrete Continuous Beam BridgeExperimental Measurement of Two-Dimensional Circular Boundary Temperature Field by Acoustic MethodKnowledge of the Construction Technique of the Multiple Leaf Masonry Façades of Palazzo Ducale in Venice with ND and MD TestsModal Parameter Identification of Concrete Filled Steel Tube Arch Bridge Based on Stochastic Subspace MethodMoving Force Identification Based on Firefly AlgorithmStatic Monitoring and Non-Destructive Test of a Historic Damaged PalaceStructural Damage Detection by Fusion of GA and PSOStructural Diagnosis of a Historic Tower Hit by EarthquakeTest of Thick Rubber Bearings on its Compressive PropertiesThe Vibration Modal Displacement Component Method of Identifying the Crack Damage from Simple Supported BeamDevelopment of On-Site Fast Detector Used for Waterproof Membrane Joint Peeling StrengthAnalysis of Displacement Influence Line Characteristics of Simply Supported Beam with Local DamageDetection and Monitoring Technologies of Bridge Cable Force and DiseaseEdge Detection Technology and its Application in the Model Test of Vehicle Bridge Coupled VibrationCritical Application Technology of PIV in Dynamic Centrifugal Test and Design Method of InstrumentationDetection of Unfavorable Karst Cavities in the Carbonaceous Bedrock Area at the Kaihua Segment of Hangzhou-Xinanjiang-Jingdezhen ExpresswayUbiquitous Sensor Network for Construction Site MonitoringResearch on the Environmental Effects of GB-SAR for Dam MonitoringChapter 3: Structural Rehabilitation, Retrofitting and StrengtheningA New Reinforcement Measure Suited for Space Truss with No-Fire OperationExperimental Investigation on Axial Compressive Behavior of Masonry Column Strengthened by SGFRPExperimental Investigation on Shear-Reinforced Masonry Sample with FRP BarsExperimental Study on the Bonding Behavior of GFRP-to-Brick InterfaceModel's Calibration for Masonry Reinforced with FRP Mesh-BarsReinforcement Planning Decision of Old Bridge Based on TOPSIS-AHP MethodReview of the Study on the FRP Strengthened Masonry WallsSimulation on Strengthening of a Cement Fresh Material SiloThe Concrete Protective Effect of Silane Impregnated Materials with Different Molecular Chain StructureSafety Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Girder Bridge after Strengthened with Pasting TechnologyChapter 4: Reliability and Durability of StructuresApplication of Fuzzy Pattern Recognition in Spalling Risk Evaluation of Concrete Structures at High TemperatureApplication of the Failure Assessment Method for Cracked PipelineExperimental Study on Influence of Bending Load on Chloride Ion Concentration of Concrete in Marine EnvironmentNational Road 209 Line Shibi Mountain Bridge Concrete Anti-Carbonation Performance AnalysisSafety Assessment of Large-Scale Crude Oil Tank after Fire ProcessThe Effect of Section Optimization on the Double Nonlinear Global Stability of Latticed ShellThe Influence of Main Components of Building under Residual Deformation in Subsidence AreaChapter 5: Disaster Prevention and MitigationExplosion Experimental Study Based on the Small Tailings Pond ModelFire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Column Exposed to Fire with Cooling PhaseModeling of Mechanical Damage in Traditional Brickwork Walls after Fire ExposureResearch on HSE Risk Assessment and Control in Oil-Gas Drilling OperationsStudy on Fire Risk Assessment on Irradiation Room under Stuck Radioactive SourcesStudy on Fire Risk Assessment on Round Irradiation Room of Stacking under Stuck Radioactive SourcesWind Tunnel Test of Symmetrical Twin-Tower Tall Building ModelWork at Height in Safety Work Plan ManagementChapter 6: Bridge EngineeringA Revised the B3 Creep Prediction Model Based on Short-Time TestsAn Analysis on the Deformation of an Arch Bridge under the Action of Live Load by Using ANSYSDynamic Model Scheme Optimization Based on Fuzzy Decision Theory of Self-Anchored Cable-Stayed Suspension BridgeEffect of Wheel Pressure on Vibration of Straddle Monorail Transit Vehicle-Bridge SystemEstimation Method for Prestress Loss of Externally Prestressed Composite Girder BridgesFinite Element Simulation of Large Segment Hoisting Construction for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeHybrid Vibration Control of Self-Anchored Cable-Stayed Suspension BridgeInfluence of Tensioning Stress to Web Cracking of Rigid Frame Bridge in Cantilever ConstructionInvestigation on Nonlinear Vibration of the Cable in Cable-Stayed Bridge in 3D SpaceKey Technologies Research in Incremental Launching Demolition Construction of Beijiang BridgeOptimal Design of Suspension Bridge Based on Minimization of Life Cycle CostResearch on Mechanical Behavior of Box Girder with Corrugated Steel Webs of Cable Stayed BridgeResearch on the Wave Load Effect Based on Time History Analysis of Donghai Island BridgeRisk Prevention Measures for Three-Tower and Four-Span Suspension Bridge under Vehicle FireStructure Calculation of Die Carrier and Determination of Pre-Camber of Main Girder of Cable Stayed BridgeStudy on Nonlinear Structural Behaviors of Steel and Concrete Composite SlabThe Key Technologies Research in Demolition Construction of Liuxi River BridgeThe Local Stress Analysis of Slide Beam Taking into Account the Roughness of Girder UndersurfaceBridge Pavla Wonky in Pardubice. Diagnostics of Corrosion Condition of External Cables and Use of Special Materials for Proposal of TreatmentChapter 7: Geotechnical and Geological EngineeringA Constitutive Model with Effect of Temperature for Frozen SoilA Statistical Damage Constitutive Model for Brittle Rocks Based on the Lade-Duncan Failure CriterionAnalysis and Study on Slope Stability of High Fill SubgradeAnalysis of One-Dimensional Thermal Consolidation for Saturated Soil Considering Different PermeabilitiesAnalysis on the Influence of the Primary Consolidation Settlement of the e~p Curves and the Soil Bulk Density of the Soft Soil FoundationAnalysis the Influence of Non-Prestressed Reinforcement for Horizontal Bearing Capacity of PHC Pipe PileCharacteristics of Xinjiang Bad Foundation SoilDiscussion on Application of Empirical Formulas for Ultimate Bearing CapacityEffects of Ice Content on Mechanical Behavior of Frozen Loess under Uniaxial CompressionExperimental Study and Numerical Simulation on the Large-Sized Models of Micro Anti-Slide PilesExperimental Study of Meijiang Artificial Island FillGround Response of Seasonal Frozen Site under Moderate Intensity EarthquakeInfluence Factor on Dilatancy of Coarse-Grained Soil Based on Large-Scale Triaxial TestInfluence of Existing State of Pore Aqueous Solution on the Swelling Pressure of Expansive SoilsNumerical Analysis of the Excavation of Deep Pit Based on Mohr-Coulomb Failure ModelNumerical Simulation of Unloading Zone Division for Excavated Rock SlopeNumerical Tests on Laterally Loaded Drilled Shafts Socketed in RockOn Atypical Affection on Environment due to Dewatering of Foundation Pit in Developed River System AreaPredicts Based on Multi Modality Support Vector of the Settlement of Composite FoundationResearch of Stratigraphic Classification Based on Difficult Degree of ConstructionResearch on Application of Suction Bucket Foundation for Transmission Tower in River Network AreaResearch on Improved AHP Evaluation in Supporting the Right to Determine the Weight of Deep FoundationStability Analysis of Surrounding Rock with Two Groups Parallel Joints Using DDARF MethodStress-Strain State of Weightless Inhomogeneous Array with Cylindrical HoleChapter 7: Geotechnical and Geological EngineeringStudy of Reasonable Length of Coal Seam Mining under Different Fault DipsStudy of Reinforcement Scheme for Tunnel Heaving due to Excavation of Sunken Plaza over Subway TunnelsStudy on Coal Seam Mining Face Floor Failure under Imbalance High Water PressureStudy on Effect of Excavation Depth on Internal Force of Retaining Structure of Arc Row Piles with Arc Ring Beam on the Pile TopStudy on Expansion Properties Experimental of the Different Stratification Slates in ChongqingStudy on the Interfacial Shear Stress Distribution Characteristics of Geotechnical Prestressed Anchorage StructureTesting and Numerical Simulation Research on Shear Band of SoilThe Application of Stepwise-Discriminant-Analysis Oriented FCM Method in Debris Flow ClassificationThe Comparison of the Loess Mechanical Properties under Plane Strain and Conventional Triaxial ExperimentsThe Experiment on Soil Water Characteristic Curve Considering the Effect of Urea ConcentrationThe Preliminary Study on the Impact of the Velocity Situ Test Standard Deviation to the Response Spectra in Deep-Soft SitesThe Strength Calculation Method of Foundation Treated with Sand WellThe Study of Jinnan Loess Collapsible and DepthStudy on the Prevention Measures and Causes of Cracks in Arch Crests of Galleries in High Concrete DamsAnalysis of the Influence of Water Content on Shanxi Loess CBR and Rebound ModuleStudy on Group Piles Effects of Offshore Engineering under Lateral LoadModel Tests on Additional Stress Transmission between Different Granular Materials in Foundation SoilsExperimental Research of Matrix Suction of the Unsaturated Red ClayChapter 8: Tunnel, Subway and Underground FacilitiesA Scale Model Test on Hydraulic Resistance of Tunnel Elements during Floating TransportationEffect Analysis on Tunnel Serviceability State by the above Expressway Extension in Loess AreaGround Treatment and its Application in Shallow Subway Tunnel Crossing Urban River by Shield Tunneling MethodKey Technology for the Structure Design of Mining Metro Station in Rock StrataMechanism Analysis of Hydraulic Cutting Outburst Prevention Measure Applied to Mining Area of Heilongjiang ProvinceResearch of Train Wind Characteristics in High-Speed Railway TunnelResearch on Influence of Span on Surrounding Rock Quality of TunnelsStress Management in Rock Drivage Team Based on Fault Tree Analysis MethodStudy of the Safety Evaluation of Urban Subway Operation Based on ExtenicsStudy on Model of Back-Filled Grouting of Shield TunnelStudy on Structural Design and Driving Process of Subway Station Passageway Crossing Urban Trunk Road by Tunneling MethodStudy on the Model Test of Tunnel Lining Deformation Characteristic under the Frost Heaving ForceThe Analysis of Stratum Settlement for a Large Diameter Slurry Shield Obliquely Under-Passing Embankment of the Yangtze RiverThe Operation Safety Evaluation of Xi'an SubwaySafety Assessment of Secondary Lining on the Basis of Load Structure Method and Strength Reduction MethodChapter 9: Seismic EngineeringAnalysis of the Potential of Seismic Stability for the Southern Region of Tangshan Based on ArcGISDynamic Response Analysis of Soil Slope under Strong EarthquakeExperimental and Numerical Study of Enhancing the Seismic Behavior of Rammed Earth BuildingsFinite Element Analysis on Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of HRBF RC Pile TipResearch on the Reparability of Structures Based on Post-Earthquake Residual DeformationSeismic Performance Evaluation of Residential Structures in EgyptSeismic Performance of T-Shaped CFT Column to Steel Frame Beam Connection – Experimental StudyShaking Table Test of Underground Pipeline under Three Dimension Seismic Excitation – Numerical SimulationStudy on Corrugated Steel Web Bridge Seismic Isolation Technology in High Intensity Seismic RegionStudy on Resilience Model of High-Strength Concrete Frame ColumnsThe Improvement Ways to Equivalent Linearization Method Based on the Difference between Results of Two Programs in Moderate Weak SiteThe Research Status of Wheel-Rail Interaction Study under the Seismic Load ConditionThe Seismic Performance Analysis for the Ceramsite Concrete Frame – Shear Wall StructureThe Stiffness Change and Dynamic Characteristics of the RC Frame Weak Layer under Strong EarthquakesVerification of the Applicability of Seismic Safety Evaluation Program LSSRLI-1 in Stiff and Half-Stiff Sites Using Exact SolutionNonlinear Seismic Responses Analysis of Jinwan Square No.9 BuildingFinite Element Analysis on Seismic Behavior of Steel Frame-Steel Reinforced Concrete Lateral Resistance Wall StructureResearch of Seismic Design Method of RC Frame Structure Retrofitted by FRPSeismic Reinforcement Application of Buckling-Restrained Braces in the Bottom Frame-Shear Wall StructureThe Finite Element Analysis on Seismic Performance of Ring Beam and Constructional Column with Different Storey in Masonry BuildingDamage Assessment of Historic Buildings Hit by EarthquakeA Method of Optimum Installation of the Viscoelastic Damper on the Steel Frame StructureStudy on the Comparison of Ground Response Analysis for Class І SiteConsidering Seismic Acceleration Distribution Coefficient of Highway Roadbed Stability StudyResearch on Seismic Displacement Response of Cable Stayed Bridge without Back StaysComparative Study on Seismic Design Method of High-Piled Wharf of Different Depth in China and JapanReliability of Pile Foundation of Offshore Jacket Platforms Subjected to Seismic ActionChapter 10: Roads, Railway Engineering and Traffic EngineeringA Column Generation Algorithm for High-Speed Railway Seat Inventory ControlAeronautical Study for Flight Time Estimation Applying Artificial Neural Network and Genetic AlgorithmAnalysis on Coal Transportation Network Invulnerability Based on Edge FailureAnalysis on the Impact of the Type and Content of SBS on the Performance of the Modified Asphalt MixtureAnalysis on the Main Factors Influencing the High-Speed Railway Passenger FlowApplied Research of the Relational Matrix Analysis in the Road Traffic Safety Measures DecisionsDurability Test Research of Asphalt Mixture with Rubber Particles under the Condition of Freeze-Thaw CycleEstablish of the Mutual Relation of Resilient Modulus and CBR in Loess Region of Shanxi ProvinceExperiment of Slurry Shield Tunnel Recycling Waste Sand in Sand-Pebble LayerExperimental Study on Foamed Asphalt Warm Mix TechnologyInfluence of Large Track Maintenance Machine on Sleeper Supporting StiffnessMaximum Shearing Stress Analysis of Asphalt Pavement StructureNumerical Study Porosity of Railway Ballast during Tamping ProcessOptimization of Coal Transportation Network Robust ControlRailway Maintenance Analysis Based on Big Data and Condition ClassificationResearch on the Information Management of Maintenance-of-Way InfrastructureReview of Applied Study for Red Clay in Highway SubgradesSliding Mechanism Analysis and Treatment for Rock Pile Subgrade in GuiZhou ProvinceStudy Behavior of Railway Ballast under Cyclic LoadingStudy on the Relations of Strength Control Indicators of Road Subgrade in Shanxi Loess RegionVibration Analysis of Simply Supported Beams Traversed by Uniformly Distributed Two-Layer Spring-Mass SystemEffect of Micron Fly Ash and Nano Calcium Carbonate on Properties of Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Copolymer Modified AsphaltStudy on the Anti-Cracking of GFRP Bars Asphalt Concrete Bridge Deck Pavement under the Vehicle LoadThe Application of High Content SBS Modified Asphalt Waterproof Layer in the Project of Jing-Jin-Tang Highway's Bridge Deck MaintenanceThe Effect Analysis of the Thin-Walled Tubular Pile Technology Used in the Foundation Treatment of the High-Filling Railway Freight YardApplied Research of the Composite Antiager in AsphaltThe Practice of Aluminum Plate Material in Modern Traffic ArchitectureChapter 11: Hydrology, Coastal and Hydraulic EngineeringA Stochastic Collocation Method for Simulating Groundwater RechargeAnalysis of the DO Distribution and the Influencing Factors at the Downstream of Large DamAnalysis on Mechanism of Coupling Fields of Seepage and Stress and its ModelingAnalysis on the Stress of Arch Dam HeelApplication of Tensile Stress Diagram in Calculating Reinforcement of Surge TankApplication Study Based on Surfer Underwater Earthwork CalculationCascade Reservoirs Optimal Scheduling Method Based on Chaotic Ant Colony AlgorithmModal Analysis on the Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction of High Arch DamNumerical Simulation of Seepage Field of Tailing Water Channel in Construction Period of Coupling Fields of Stress and SeepageResearch Progress of Protected Plunge Pool of High Arch DamStudy on Jiping Canal Water Line of South-to-North Water Transfer ProjectThe Effect of Coal Mining on the Multi-Aquifer SystemTheoretical Application of Ensemble Kalman Filter to Adsorptive Solute Cr(VI) Transfer from Soil into Surface RunoffVortex-Induced Dynamic Response of Submerged Floating Tunnel Tether Based on Wake Oscillator ModelConstruction of Evaluation Index System of Key Groundwater Levels of Typical Irrigation Area in Heilongjiang ProvinceChapter 12: Computational Mechanics and Mathematical ModelingA Beam Element for Geometric Nonlinear Dynamical AnalysisA Quantum Mechanics Study on the Electronic Structure of Impurity-Bearing Sphalerite (ZnS)An Algorithm for Computing Logarithms of R-Sum of First and Last Circulant MatricesDownhole Drilling Mechanics Analysis Based on Closed-Loop Rotary Steerable Drilling SystemIterative and Non-Iterative Solution of Planar ResectionMixed Finite Element for Geometrically Nonlinear Orthotropic Shallow Shells of RevolutionNumerical Analysis of Effect of Restraint on the Fire Resistance of Concrete StructuresNumerical Simulation for the Effects of Ice Thickness on the Overhead Transmission Cable TensionNumerical Simulation of Non-Contoured Aerial Cable TensionSome New Results on k-Circulant MatricesStudying a Sort of Special Circumstance of Variance Estimation of Unit WeightThe Absolute Torsion of Circular Shaft and Neutral Cross-SectionThe Calculation of the Dynamic Problem for the Beam with Arbitrary Boundary Condition by Method of Convolution-Type Point CollocationThe Compilation of Nonlinear Analysis Program for Externally Prestressed Concrete BeamsThe Study of Compactly Supported Orthogonal Two-Direction Vector-Valued Wavelet PacketAn Improved Method of Determining the Disturbed State Concept Model ParametersNumerical Simulation of Air Distribution and Particle Movement in a Displacement Ventilated RoomInfluence Factors of High dam Reservoir Basin Deformation Based on Finite Element Analysis and Weights AnalysisEvaluation on Aerodynamic Across-Wind Response for a Tall Building Using Tuned Liquid Column DamperStudy General Peak-Pressure Formula on Flat-Structure Slamming into WaterCrack Calculation of Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars Based on Linear Bond-Slip ModelDesign Method for the Normal Section of Carbon Textile Reinforced Concrete BeamNumerical Simulation Method of Tensile Behavior of Glass Fiber LaminatesA Study on the Non-Gaussian Property by the Method of Limiting StreamlineResearch on the Calculation Method for Bending Rigidity of Recycled Concrete BeamsChapter 13: Construction TechnologyConstruction Control Technology of Cable Hoisting System for the Arch Rib of Steel Box BridgeConstruction Technology for Ultra-High Baseboard and Hopper of SiloConstruction Technology of one Unsymmetrical Loaded Deep Foundation Pit Adjacent to Expressway SubgradeDesign of Retaining and Protecting for a Deep Foundation ExcavationStudy on Mass Concrete Construction Technology of Raft Foundation in Yantai Ocean Development CenterChapter 14: Project Management and Engineering ManagementAnalyzing the Cost of High-Rise Buildings after Second Design Based on the Bill of Quantity Valuation ModeConstruction Project Cost Information Management ResearchCost/Schedule Monitoring and Forecasting for Project Based on Earned Value Management (EVM)Creative Industry Policies and International Comparison in Engineering Design FieldEconomic Life Prediction of Concrete StructureEvaluation on the Development of Shanghai Suburban Infrastructure Based on AHP-Entropy MethodHighway Project Investment Risk Factors and its Mechanism: Empirical Studies Based on Structural Equation ModelMatrix Method Application on the Civil Engineering Project ManagementNew Ideas to Resolve Construction GFA SpecificationResearch on Construction Engineering Quality Supervision Based on Artificial Neural NetworkResearch on Construction Safety Management of High-Rise Buildings Based on the Grey Hierarchy Evaluation ModelResearch on Cost Control of Infrastructure Project with Prior Operation Function in Design PhaseChapter 14: Project Management and Engineering ManagementResearch on Important Process of Project Monitoring and ControlThe Evaluation Model of Bridge Construction Safety Management Variable Fuzzy SetsThe Performance Evaluation of Construction Safety Supervision Based on Evidence TheoryThe Research on Railway Construction Project Materials Supplier Selection ModelMethods of Creation Basis Decisions of Management System Construction Waste RecyclingChapter 15: Architectural Design and its TheoryAnalysis of Ancient Chinese Architecture AestheticsAnalysis of China Ancient and Modern Sports ArchitectureAnalysis of Sports Architecture Technical Philosophy CharacteristicsApplication of Jiangxi Ancient Buildings Carved Window Shape in the Contemporary DesignApplied Research and Development Uygur Architectural Brick Mill Mosaic and Information TechnologyStudy of Structural Morphological Design during the Stage of Architecture CompositionThe Dominant Expression of the Qinling Mountains's Regional Culture in Residential Buildings' Regional StyleThe Humane Care Implied in Chinese Architectural AestheticsThe Relation between Sports Building and City ImageSports Architecture Structure Stress Characteristics AnalysisChapter 16: Urban Planning and DesignNaturalization Design of Urban Water LandscapeStudy on Correlation between Housing Construction and Influence of Urban Development in the Succession of Urban DynamicsSustainable Urban Revitalization in Historic Districts: A Case Study of Huilongwo Area in XuzhouTalking about the Residential Outdoor Environment Design in the Context of the AgingThe Land Utilization Countermeasures on the Old Town of South Jiangsu in the Context of New-Type Urbanization – Take the Old Town, JinJiaba, Wujiang, Suzhou as an ExampleThe Use of the Investment Potential for Planning Sustainable CitiesUrban Bluebelt Construction – Control Countermeasure of Urban Blue Line (River Project) from Line to the WholeUrban Contexts and the Shape of Urban FeaturesUrban Form Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Development: An Urban Design Project of a Historic TownIntegrated Civil Monitoring System Based on POSAContradictions and Countermeasures of Affordable Housing ConstructionStudy on Natural Ventilation Potential for Residential Buildings in Southern ChinaThe Fusion of Commercial Buildings and the CityStudy on the Selection Pipelines into the Comprehensive Pipeline Trench in Urban Rail Transit ConstructionCommercial Space Design Research – Take Jincheng as an ExampleThe Application of Mathematical Statistics in Urban Geography ResearchPublic Art and Contemporary Urban Culture – Research of Embodiment of Core Value of Urban Public Art in the Construction of Urban CultureChapter 17: Landscape Planning and DesignA Study on Sustainable Green Ecological Landscape DesignAnalysis on Historic Landscape Space Configurations and Evolutions of Qijiang Ancient TownDiscussing of Creating a Nostalgic Atmosphere in Landscape Planning and DesignLandscape Design of Residential Environment in CityNDVI Changes of the Nansi Lake in Shandong Province of ChinaOn the Change of Expression Concept of Chinese Characters in Landscape DesignA Study on the Effect of Wind Fences in Reducing Wind Velocity at Fruit FarmsChapter 18: Architectural Environment, Eco-Building and Green BuildingNumerical Study of Thermal Comfort with the Effects of Canopy TransparencyThe Reflection and Expectation on Green ArchitectureA Research on the Design Strategy Suitable for Local Green Building Design in China – A Comparative and Empirical Study on GBES and LEED-NC2009Ecological Housing Design Strategies for Hot-Humid Climate in Sichuan BasinLet the Historic District Shine AgainChapter 19: Building Energy Saving TechnologyA Study on the Energy Consumption of Zhejiang New Rural Residential Buildings Based on LCA TheoryEnergy Efficiency Renovation Study of a University Library Building in NingboMeasurements of the Initial Ground Temperature in GSHP SystemPrincipal Component Analysis in Building Energy Efficiency Rating System for Apartment HousingsRainwater Collection and Purification Heating Roof SystemResearch Progress of Composite Thermal Insulation Wall in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone of ChinaThe Analysis of Adjustment Modes of District Heating SystemThe Economic Performance of Ground-Source Heat PumpsThe Energy-Saving Management System Design of Major Projects in ImplementationThe Numerical Simulation and Research and Application of Energy-Saving Effect of Hot Air Curtain Jet Velocity of the Dining RoomChapter 20: Construction Materials ResearchComparison and Selection of the Durability Evaluating Parameters of Concrete in Saline Soil RegionConstitutive Relations of Masonry under Compression — A State-of-the-Art ReviewCorrosion-Induced Concrete Cracking, Steel-Concrete Bond Loss, and Mechanical Degradation of Steel BarsDurable Carbon for Structure Applications, H2-Energy Carbon Building Materials (HECBM)Effect of Mineral Admixture on Mechanical Property of PHC Pile ConcreteEffects of Different Lithium Admixtures on Ordinary Portland Cement Paste PropertiesExperiment on the Mechanical Performance of Fiber Lightweight Aggregate Concrete after Freeze-Thaw and Elevated TemperatureExperimental Investigation of Stiffened Square CFST Columns under Axial LoadExperimental Research on Compressive Strength of Pumice Concrete and Volcanic Concrete WallExperimental Study on Performance of Steel and Composite Plate Combined ColumnExperimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Double-Wall Precast Concrete Shear WallInfluence of Laboratory Accelerated Carbonation on the Properties of Recycled Concrete AggregatesMeso-Structure and Transport Performance of Near-Surface ConcretePreparation of C80~C100 High Performance Concrete and the Ultrahigh Pumping TechnologyProcess Technology Silica Sand into Microsilica and Nanosilica for Construction MaterialResearch on the Comprehensive Utilization of CPFL in Concrete Moisture CuringStudy on Chloride Ion Permeability Resistance Variation of C40 ConcreteStudy on the Durability of Normal Strength Concrete under the Action of Salt Corrosion and Dry-Wet CyclesThe Analysis of Punching Shear Strength for Concrete Slabs Based on the Unified Strength TheoryThe Influence of GGBS on the Shrinkage Performance of ConcreteThe Research of GGBS’ Influence on the Cracking Resistance of ConcreteThe Use of Infrared Thermography in the Analysis of Engineered Cementitious CompositesIntensity Errors and Origins of Catalyzed ConcreteCrack Self-Healing Properties of Concrete with AdhesiveCreep Behavior of High-Performance ConcreteDestructive and Nondestructive Testing on Silica Fume ConcreteDifferent Gradations Cement Improved Phyllite Test AnalysisEffect of Emulsified Waste Oil on Micro-Structure and Autogenous Shrinkage of the High Strength ConcreteEffect of Polypropylene Fiber on the Properties of Cement MortarEffect of Rubber Powder Dosage on Performance of Cement ConcreteExperimental Research on the Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Basalt Fiber Reinforced ConcreteExperimental Study on Proportion of Tensile Strength and Compressive Strength of the Crumb Rubber Concrete Modified by LatexExperimental Study on the Mechanical Properties of the Crumb Rubber Concrete Modified by Silane Coupling AgentImproving the Impact Resistance of Reinforced ConcreteInfluence of PP Fibers on the Relative Residual Splitting Tensile Strength of HSC after Exposure to High TemperaturesInfluences of Mineral Admixture on Properties of Porous Pervious Concrete Made of Recycled AggregatesNuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis of Air Entraining Natural Pumice Concrete Freeze-Thaw DamageOrthogonal Experiment Studies on Mix Design of SFRHSCRCM Method Practicability Study of Concrete Chloride Ion Permeability ResistanceResearch on Reinforcing Methods of Continuous Steel-Concrete Composite Beams with Web OpeningsSelection Research of Excitation Agent for Renewable Brick Powder Foam ConcreteThe Development and Application of Foam ConcreteThe Effect of Admixtures on Anti-Permeability of C30 Anchor Anti-Seepage Mass ConcreteThe Impact of Steel Fiber on the Performance of Lytag Lightweight Aggregate ConcreteFeasibility of Biomass Ash (Cattle Manure Ash) Replacing Some Cement in Concrete to Reduce Carbon Dioxide EmissionExperimental Study on Dynamic Mechanical Properties of HPP Hybrid Fibers Reinforced Lightweight Aggregate ConcreteMix Proportion and Mechanical Properties of Recycled PET-Brick Powder MixturePreparation and Performance of Diatomite Latex Paint for Interior WallRecent Research of Shape Memory Alloy in Seismic ResistanceResearch on the Performance of Silt Sintered Insulating Brick and Key Molding EquipmentLimestone and Dolomite Tailings Properties and Bricks DevelopmentChapter 21: Materials ScienceA New POM-Based Supramolecular Compound: Synthesis, Structure and Adsorptive Property of [Cu(phen)2]3[W6O19]Adsorption Mechanism of Rectorite Modified by LithiumAntioxidant Activity and Chemical Constituents of Microalgae Oil of Schizochytrium aggregatumCollection of Submicron Particles by Polyethylene Composite Materials CollectorComprehensive Evaluation on Effects of Strengthened by Bonding Steel Plate or CFRP Based on Analytic Hierarchy ProcessCracking in Brittle Material at Presence of a DislocationCurrent Research and Development of Silica Aerogel Drying MethodEffect of Tb3+-Coped Concentration on Properties of Li2SrSiO4:Tb3+ PhosphorExperimental Analysis of Minimum Ignition Temperature of Dust Cloud Obtained from Thermally Modified Spruce WoodInfluence of Fiber Embedded Length on Properties of Single Fiber Pull-Out TestInvestigation on Basic Properties of Rice Husk Ash – Blast Furnace Slag Composite BinderMaterials Properties and Material Applications in a New Wood Flute back Combination Design and ResearchPreparation and Characterization of Hyperbranched PolymerPreparation of Eu(BA)3phen/PVP Fluorescent Nanofibers by ElectrospinningProject for Improving Dark Color Fastness of Polyester or SpandexResearch on Polycarboxylic Superplasticizer with Slump RetainingStudy on Vinyl Ester Based Structural Anchor Adhesive for Fast, Low Temperature CuresSynthesize Biodiesel through SO42-/ZrO2 for Use as Solid Super Acid Catalyst in Biodiesel ProductionUltrasonic Synthesis of Ag2Se Nanocrystal in Perrhenate SolutionChapter 22: Data and Signal ProcessingA Keyword Query Method Based on Digital Type PropertiesA Method of Drawing Contour Basing on Membrane Analogy MethodDesign of Micro Inertial Navigation Computer and Data Real-Time Displaying System Based on FPGAModeling and Simulation of Ship Motion for Dynamic Positioning VesselThe Initial Retrieval Based on Image SegmentationThe Teaching Practice of Consolidation Experiment Based on the Data Acquisition SystemChapter 23: Environmental Engineering and Wastewater TreatmentIntensifying the Processes of Wastewater Purification from Phosphates and Organic ImpuritiesInvestigation of the Processes of Nitrification and Denitrification in Wastewater TreatmentMicrowave-Ferrous Sulfate Modified Activated Carbon Adsorption Study on Phosphorus RemovalRemoval of Phosphates from Wastewater and Intensify the Biological Wastewater Treatment Process from Organic PollutionThe Influence Factors of Phenol Wastewater by Complex Three-Dimensional Electrode Polarity TreatmentResearch on the Eco-Cluster and Low-Carbon Technology Innovation of Biomedicine Industry in ChinaHydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of POM-Based Photocatalyst for Degradation of Pollutant Organic DyesStudy on Dynamics of Eco-Tourism SystemStudy on Soil Microbial Characteristics of Elsholtzia harchowensis in Copper MineThree Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands Filled with Different Packing Materials for Piggery Wastewater TreatmentChapter 24: Engineering EducationApplication of Progressive Teaching Model in Engineering Hydrology and Hydrologic CalculationSystem Analysis of the Distance Education Examination SystemTeaching Innovation and Exploration of Principles and Applications of Transducer Course Based on CDIO Idea
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