Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).This book contains more than 200 papers; all dealing with recent research findings related to engineering ceramics and associated materials. Particular emphasis is placed on the consideration of novel technical challenges and innovative technologies in advanced engineering ceramics: including new classes of high-temperature structural ceramics, nanomaterials/nanocomposites, environmental- and energy-related ceramics and so on, which are expected to open up new frontiers for engineering ceramics in the 21st century.
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Proceedings of the 3rd International Sympsoium on the Science of Engineering Ceramics (EnCera 04) in Conjunction with the 12th International Seminar on Core University Program (CUP) between Japan and Korea, October 31-November 3, 2004, Osaka, Japan
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Investigation of the Sintering Behavior of Ultrapure α-Alumina Containing Low Amounts of SiO2 or CaOSintering Behavior of Microstructured γ-Alumina with Nanosized γ-Alumina AdditiveControl of Shrinkage during Sintering of Alumina Ceramics Based on Master Sintering Curve TheoryBulk Consolidation of Non-Oxide Ceramic Powders Derived from Polymer PrecursorsCentrifugal SinteringLow-Temperature Sintering of α- and β-SiC Powders with AlB2 AdditiveSintering and Characterization of Zr2Al3C5 MonolithThermal Evolution of Single Phase Lanthanum ZirconateSinterability of Alumina-Dispersed 3Y-TZPPreparation of Ce-ZrO2 Based Composites and Effect of Addition of 3Y-ZrO2 on Their MicrostructuresGrinding of Agglomerate AlN Powder by Wet MillingWet Jet Milling of Ceramics PowderHydrothermal Preparation and Characterization of Barium Titanate PowdersFabrication and Characterization of Various Calcium Phosphate Powders by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis TechniqueFabrication and Characteristics of Hypereutectic Prealloyed Al-Si Powders by Gas Atomization ProcessEffect of Magnesium Ion on the Precipitation of Hollow Calcium Carbonate by Bubble Templating MethodEffect of Different Salt on Fabrication of Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 by Molten-Salt SynthesisProcessing and Property Evaluation of Alumina Aerogel Based Ceramic NanocompositesDispersion of ZrO2 Particles in the Al2O3/ZrO2 Ceramics by the Partial Chemical Dispersion ProcessesPre-Combustion CO2 Capture Using Ceramic Absorbent and Methane Steam ReformingKumada Rearrangement of Polydimethylsilane Using a Catalytic ProcessEffect of Additives on Hydrolysis of Ti Alkoxide and Microstructural Observation of TiO2Sol-Gel Preparation and Characterizations of Europium-Ion Doped Barium Magnesium AluminateSyntheses of Bulky Y-Zeolite by Hydrothermal Hot-Pressing (HHP) TechniqueDensification and Strengthening of Tricalcium Phosphate/Titania Composite by Hot PressingPreparation of Mullite Composite Using Liquid Infiltration TechniqueLiquid-Phase Sintered Silicon Carbide with Aluminum Nitride and Rare-Earth Oxide AdditivesEffect of α-Alumina as a Seed in Alumina/Silicon Carbide CompositesPreparation and Morphology of C/C-SiC Composites by Si Melt InfiltrationPreparation and Properties of Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Nitrided Pressureless Sintering (NPS) ProcessMicrowave Sintering BaTiO3 Ceramics Using Liquid Phase SinteringThermodynamical Calculations and Experimental Confirmation about the Mg-Al-Spinel Reaction Path in the Sol-Gel-ProcessFabrication and Structure of TiO2 Coated Open-Cell Mullite CeramicsDispersion of Barium Ferrite Particles for Slip Casting in Magnetic FieldThe Vibrative Casting with a Thixotropic BehaviorCompositional Control in Solid Freeforming; Fabrication of 3D FGMMicrostructural Characterization of Fine-Grained Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 Ceramics Fabricated by a Spark Plasma SinteringRapid Fabrication of C/C-SiC CompositesStrengthening Effect of In-Situ Dispersed Hexagonal Boron Nitride in Ceramic CompositesBiomorphic SiC Ceramics Prepared by Organic Template MethodFabrication of a Strontium-Doped Lanthanum Chromite (LSC) Thin Film on SUS430 SubstrateInfluence of Nitride on Sinterability of the Composite of Lithium Aluminum Silicate and Silicon CarbideHydrogen Reduction and Sintering Behavior of Al2O3/CuO Powder Mixtures Prepared from Different Raw PowdersLow Cost Si3N4/SiC Nanocomposites, Processing, RT and HT PropertiesFabrication of Si3 N4-TiN Nanocomposites via Various RoutesHydrothermal Synthesis of Nano ZrO2 PowdersSynthesis of Nanocrystalline α-Al2O3 Using a 2-Step Calcination MethodNano Magnetite Particles Prepared under the Combined Addition of Urea and AmmoniaSynthesis of Nano-Scaled α-Al2O3 Particles by Combustion Spray PyrolysisSynthesis of SiC Nano-Powders by Solid-Vapor ReactionFormation Mechanism of Nano AlN Powder by Gas-Reduction-NitridationSynthesis of Metal Oxide Hollow Nanoparticles by Chemical Vapor Condensation ProcessMicrowave-Assisted Synthesis of MWO4 and MMoO4 (M = Ca, Ni) Nano-Powders Using Citrate Complex PrecursorSynthesis and Microstructure of TiO2-SiO2 Nanoparticles by a Reverse Micelle and Sol-Gel ProcessingFabrication and Applications of Nano-Metal Particle Composites by Ultrasonic Eco-ProcessFabrication and Estimation of Au Coated γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles for Separation and Purification of BiomoleculesNano-Structured High Purity Copper Processed by Accumulative Roll-BondingDirect Hydrothermal Processing of Long Titanate Nanofibers from Natural RutileSynthesis of Nanotubular Titanate from Titanium Using Hydrothermal TreatmentSynthesis and Properties of Titania Nanotube Doped with Small Amount of CationsHigh Pressure / Low Temperature Sintering of Nanostructured Titania by Internal Heating MethodGrowth of Carbon Nanotubes on Surface of Carbon Fibers RodOn the Dissolution of WC in WC-Co AlloysConventional Sintering Route for the Production of Alumina-Based Nanocomposites: A Microstructural CharacterizationEnergy Changes and the Lattice ResistanceShot Peening - A New Method for Improving Mechanical Properties of Structural CeramicsCritical Frontal Process Zone Size and R-Curve Behavior of Porous CeramicsCharacteristics of Machining Damage and Their Influence on Strength in Alumina Ceramics SystemEstimation of Residual Stress in a Ceramic Coating LayerFrom Niihara's Equation to Peculiar Nanoindentation Deformation of Ceramics and SemiconductorsFracture Toughness of Fibrous Si3N4 Monolithic CeramicsPrediction of Fracture Toughness in Fibrous Si3 N4 Monolithic CeramicsMechanical Properties of Transparent Polycrystalline Silicon NitrideElectrical Resistance Behavior during Tensile Loading of Al2 O3 Fiber-Nano RuO2-Glass CompositesGas Pressure Dependence of Photon Emission Accompanying Fracture of Polycrystalline MgO in NitrogenMechanical Properties of Sol-Gel Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Films in NanoindentationThe Change of Mechanical Properties for Anodic Aluminum Oxide by Heat TreatmentMicrostructures and Mechanical Properties of Nano-Structured Aluminum Fabricated by Accumulative Roll-Bonding Using Different Rolling MethodsThe Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Molybdenum Disilicide Preforms Infiltrated by AluminumDevelopment of Low Machining Cost Materials by Using Aluminum BorateEstimation of Thermal Shock Resistance by Infrared Radiation Heating and Water Flow Cooling TechniquesImprovement in Oxidation and Thermal Shock Resistance of Molten Glass-Coated Carbon Materials by Interfacial ControlMicroscopic Study of Sliding Wear Surfaces of AluminaDry Sliding Wear of Lu2O3 Sialon CeramicsIncreasing the Effectiveness of Aluminium Phosphate BindersRolling Life Properties of Ceramic Bearings in WaterTribological Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Si3 N4 / Si3N4-BN Alternate Layered CompositesWear Behavior of Nano-Sized Metal Particle Dispersed Al2O3 NanocompositesFabrication of Nanoabrasive Grinding Wheels and Their Application to Grinding Silicon WafersTribological Property of Plasma Sprayed TiO2 CoatingAdhesive and Wear Properties of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron SputterTribological Properties of TiN/DLC Nanocomposite CoatingsCorrosion Resistance of Commercial Si3N4 Bearing BallsCharacteristic Evaluation of High Corrosion Resistant Ti/ (Pt + B2O3) Electrode with New Microstructure of CoatEffect of Chemical Composition of Intergranular Glass on Superplastic Deformation of β-Silicon NitrideSuperplastic Deformation of Silicon Nitride Nanocomposite at High Strain RatesSuperplastic Behavior in GeO2 - TiO2 Doped TZPSurface Diffusion and Incorporation Process of Adatom in Fe-Al Multilayer SystemOxygen Diffusion along Symmetric [0001] Tilt Grain Boundaries in α-AluminaOxynitride Glasses and Their Properties - Implications for High Temperature Performance of Silicon Nitride-Based CeramicsHigh-Temperature Properties of Silicon Nitride with Lu-Si-O-N Grain Boundary PhasesAnalysis of Internal Friction on Silicon Nitride with Visco-Elastic ModelDeformation Behavior of SiO2 Doped Nanocrystalline Monoclinic Zirconia at Low TemperaturesMicrostructure and High Temperature Strength Characteristics of Unidirectionally Solidified Al2 O3 /GdAlO3 Eutectic CompositeInfluence of Grain Boundary Properties on Microcracking of AlN in Sliding TestThe Effect of Particle Migration on the Creep-Rate of NanocompositesCrack Propagation Behavior of Alumina with Different Grain Sizes under Static and Cyclic FatigueCrack-Healing under Cyclic Stress and Improvement of the Resultant Fatigue Strength of Si3N4/SiCEvaluation and Control of Crack Propagation in Dense Porcelain/ Porous Alumina Layered Structures for Dental Material ApplicationsCritical Conditions for Crack-Healing of Structural Ceramics under Constant or Cyclic StressSimultaneous Removal of SOx and NOx by Catalytic Cordierite FilterIndentation Contact Deformation of 3Y-TZP at Elevated TemperaturesHigh Temperature Characteristics of Melt Growth Composites and Their Application to Ultra High Efficiency Gas Turbine ComponentsDevelopment and Evaluation of Ceramic Components for a Gas TurbineEffect of Reactive Filler Addition for Matrix of SiC Fiber/SiC CompositeThermal and Electrical Conductivities of Porous Carbon-Coated Ceramic Fiber CompositesLaser Chemical Vapor Deposition of Thick Oxide CoatingsLa2O3 Doped Y2O3 Stabilized ZrO2 TBC Prepared by EB-PVDDeposition Behavior of YSZ Nano-Coating Layer by EB-PVDThermal Conductivity of Nano-Pore Dispersed Y-PSZ Fabricated by EB-PVDThermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of Plasma Sprayed Al2O3/ZrO2 Nano-Composite CoatingInvestigation of Strontium-Niobium Oxides for Application to Thermal Barrier CoatingsThermal Conductivity of Zirconia for Thermal Barrier Coatings: A Perturbed Molecular Dynamics StudyMechanical Properties and Damage Durability of Thermal Barrier Coatings with Thermal FatigueAdvances in YSZ Coatings Prepared by Sol-Gel Route. Applications to Fuel Cells or Thermal Barrier CoatingsNew Challenge of Plasma Spray Coatings in Nano Oxide CeramicsDevelopment of Nanostructured Al2O3-Ni HVOF CoatingsProcess Optimization for Nanostructured HVOF -Sprayed Al2O3-Based Ceramic CoatingsQuest and Evaluation of Topcoat Materials for Environmental Barrier Coatings of SiC/SiC CompositesReliability during Thermal Shock Testing of NiCr Films on Mn-Ni-Co Oxide SubstratesComparison of Water Vapor Corrosion Behaviors of Ln2Si2O7 (Ln=Yb and Lu) and ASiO4 (A=Ti, Zr and Hf) EBC'sCharacterization and Photocatalytic Properties of Plasma Sprayed TiO2 Coatings Deposited from NanoparticlesTitania Nanocrystals-Dispersed Coatings from SiO2-TiO2 Gel Films through Hydrolysis and DissolutionPreparation and Characterization of Titania Thin FilmsDevelopment of Silicon Carbide Coating on Al2O3 Ceramics from Precursor Polymers by Radiation CuringAccelerated Degradation Test of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron SputterLocal Acceleration Effects of Adatom at the Vicinity on the Surface: Case of Co Nano Thin-Films on Al SurfaceLaser-Assisted Synthesis of Amorphous/Pseudoamorphous GaN Thin Films and NanostructuresThe Effects of Nitrogen and Annealing on the Electrical Property of the Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) FilmsThe Anisotropic Properties of the Tape Cast Si3N4 Ceramics with Rod-Like β-Si3N4 Seeds AdditionFabrication and Characterization of Zirconia-Based New Ceramic Composites for Thermal Barrier CoatingsDesign and Characterization of Porosity Gradient for the Laminated Alumina TubesAlumina-Based Nanocomposites Fabricated by a Novel Soaking MethodProperties and Microstructure of Mullite-Based Iron NanocompositeHigh-Toughness Tetragonal Zirconia/Alumina Nano-CeramicsMicrostructures and Mechanical Properties of Fine-Scale Fibrous Alumina / Zirconia Bi-Phase Composite Fabricated by Co-Extrusion ProcessNanocomposite Formation in the Fe3O4-M (M=Al, Ti) Systems by Mechanical AlloyingFabrication of α-Sialon Nano-Ceramics Fabrication and Evaluation of β-SiAlON NanoceramicsFabrication and Properties of Machinable AlN-BN Ceramic NanocompositesElectrical Properties of AlN-SiC CeramicsFabrication of Electronic Conductive Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Convenient Powder Metallurgical ProcessEffect of Oxynitride Grain Boundary Phase on Toughening of Silicon Nitride CeramicsElectrically Conductive Aluminum Nitride Ceramics Containing In-Situ Synthesized Boron CarbonitrideFabrication of Conductive Alumina by Gelcasting and Reduction SinteringPreparation and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Dispersed Zirconia NanocompositesSynthesis and Densification of CNTs/Fe/Al2O3 Nanocomposite Powders by Chemical Vapor DepositionPreparation of Organic/Inorganic Nanocomposites with Microwave ProcessFabrication of Yttria Stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals Containing TiNi Intermetallic CompoundsSynthesis of Monodispersed Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Particles from PhenyltriethoxysilaneEvaluation of Thermal Stability of Porous Material by Sintering StressPreparation and Properties of Porous Alumina Ceramics with Oriented PoresFabrication and Characteristic of Porous Alumina Developed with SiC Nano-Fiber or Nano-WhiskerPreparation of Ceramic Honeycomb Filter Supported Zeolite Membrane Modules by Microwave-Assisted In-Situ CrystallizationIn-Situ Formation and Coating of Cordierite Whiskers on Cordierite Based Honeycomb SupportFabrication of Porous Ni-ZrO2 for SOFC Using NiO-ZrO2 Composite PowdersSynthesis and Application of Nano Porous La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ on an Oxygen Separation MembraneDurability of Ceramic Filter for Hot Gas CleaningMacroporous Ceramics Coated with Mesoporous Layer for Enzyme EncapsulationPreparation of Bimodal Porous Apatite Ceramics through Slip Casting Using Fine Hydroxyapatite PowdersFabrication of Uniformly Nano-Sized Macroporous Silica Structure Using TemplatesFabrication of Large Ceramic Components with Controlled Microstructure by Powder Thermoset MoldingMineral Sand as a Low Cost Source of NanomaterialsFabrication and Characterization of Zeolite-Carbon Composite from Industrial WastesEvaluation of Energy Consumption in Ceramic Fabrication Process for Alumina Ceramics with Diverse Particle SizesFabrication of Al2O3 Ceramics by Environmentally Friendly ProcessCharacteristics of Wall and Floor Tiles Using Waste GlassHoneycomb Supports, Filters and Catalysts for Cleaner EnvironmentPreparation of Porous Hydroxyapatite Using Extrusion of PANSynthesis and Characterization of Calcium Phosphate-AMP Layered MaterialsFinite Element Analysis on Proof Testing of Ceramic Ball Heads for Total Hip Replacements: Trauma Loading ConsiderationsApplication of Zeolites on Cellulose FiberFormation of Hydroxyapatite from Mechanochemically Treated β-Tricalcium Bis (Orthophosphate)Transmission Electron Microscopic Study on Thermal Decomposition Process of Calcium-Deficient HydroxyapatiteDissolution and Mechanical Properties of Sintered Hydroxyapatite Immersed in WaterCorrelation of Physical Properties of Inorganic Carrier and Microbial Survival RateLuminescence Properties of Rare-Earth Doped α-SiAlONsEffects of Sn2+ Co-Doping on the Photoluminescence of Eu3+ Ion in Strontium PhosphateSynthesis of WO3 Electrochromic Sensor by Sol-Gel Method and Characterization of Its Electrochemical and Optical PropertiesThermoelectric Properties of Al-Doped ZnO Prepared by Electrical Field-Assist SinteringPhotocatalytic Activity of Titania and Zirconia-Doped Titania Nanocrystals Prepared by Surfactant-Assisted Templating MethodComparison of Adsorption Capability and Photocatalytic Activity for Methylene Blue Decomposition of LiInO2 with NaInO2The Preparation of Visible Light-Responsive TiO2 Thin Films by Applying a RF-Magnetron Sputtering Deposition Method and Their Photocatalytic Reactivity for the Decomposition of Water with a Separate Evolution of H2 and O2The Intelligent Catalyst: Pd-Perovskite Having the Self-Regenerative Function in a Wide Temperature RangeThe Self-Regenerative "Intelligent" Catalyst for Automotive Emissions Control Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Pb-EDTA and Cu-EDTA Solutions Using Nanosized ZnO Powders by Solution-Combustion MethodSynthesis of Solution-Combusted ZnO Nanopowder and Its Application to Gold RecoveryEffect of Additives on Dielectric Loss of AlN CeramicsDielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of xPb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3 - yPb(Mn1/3Nb1/3Sb1/3)O3- (1-x-y)Pb(Zr0.48Ti0.52)O3 CeramicsEffect of Sintering Temperature on Structure, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Properties of (Na0.5Bi0.5)0.90Ba0.10TiO3 CeramicThermodynamic and Dielectric Properties of MgSiN2 CeramicsUltrasonic Spray Nozzle System with Piezoelectric Ceramics for Water Treatment ApplicationsPressure Sensing Using Electrostatic CapacitancePreparation and Evaluation of Metal/Ceramic Nanocomposites for High Frequency Inductive DevicesMicrostructural and Electrical Characterisation of LaxBa1-xTi1-xYxO3 (0≦ x≦ 0.50) CeramicsA Structural Consideration of a Solid Solution La4Ni3-xMnxO10Extraction of Crystal Structures Based on Euclidean Voronoi Diagram and Angle Distributions among AtomsSintering and Electronic Conducting Properties of La0.8Ca0.2CrO3 Perovskite-Type Complex Oxides Synthesized by Different MethodsMagnetic and Electronic Properties of Transition Metal Doped β-SiC - A Diluted Magnetic SemiconductorDevelopment of Ferrite Magnetic Materials with High Strength by a Low-Temperature Sintering MethodProcessing and Mechanical Properties of Microcellular CeramicsPreparation and Properties of a Novel Anode of Interpenetrating Phase Composite StructureFabrication and Fuel Cell Properties of Gd-Doped CeO2 Micro-Tube Ceramics Reactors Prepared by Gel PrecursorPreparation of YSZ Electrolyte for SOFC by Electron Beam PVDEffect of Alumina Additions on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of 8mol% Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Prepared by Spark Plasma SinteringSealing Behavior of Visco-Elastic Composite Seals for SOFC Applications
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