Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The Seventh European Conference on Residual Stresses (ECRS7), was held in Berlin, Germany, on the 13-15th September 2006.
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Residual Stresses, Berlin, Germany 13-15 Steptember 2006
The Importance of Residual Stresses in Microelectronic Products and Materials An X-Ray Diffraction Method to Determine Stress at Constant Penetration/Information Depth Mechanical Stress Gradients in Thin Films Analyzed Employing X-Ray Diffraction Measurements at Constant Penetration/Information Depths Sub-Surface Residual Stress Gradients: Advances in Laboratory XRD Methods Determination of Real Space Residual Stress Distributions σij(z) of Surface Treated Materials with Diffraction Methods Part I: Angle-Dispersive Approach Determination of Real Space Residual Stress Distributions σij(z) of Surface Treated Materials with Diffraction Methods Part II: Energy Dispersive Approach The Residual Stresses Generated by Deep Rolling and their Stability in Fatigue & Application to Deep-Rolled Crankshafts Stability of Residual Stresses of Deep Rolled Sintered Iron at Quasistatic and Cyclic Loading Residual Stress Stability in High Temperature Fatigued Mechanically Surface Treated Metallic Materials Residual Stresses Induced by Cross-RollingGeometry Effects when Controlling Residual Stresses in Friction Stir Welds by Mechanical Tensioning Measuring and Predicting the Effects of Residual Stresses on Crack Propagation A Novel Closed-Form Calculation of the Stress Intensity Factor for a Crack in a Residual Stress Field Residual Stresses in 3D Sheet Metal Guillotining Using a Coupled Finite Elastoplastic Damage Model Residual Stress State at Different Scales in Deep Drawn Cup of Unstable Austenitic Steel White Beam Microdiffraction Experiments for the Determination of the Local Plastic Behaviour of Polycrystals Inter- and Intragranular Stress Determination with Kossel Microdiffraction in a Scanning Electron Microscope Determinability of Complete Residual Strain Tensor from Multiple CBED Patterns FibDAC - Residual Stress Determination by Combination of Focused Ion Beam Technique and Digital Image Correlation Residual Stress State and Fatigue Behaviour of Laser Shock Peened Titanium Alloys Dynamic Analysis of Residual Stress Introduced by Laser PeeningStrengthening of Si3N4 Ceramics by Laser PeeningX-Ray Diffraction in Failure Analysis of Rolling BearingsRelaxation of Residual Stresses in and around Mechanical Fasteners Due to Fatigue Loading A Kinematic Hardening Finite Elements Model to Evaluate Residual Stresses in Shot-Peened Parts, Local Measurements by X-Ray Diffraction Thermomechanical Modelling of a Steel Plate Impacted by a Shot and Experimental Validation Material Flow Curve Influence on Macroscopic Residual Stresses in the Workpiece Bottom in High-Pressure Sheet Metal Forming Experimental and FEM Analysis of Cutting Sequence on Residual Stresses in Machined Layers of AISI 316L Steel Effect of Residual Stresses on Mechanical Properties of Duplex Stainless Steel Studied by Diffraction and Self-Consistent Modelling The Materials Science Beamline EDDI for Energy-Dispersive Analysis of Subsurface Residual Stress Gradients Design of Engineering Diffractometer at J-PARCE7 - New Strain Scanner at HMI - High Q-Resolution for Phase-Sensitive Analysis of Stress Distributions The New Materials Science Diffractometer STRESS-SPEC at FRM-IISALSA: Advances in Residual Stress Measurement at ILLThe New and Upgraded Neutron Instruments for Materials Science at HMI - Current Activities in Cooperation with IndustryReview of Residual Stress Determination and Exploitation Techniques Using X-Ray Diffraction Method New Type of Diffraction Elastic Constants for Stress DeterminationResidual Stress Reconstruction by Variational Eigenstrain ProceduresApplication of the cos α Method to Area Detector Type Neutron Stress MeasurementResidual Stress Distribution in Pure Bending Beam Subjected to Tensile Failure on One Side Evaluation of Uncertainties of Measurement for Residual Stresses in Coatings Determined by the Dilatometric Method Aspects of Residual Stress Determination Using Energy-Dispersive Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Micro Diffraction Imaging of Bulk Polycrystalline MaterialsDetermination of Residual Stress Fields with High Local ResolutionEvaluation by Synchrotron Radiation of Shape Factor Effects on Residual Stress in Nitrided Layers Residual Stress Analysis Around Foreign Object Damage Using Synchrotron Diffraction Residual Stress in Laser Bent Steel ComponentsThe Influence of Aluminium Alloy Quench Sensitivity on the Magnitude of Heat Treatment Induced Residual Stress Effect of Residual Stress on High Temperature Deformation in a Weld Stainless Steel Influence of Heat Treatment and Grinding Conditions on Surface Residual Stresses in the Production of Rollers Residual Stress Prediction and Relaxation in Welded Tubular Joints under Constant Cyclic Loading Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Residual Stress Induced by Elastic-Plastic Bending, Tension or Torsion Loading Analysis of the Impact of a Shot at Low Velocity Using the Finite Element Method. Application to the Ultrasonic Shot-Peening Process Residual Stress Analysis in Shot Peened and Fretting Fatigued Samples by the Eigenstrain Method Finite Element Simulation of the Residual Stress States after Shot PeeningResidual Stresses due to High Temperature Annealing. Mathematical Model and CalculationsInfluence of Residual Stress Redistribution on Fatigue Crack Growth and Damage Tolerant DesignNeutron and X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Residual Stresses in Cold-Rolled Pearlitic Steel SheetResidual Stress in Railway Rails by IP/cosα MethodFeasibility of Thermal Strain Measurements during Quasi-Steady State Using Neutron DiffractionA Comparison of Strain Measurements on an Inertia Friction Weld Using the ENGIN-X and SALSA Neutron Strain Mapping InstrumentsResidual Stresses in Welded Joints after Different Mechanical Surface TreatmentsCharacterisation of Residual Stresses by X-Ray Diffraction of Laser Welded AZ91 Magnesium AlloyResidual Stresses in Laser Beam Welded Butt Joints of the Airframe Aluminium Alloy AA6056Residual Stress Analysis of Laser Welded Aluminium T-Joints Using Neutron DiffractionDiffraction Post-Processor for Polycrystalline Plasticity ModellingNumerical Simulation of Residual Stresses during the Heat Treatment of Dies Made of Hot Work Tool SteelNumerical and Analytical Scale-Transition Prediction of Hygro-Mechanical Stresses in Multidirectional Carbon-Epoxy LaminatesLetterbox Type Repair Weld Finite Element Simulation and Residual Stress PredictionUltrasonic Stress Measurement in Welded Component by Using Lcr Waves: Analysis of the Microstructure EffectUltrasonic Stress Measurement: Application to Preload Assessment on Already Tightened BoltsA new Approach in Residual Stresses Analysis by Speckle InterferometryLaser Photoacoustic Microscopy of Mechanical Stresses in Modern Ceramics and MetalsExperimental Study of the Influence of a Trailing Heat Sink on the Welding Residual Stress DistributionDevelopment and Effects of Residual Stresses in Joints Produced by Electromagnetic Compression and its Implication on the Mechanical PropertiesPost-Weld Heat Treatment Stress Relaxation in Zircaloy 4 Plasma WeldsDevelopment of Instrument for Residual Stress Measurement in a 50 mm Inner Diameter Power Generation PipesEffect of Grain Size Distribution on Second Order Stresses in Plastically Deformed PolycrystalsNumerical Study of the Influence of Dislocation Microstructure on Metallic Materials Mechanical BehaviourNumerical Simulation of Residual Stresses at the Grain and Sub-Grain Length Scale Using Atomistic ModelingPlastic Heterogeneities Characterisation in 16MND5 RPV Steel by X-Ray Diffraction, Comparison with Finite-Element ApproachMeasuring the Variation of Residual Stress with Depth: A Validation Exercise for Fine Incremental Hole DrillingResidual Stress Analysis in Crankshaft Using the Hole Drilling MethodMethod for Mapping Multi-Axial Residual Stresses in Continuously-Processed Bodies Deep Hole Drill Residual Stress Measurement Technique Experimental Validation Application of Hole-Drilling Method in PracticeMeasurement and Interpretation of Residual Stresses Induced in Ti-17 by Machining Conditions Effect of Laser Assistance Machining on Residual Stress and Fatigue Strength for a Bearing Steel (100Cr6) and a Titanium Alloy (Ti 6Al 4V)Influence of Work Material Properties on Residual Stresses and Work Hardening Induced by MachiningResidual Stress in High-Pressure Water Jet Assisted Turning of Austenitic Stainless SteelCharacterisation of Residual Stresses in Machined Surfaces of a High Strength Nickel-Base SuperalloyResidual Stresses Gradient Determination in Cu Thin FilmsX-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Nonuniform Residual Stress Fields σii(τ) under Difficult ConditionsResidual Stress Gradients in PVD-Coated Carbide Cutting ToolsMeasurement of Residual Stresses in Thin Films by Two-Dimensional XRDResidual Stress Evolution during Decomposition of Ti(1-x)Al(x)N Coatings Using High-Energy X-RaysA Comparative Study of Microstructure and Residual Stresses of CMT-, MIG- and Laser-Hybrid WeldsStrain Scan and Texture of an Anhydrite-Dolomite Rock from the Piora-Syncline (Switzerland)In Situ Neutron Diffraction Study on the Mechanical Behavior of an Ultra-Fine-Grained SteelDetermination of Welding Residual Stresses with Help of the Micromagnetic Measurement MethodMeasurement of Residual Stress in an A533B Ferritic Steel Plate Containing a Repair WeldLayer Growing/Removing Method for Determination of Residual Stresses in Thin Orthotropic Inhomogeneous DiscsResidual Strain Measurement of C/C-SiC Tubes at High TemperatureResidual Stress Measurements in Single and Multi-Pass Groove Weld Specimens Using Neutron Diffraction and the Contour MethodThe Effect of Plastic Anisotropy on the Residual Stress within a 316L Stainless Steel Bead-on-Plate SpecimenGrinding-Induced Residual Shear StressesEvaluation of Subsurface Distribution of Residual Stress in Austenitic Stainless Steel Using Strain Scanning MethodResidual Stress Evaluation of Ni Based Weld Metal Using Neutron Diffraction MethodResidual Stresses and Accuracy of Pipe Preparations by Manufacture Zirconium Tubes for the Nuclear IndustryStress Factors and Absolute Residual Stresses in Thin Films Determined by the Combination of Curvature and sin²ψ MethodsEffect of Surface Nano Crystallization on Tribological Properties of Stainless SteelStresses Analysis on Coarse Grain Zn Film during Tensile LoadingScratch Test of TiCN Thin Films with Different Preferred OrientationStrains, Stresses and Elastic Properties in Polycrystalline Metallic Thin Films: In Situ Deformation Combined with X-Ray Diffraction and Simulation ExperimentsOxford HEXameter: Laboratory High Energy X-Ray Diffractometer for Bulk Residual Stress AnalysisA New Type of X-Ray Diffractometer with Cooperating Robots for Residual Stress Analysis on Large ComponentsEffect of Detector Width and Peak Location Technique on Residual Stress Determination in Case of Work-Hardened MaterialsSpecific Corrections Associated to Linear CCD Detectors Used in X-Ray DiffractionInternal Stress Development during Fatigue Cycling of High-Strength Al/SiC Metal Matrix CompositesEffective Stresses and Plastic Strain Rates in a Superalloy: a High Temperature In Situ Study by Synchrotron X-Ray TCDVaristor Ceramic: Residual Strain and Texture Analysis by Neutron Time-of-Flight DiffractionResidual Stresses in Sintered Diamond-Cobalt CompositesData Collection Requirements for the Analysis of Residual Stress in Polycrystalline CoatingsInterdiffusion and Stress Development in Thin Film Diffusion CouplesEvaluation of Deformation Behavior in Cu Thin Film under Tensile and Fatigue Loading by X-Ray MethodDependence Between Aging Treatments and Residual Stresses on Composite LaminateEvolution of Residual Strains in Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steels and the Accompanying Strain Induced Martensitic TransformationThe Effect of Phase Transformations on Predicted Values of Residual Stresses in Welded Ferritic ComponentsResidual and Internal Stress States in Duplex Steel with TWIP EffectQuantitative Estimation of the Second Order Plastic Incompatibility Stresses in Textured Duplex SteelIn Situ X-Ray Diffraction Study of Load Partitioning and Microyielding for the Super Duplex Stainless Steel SAF2507 (UNS S32750)Development of Intergranular Stresses in Zirconium Alloy Cladding Tubes: Experimental and Numerical StudiesSecond Order Stresses Distribution in Textured CopperResidual Stress Evaluation in TiN Coatings Used for Erosion Protection of Aerospace ComponentsMeasurement of Residual Stresses in Electrochemically Metallized Coatings on Thin Cross-Cut Ring SubstrateResidual Stress in EB-PVD Thermal Barrier CoatingsComparative Studies of Textured Pulsed Laser Deposition and Sol-Gel Growth of Thin Hydroxyapatite Layers on Titanium SubstratesIntergranular Strain and Phase Transformation in a Cobalt-Based SuperalloyFatigue Degradation and Martensitic Transformation of Austenitic Stainless Steel AlSi 321: New Results and ProspectsStress Determination during the Mechanically-Induced Martensite Phase Transformation in the Superelastic Alloy CuAlBe by Neutron DiffractionResidual Stress and Microstructure in the Rail/Wheel Contact Zone of a Worn Railway WheelOn the Development of Grain-Orientation-Dependent and Inter-Phase Stresses in a Super Duplex Stainless Steel under Uniaxial LoadingEvolution of Microstrains at Cyclic Incremental Deformation of Steel 42CrMo4In Situ X-Ray Stress Analysis for the Highly Textured Mg-Base Wrought Alloy AZ31Formation and Interpretation of Micro Residual Stresses in Cold Deformed Brass AlloysX-Ray Stress Estimation of Carbide in Spheroidized JIS SK5 SteelMechanical Properties of Hydroxyapatite in Bone at the Interface with ImplantsThe Measurement of Stresses within Oxides Produced on Austenitic and Ferritic Steels Using Raman SpectroscopyDependence of Oxidation Behavior and Residual Stresses in Oxide Layers on Armco Iron Substrate Surface ConditionResidual Stress Analysis in Reed Pipe Brass Tongues of Historic OrgansNeutron Strain Scanning of Archaeological Bronzes
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