Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2013), September 22 -28, 2013, Qingdao, China. The volume includes 117 papers covering the current knowhow in structural materials such as magnesium alloys; advanced tianium alloys; advanced aluminium alloys; advanced iron and steel materials; superalloy and advanced composites.
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Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2013), September 22 -28, 2013, Qingdao, China
Preface, Organizers and SupportersMagnesium AlloysInfluence of Homogenization Treatment on Electrochemical Behavior of the Mg-0.8wt%Ga-0.8wt%In Anode MaterialsStudy of Ca and Ce Additions on Different Ignition Resistance Behavior of Magnesium AlloyProcess and Property of Superplastic Mould Forged AZ80 Wheel HubInfluence of Various Precipitate Phases on Tensile Properties of an Extruded Mg-Y-Nd AlloyMicrostructure, Texture and Mechanical Properties of Mg-2.0Zn-0.3Gd Alloy Sheets Fabricated by Large Strain Hot RollingProduction of Primary Magnesium by the Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesia Extracted from Dolomite OreEffect of Nd and Dy Addition on AZ91D Ignition Temperature and MicrohardnessInfluence of Various Heat Treatment on Corrosion Resistance of As-Extruded Mg-9Li-3Al-2.5Sr AlloysHot Deformation Behavior of As-Cast Mg-9Gd-2.5Y-Nd-0.5Zr Mg AlloyPurification of Magnesium by Vacuum Distillation and its AnalysisEffect of Ce Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ZM21 Magnesium AlloysImpact of Peak Shock Stress on the Microstructure and Reloaded Mechanical Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium AlloyMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of As-Rolled Mg-Zn-Gd-Ca-Mn SheetsMicrostructural Evolution of Friction Stir Treated WE43 AlloyMicrostructure and Tensile Properties of As-Cast Mg-5Sn-4Cu AlloyEffect of Ce Addition on the Ignition-Proof Properties and Surface Tension of AZ91D-2.5Ca(Wt.%) Magnesium AlloyEffect of Re Addition on the Ignition Resistance of Pure MagnesiumDeformation Behavior of ZK60 Magnesium Alloy at Elevated TemperatureGrain Refinement and Mechanism of Carbon Inoculation in Mg-Al Magnesium AlloysForming of Seat Bidet by AZ31 Magnesium Alloy through Stamping ProcessEffects of Different Sr Additions on As Cast Microstructure and Tensile Properties of AS31 AlloyReview on Hydrostatic Extrusion of Magnesium AlloysMicrostructures and Mechanical Properties of Mg-10Gd-3Y-2Zn-0.5Zr AlloyNumerical and Experimental Investigation on Hot Backward Extrusion Process of Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr Magnesium AlloyAdvanced Titanium AlloysEffect of Cold Machining Process on the Property and Microstructure of Ti-5Mo-5V-8Cr-3Al StripInfluences of Copper Complexes on the Properties of MAO Ceramic Coating on Titanium Alloy SurfaceCalculation of Aluminum Equivalent Based on Thermo-Calc Software in Ti-Al-Nb Ternary SystemForming Parameter Design and Thickness Uniformity Control of Short Radius Elbow Made by Expanding Diameter and Pushing BendMicrostructure and Hardness of High Temperature Alloy Ti-1100 Melted in CaO CrucibleComposition-Dependent Collapse of β {111} Planes Leading to ω Precipitation in Ti-Nb Alloys: A First-Principles StudyAdvanced Aluminium AlloysErosion Behavior of Al-12Si-2Mg-15Cu Alloy against 304 Stainless Steel SurfacePreparation and Evaluation of a Novel Al-5.4Si-0.5Mg Welding WireMechanical Spectra of an Al-12.7Si-0.7Mg Alloy under Extrusion and T6 StatesMicrostructures and Mechanical Properties of a Squeeze-Casted Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy after Heat TreatmentMorphologies and Formation Mechanism of Interconnected Pores in a Spray Formed 7XXX Aluminum AlloyHot Deformation Behavior and Microstructure of 6069 Aluminum AlloyMicrostructural Evolution of High Purity Al-Cu-Mg Alloy during HomogenizationMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of a 6061 Aluminum Alloy Part Prepared by Casting-Forging Integrated Forming TechnologyFracture Toughness and Fatigue Behavior of T7451 Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy Thick PlateInvestigation on an Al/WC Composite Coating of A356 Alloy Fabricated by Mechanical AlloyingStudy on Anodic Oxidation of 2024 Aluminum Alloys in Sulfuric-Citric AcidMicrostructure and Cryogenic Mechanical Properties of AA5083 Joints Prepared by Friction Stir WeldingMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Li Alloy 2397-T87 Rolled PlateEffect of Heat Treatment on Positron Annihilation Lifetime of an Extruded Al-12.7Si-0.7Mg AlloyMacro-Distribution of Alloy Elements along the Thickness of the Twin Roll Cast BilletAdvanced Iron and Steel MaterialsTRIP Effect in a Hot-Rolled Low-Carbon High Strength Complex Phase SteelInvestigation on the Grain Growth of Fe-40Ni-Ti Austenitic Steel in Heating ProcessEffect of Quenching Microstructure on the Formation of Reversed Austenite in 9Ni SteelInfluence of Deoxidation Methods on Inclusions in Sub-Rapid Solidified Low Carbon SteelThermodyanmics of CaO in Slag Reduced by Carbon during VD Process of Hollow Steel 95CrMo and its Effect on InclusionsIsothermal Bainite Transformation in Low Silicon TRIP Steel with Phosphorus AdditionEffect of V Contents on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in a Fe-Cr-Ni-Mo High-Strength SteelEffect of Solid Solution Treatment on the Microstructure and Properties of Fe-Mn-Al Light-Weight SteelMicrostructures of Infiltrated Layer and Friction Properties of Low-Carbon Cr-Ni-Mo Bearing Steel during Duplex Surface Finishing ProcessEffect of Different Deformation on Microstructures and Properties in 304HC Austenitic Stainless Steel WireEffect of Spark Plasma Sintering on the Microstructure Evolution and Properties of M3:2 High-Speed SteelEffects of Strain Rate on Dynamic Strain Aging of SA508-III SteelEffects of Quenching and Partitioning Process on Mechanical Properties of a Hot-Stamping SteelResearch on Ultra-Fast Cooling Heat Transfer Coefficient Affecting Law for Hot Strip MillContinuous Annealing Process and Microstructure Property of 1200mpa High Strength Steel by Ultrafast CoolingEffect of Strain Induced Martensite for 304M2 Austenitic Stainless Steel WireWorking Hardening Mechanism and Aging Treatment Behaviors of D631 Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel WireResearch on Deformation Permeability Changing Law during Snake Rolling ProcessEffect of Austenizing Temperature and Time on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cr12MoVNbRE SteelEffects of Cooling Processes on Microstructure Evolution of X80 Pipeline SteelEffects of Processing Parameters on the Evolution of Microstructure and Hole Expansion Property of F/B Dual Phase SteelsAnalysis of Abnormal Fracture Occurring during Full Scale Tension Increasing to Failure Test of High Strength Low Alloy Steel CasingDynamic Recrystallization Behavior of N08028 Corrosion Resistant AlloyMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Microalloyed Multiphase SteelSuperalloyHigh Cycle Fatigue Behavior of a Wrought Nickel-Base Superalloy GH4698Influence of Master Alloy on the Cleanliness of Spray Formed SuperalloyEffect of Ta on the Solidification Behavior of Ni3Al-Base Single-Crystal SuperalloysNitrogen-Bearing Carbides in K417G Alloy Doped with Different Nitrogen ContentsUniaxial Compression Test and FEM Simulation for GH4145 Superalloy at Room TemperatureEffect of Element V on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of DZ417G SuperalloyCoarsening Behavior of Precipitates in a Conventional Cast Nickel Base Superalloy during Long Term Thermal ExposureDeformation and Damage Features of a 4.5% Re Nickel-Based Single Crystal Superalloy during Creep at Medium TemperatureCreep Behavior of a Re-Free Nickel-Based Single Crystal Superalloy at High TemperatureFirst-Principles Investigation of the Site Occupancy and Elastic Properties of Y in γ-Co3(Al,W)Improvement of Tensile Property of Ni-Based a Single Crystal Superalloy by Ru AdditionEffect of Mo on As-Cast Microstructure of a Modified 718 AlloyComposition and Mechanical Property of DD6 Superalloy RevertHeat Treated Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of K492M AlloyEffects of Re on Microstructure of Ni3Al-Based Single Crystal SuperalloysHot Working Behavior of Casting Thermo-Span AlloyEffects of Pouring Temperature on the Tensile Properties and Fracture Behavior of Single Crystal Superalloy DD6Heat Treatment Microstructures of a Directionally Solidified Nickel Base Superalloy under High Temperature GradientEffects of High Temperature Treatments on PPB’s in a P/M SuperalloyStudy on Fracture Morphologies of Nickel Based P/M SuperalloyEffect of Slow Cooling Treatment on Microstructure and Dynamic Recrystallizaiton of FGH96 AlloyGrain Refinement of GH4169G Alloy by the Combination of Heat Treatment and Cold DeformationEffects of Cooling Rates after Solution Heat Treatment on the Creep Behavior of Directionally Solidified CM-247LC SuperalloyDirectional Solidification Behavior of CMSX-6 SuperalloyEffect of Long-Term Aging on the Microstructures and Stress Rupture Properties of a Ni-Based Single Crystal Superalloy at 980°CHot Deformation Characteristics of Spray Formed Nickel Based P/M SuperalloyAdvanced CompositesElectronic Failure Analysis of Plate-Capacitors Bonding with Conductive AdhesivesDesign, Preparation and Microwave-Absorbing Properties of Sandwich-Structure Radar-Absorbing Materials Reinforced by Glass and SiC FibresSqueeze Cast Co-Continuous AlN/Al CompositesPreparation and Thermal Stability Properties of Epoxy Matrix/Nano-SiO2 CompositesPreparation and Microstructure Characterizations of Novel C/C-Zr(Hf)B2-Zr(Hf)C-SiC CompositesCatalytic Mechanism of Dioctyldilauryltin on the Dealcoholized RTV-2 Silicone RubberTheoretical Thermodynamic Analysis and Phase Analysis of AZ91D/Flyash CompositesEffect of Milling Time on Microstructure of CNTs/Al5083 Composites Powder by High Energy MillingPreparation of Al2O3 Based Nano-Micro Composite Gradient Self-Lubricating Ceramic Tool MaterialsInteraction between Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and Plasticizer at Different Temperature: Infrared AnalysisEffect of Graphite on the Friction and Wear Properties of Cu-Based Friction MaterialsPorous AlN Ceramics Fabricated by Carbothermal ReductionInfluences of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Wear Resistance of WCp/40CrNi2Mo Metal Matrix CompositesDistribution of WC Particle in Cast Steel and its Effect on Abrasion ResistanceMicrostructure and Properties of Tungsten Copper Composite MaterialFreestanding FeCrAl-Y2O3 Amorphous/Crystalline Composite Coating Fabricated by Electron-Beam Physical Vapor DepositionMechanical Property of Fecral-Y2O3 Foil Fabricated by EBPVDA New Cutting Wire Prepared by Copper-Diamond Composite ElectroplatingMicrostructure and Texture Evolution of Cu–Nb Nano-Composite Wire during Heat-TreatmentInfluence of Deformation on Precipitation Behavior of 2024Al AlloyResearch Progress of Interface on Diamond/Copper Composites for Thermal ManagementFinite Element Analysis of the Effect of Particle Shape on the Thermal Conductivity in Diamond/Cu Composites
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