Preface xv 1 Sustainable Materials for Electrochemical Supercapacitors: Eco Materials 1R. Kumar and R. Thangappan 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Eco-Carbon-Based Electrode Materials 3 1.3 Eco-Metal Oxide-Based Electrode Materials 8 1.4 Eco-Carbon-Based Material/Metal Oxide Composite Electrode Materials 11 1.5 Conclusion 13 2 Solid Waste-Derived Carbon Materials for Electrochemical Capacitors 19Shreeganesh Subraya Hegde and Badekai Ramachandra Bhat 2.1 Introduction 19 2.2 Solid Waste as a Source of CNS 20 2.3 Preparation and Activation Methods of Solid Waste-Derived CNS 23 2.4 Effect of Structural and Morphological Diversities on Electrochemical Performance 25 2.5 Environmental Trash-Derived CNS in Electrochemical Capacitors 26 2.6 Challenges and Future Prospects 27 2.7 Conclusions 27 3 Metal Hydroxides 33Rida Fatima, Sania Naseer, Muhammad Rehan Hasan Shah Gilani, Muhammad Aamir and Javeed Akhtar 3.1 Introduction 33 3.2 Method to Fabricate Metal Hydroxide 34 3.3 Properties and Applications of MOHs 36 3.4 Examples of Metal Hydroxide 49 3.5 Conclusions 57 4 Porous Organic Polymers: Genres, Chemistry, Synthetic Strategies, and Diversified Applications 65V. Renuga 4.1 Introduction 65 4.2 Family of Porous Organic Materials 70 4.3 Conclusions and Perspectives 112 5 Gel-Type Natural Polymers as Electroconductive Materials 133Arshpreet Kaur, Madhvi and Dhiraj Sud 5.1 Introduction 133 5.2 Natural Polymers 134 5.3 Synthesis Methods for Fabrication of Natural Polymer-Based Hydrogels 144 5.4 Natural Polymer-Based Physically Cross-Linked Hydrogels 147 5.5 Properties of Natural Polymer-Based Hydrogels 148 5.6 Stimuli Sensitivity of Hydrogels 150 5.7 Application of Hydrogels as Electrochemical Supercapacitors 150 5.8 Conducting Polymer Hydrogels as Electrode Materials 154 5.9 Conducting Polymer Hydrogels as Electrolyte Materials 156 5.10 Conclusion 159 6 Ionic Liquids for Supercapacitors 167Guocai Tian 6.1 Introduction 167 6.2 Brief Introduction of Supercapacitor 169 6.3 Ionic Liquids and Its Unique Properties 174 6.4 Application of Ionic Liquids in Supercapacitors 181 6.5 Conclusion and Prospective 193 7 Functional Binders for Electrochemical Capacitors 205Purnima Baruah and Debajyoti Mahanta 7.1 Introduction 205 7.2 Characteristics of Binder 206 7.3 Method of Fabricating Supercapacitor Electrode 207 7.4 Mechanism of Binding Process 207 7.5 Classification of Binders 208 7.6 Characterization Techniques 209 7.7 Conventional Binders and Related Issues 209 7.8 Sustainable Binders 210 7.9 Conclusion 216 8 Sustainable Substitutes for Fluorinated Electrolytes in Electrochemical Capacitors 221Sina Yaghoubi, Seyyed Mojtaba Mousavi, Seyyed Alireza Hashemi, Aziz Babapoor and Chin Wei Lai 8.1 Introduction 221 8.2 Fluorinated Electrolytes 224 8.3 Sustainable Substitutes for Fluorinated Electrolytes 227 8.4 Performance of Sustainable Electrolytes Compared to Fluorinated Electrolytes 234 8.5 Final Remarks 236 9 Aqueous Redox-Active Electrolytes 247Ranganatha S. 9.1 Introduction 247 9.2 Effect of the Electrolyte on Supercapacitor Performance 248 9.3 Aqueous Electrolytes 250 9.4 Acidic Electrolytes 251 9.5 Alkaline Electrolytes 252 9.6 Neutral Electrolyte 254 9.7 Conclusion and Future Research Directions 257 10 Biodegradable Electrolytes 261Tuba Saleem, Ijaz Rasul, Habibullah Nadeem, Sanora Sehar and Arfaa Sajid 10.1 Introduction 261 10.2 Classification of Biodegradable Electrolytes 263 10.3 Preparation of Biodegradable Electrolytes 268 10.4 Some Defined Ways to Increase the Ionic Conductivity 268 10.5 Factors Affecting Ion Conduction of Biodegradable Polymer Electrolytes 269 10.6 Properties of Ideal Biodegradable Electrolyte System 270 10.7 Applications of Biodegradable Electrolytes 270 10.8 Conclusion 273 11 Supercapattery: An Electrochemical Energy Storage Device 279Fiona Joyline Mascarenhas, Shreeganesh Subraya Hegde and Badekai Ramachandra Bhat 11.1 Introduction 279 11.2 Batteries and Capacitors 280 11.3 Supercapattery Device and Electrode Materials 281 11.4 Advantages and Challenges of Supercapatteries 287 11.5 Conclusions 287 12 Ceramic Multilayers and Films for High-Performance Supercapacitors 291Sonali Verma, Bhavya Padha and Sandeep Arya 12.1 Introduction 291 12.2 Different Types of Ceramic Materials 292 12.3 Multilayer Structure 293 12.4 Supercapacitors Based on Ceramic Materials 294 12.5 Challenges and Prospects 297 12.6 Conclusion 298 13 Potential Applications in Sustainable Supercapacitors 305Pitchaimani Veerakumar 13.1 Introduction 306 13.2 Fundamentals and Components of SCs 307 13.3 Sustainable Nanomaterials in SCs 311 13.4 Sustainable Carbon Nanomaterials for Energy Storage 315 13.5 Conclusions 325 14 Wearable Supercapacitors 339Preety Ahuja, Sanjeev Kumar Ujjain, M. Ramanand Singh, Neelu Dheer and Rajni Kanojia 14.1 Introduction 339 14.2 Working Principle 340 14.3 Design of Electrode Materials 342 14.4 Wearable Supercapacitor 346 14.5 Integrated Application 350 14.6 Conclusion 354 15 Electrospun Materials 361Hina Sahar, Sania Naseer, Muhammad Rehan Hasan Shah Gilani, Syed Ali Raza Naqvi, Muhammad Aamir and Javeed Akhtar 15.1 Introduction 361 15.2 Electrospinning Process 362 15.3 Advantages of Electrospinning Technique 363 15.4 Working Parameters of Electrospinning Process 363 15.5 Electrospinning-Based Preparation Methods for Nanofibers 367 15.6 Formation of Pore in Electrospun Polymer Fibers 368 15.7 Modification of Electrospun Micro- and Nanofibers 371 15.8 Applications 375 15.9 Conclusion 382 16 Polysaccharide Biomaterials for Electrochemical Applications 391Neelam Srivastava and Dipti Yadav 16.1 Introduction 391 16.2 Polysaccharides in Energy Devices 393 17 Polymer Inks for Printable Supercapacitors 415Yurui Liu, Yijie Zhou and Yanfei Xu 17.1 Introduction 415 17.2 Screen Printing 419 17.3 Inkjet Printing 419 17.4 3D Printing 419 17.5 Conclusion and Outlook 422 18 Biomass-Derived Carbon for Supercapacitors 427Priyadharshini M., Pazhanivel T. and Hariprasath K. R. 18.1 Introduction 428 18.2 Tuneable Physiochemical Properties 429 18.3 Synthesis Procedure 432 18.4 Main Categories of Biomass 432 18.5 Conclusion and Future Perspective 436 References 437 Index 441
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