This collection contains papers that were presented at the International Russian Conference on Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology has taken place on October 1-4, 2018. We hope this collection will be useful and interesting for engineers and researchers in the field of material science and metallurgical technologies.
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International Russian Conference on Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology (RusMetalCon 2018)
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Russian Conference on Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology (RusMetalCon 2018), October 1-4, 2018, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
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PrefaceChapter 1: Synthesis, Processing and Characterization of MaterialsEffect of Micro-Alloying with Boron and Niobium on Properties of Cr-Mn-Mo SteelsAnalysis of Thermal Stresses in Layered Composite AD1 + Cr20Ni80 + M1 after Heat TreatmentEffect of Explosive Processing on the Structure and Properties of PolyarylateDestruction Patterns of X70 Steel Sample, Possessing Cracks of Corrosion-Mechanical Origin, under Cyclic LoadingThe Usage of Hydroextrusion for Plastic Deformation of Magnetostrictive Iron-Gallium AlloysAnalysis of the External Conditions Affecting on the Cavitation Resistance of a SteelImproving the Durability of Machine Parts Using a Combined MethodDetermination of Polymorphic Transformation Temperature for Alloy VT8Medium-Carbon Free-Cutting SteelSiAlON-TiN Ceramic Composites by Electric Current Assisted SinteringImproving Strength of Structural Steels by Preheating in an Oxygen-Containing MediumStructural Transformations Influence on Mechanical-and-Physical and Chemical Properties of Fe-Cr-Co Alloys in HeatingShot Blasting of the Cemented Gear PartsCorrosion Resistance of Medical Stainless Steel Obtained by Non-Vacuum Electron Beam CladdingMethodology and Installation of the Etching of the Surface Layer from Pipes, Rods and Profiles for the Aim of the Analysis of Residual StressesPorous Material Production and Material PropertiesStructure and Characteristics of the Metal of the Cr-Ni-Mo-Mn-Si-Ti-Nb System Obtained by Surfacing with a Flux-Cored Wire Alloyed by Boron CarbideTechnology and Properties of Composite Materials with Modifier of Chloride AluminumResearch of Polyethylene in Products of AutocomponentsNanostructured Yttrium Oxide Obtained by Hydrolysis of Yttrium SulfateModeling and Calculation of Thermochemical Characteristics of Crystalline Vanadium Oxides under Standard ConditionsEffect of Cerium and Lanthanum Additives on the Phase Composition of the Copper-Nickel AlloysMeasurement of Complex Dielectric Permittivity of Quartz SystemsInvestigation of NiO-Al2O3-SiO2 Properties via XRD, FTIR Techniques and Thermal AnalysisThe Structure of Multi-Layer Composite Material Obtained by the Method of Diffusion WeldingFeatures of the Formation of Structure and Phases in Single-Crystal High-Temperature Alloys and their Effect on Mechanical PropertiesInfluence of pH and Synthesis Duration on the Composition and Thermal Behavior of Hydrolysis Products of Lanthanum NitrateOptimization of the Composition and Structure of Deformable Heat Resistant Aluminum AlloyThermodynamic Modeling of the Processes of Interaction of Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminum and Boron with Oxygen in Metallic MeltsCeramic Proppants Based on Ultrabasic Rocks of Kazakhstan Chromite Ore DepositsAssessment of the Structural State of the Amorphous Alloys Thin Surface LayersDoping Titanium Dioxide by Fluoride IonThe Poly-Substituted M-Type Hexaferrite Crystals GrowthInvestigation of Physical and Chemical Processes of Formation of Composite Materials with Specified Structural Phase CharacteristicsFeatures of Technological Materials Application in Thermal ManufacturingNi-Fe Alloys as Perspective Materials for Highly Efficient Magnetostatic ShieldingAustenite to Ferrite Transformation Kinetics in Fe-9 %Cr Alloys - I. General Kinetic AnalysisMethods for Improving the Efficiency of Steel ModifyingInfluence of the Glassfiber Filaments Distribution on Quality and Performance of Hole Processing on PrintboardsInfluence of Surface Energy on Ni-Fe Thin Films Formation ProcessTemplate Assisted Ni Nanowires FabricationPeculiarities of Microstructure Changing on Outer Surface of Carbon Steel Wire at Combined Deformational Processing by Drawing with TorsionReasons for Breakage of Welding Rod and WireInvestigation of Grain Anisotropy on Surface Area between Carbon Steel Wire and Die at DrawingSolution to Technological Problems of Raising the Reliability and Quality of Castings Based on Titanium AlloysComponents of the GdOCl - GdCl3 • 6H2O System Identification and Determination by the Raman SpectroscopyOn-Line Registration of Damages in Composite Materials with Fiber-Optic Acoustic Emission SensorsExperimental Study of Strain-Softening Stage in MaterialsDifferential Thermal Analysis of Complex Alloyed BrassCharacterization of Ti-xNb (x = 25 – 35) Alloys in as Melt and Annealed StatesParticle Size Distribution and Structural State Analysis of Mechanically Milled Strontium HexaferriteInfluence of Thermal Exposure on the Structure and Phase Composition of Aluminized Layer Obtained by Explosion Welding and Hot-Dipping ProcessFeatures of Martensitic Transformation in Steel during Quenching in a Constant Magnetic FieldEffect of the Quenching Temperature on the Phase Composition and Youngʹs Modulus of Corrosion-Resistant and Biocompatible Titanium AlloysChange of a State of the Optical Parts Surfaces made of K8 Glass after Polishing CompletionEfficiency of Thermocycling Treatment Application for Hardening Casing Pipes from Steel 09G2S to Strength Group Q125Experimental Studies of Wear Resistance of Anti-Friction Coatings of Bimetal Fluid-Film BearingsRegression Model of TCLE of Low Melting Glass of System MgSO4-KPO3-Na2B4O7Powder Diffraction and Dilatometric Study of SrFe12O19Hardenability of Medium Carbon Cr-Mn-Mo Alloyed SteelsNumerical and Experimental Investigation of the Heat Treated Steel Part Microstructure and HardnessBall-Milling Stimulated Mechanochemical Processes in the System “Titanium-Toluene”Effect of Mesostructural Elements on Radiation-Induced Porosity in 16Cr-19Ni-2Mo-2Mn-Nb-Ti-V-P-B Austenitic SteelDevelopment of Capillary Tube Production TechnologyEffect of Grain Boundaries Type on Carbides Precipitates in Tempered MartensiteEffect of Boron on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Low-Carbon Tube SteelImproving the Strength of Abrasive Wheels and Optimizing the Control over the Strength of Composite Abrasive MaterialsChapter 2: Technologies of Pyrometallurgical ProcessesTechnology and Equipment for Plasma Electric Arc Granulation of Fused Welding FluxThe Analysis of the Influence of Manufacturing Practice of Anode Paste on its ConsumptionPromising Directions for the Stabilization of Ferroalloy Production SlagsThe Time and Heat Dependence of the Nitrogen Distribution upon Steel Alloying with Nitrided ManganeseModeling of Material and Heat Balance of Ferromanganese Blast Furnace Smelting Using Computer Environment LazarusNon-Equilibrium Crystallization of a Eutectic Alloy - Mathematical ModelТhe Study of the Process of Metal-Thermal Reduction of Boron from the Slag of the System CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3-B2O3New Possibilities of ESR for Modern Machine EngineeringIron Oxidation State Analysis in ESR SlagEfficiency of Application of Evaporative Cooling of Graphite Electrodes to Reduce their Consumption in Arc FurnacesDevelopment of the Process for Obtaining Iron-Ore Pellets with Required Metallurgical PropertiesKinetics of Siderite Ore Roasting in the Shaft FurnaceResearch on the Thermal Work of the Drum-Type Chamber Furnace with a Constant Temperature of the Working SpaceStudy on Thermal Operation and Design of Ring Furnace of the Pipe Rolling PlantZinc Ferrite Decomposition by Sodium Carbonate and Calcium Oxide at Roasting of Steelmaking DustDevelopment Features of Thermal and Gas-Dynamic Performance of Mineral Wool Cupola FurnaceParticular Oxydation Features of Various Mechanical Strength CokesFundamental Research as a Basis for the Creation of New Technologies in Steel Ladle MetallurgyImprovement of Agglomeration Technology by a Sinter Mix PreheatingDirect Reduction of Iron from Crystal Lattice of a Complex OxideSolid-Phase Reduction of Iron from Suroyam Titanomagnetite Ore during Metallization in Rotary KilnMathematical Model of the Reduction of Metals from Complex Polymetallic Types of Ore Applicable to the Electron MechanismMetallographic Estimation of the Number of Forming Metallic Particles Obtained during Direct and Indirect Reduction of Metals from Complex OxidesSurvey of Methods of Refining Catalysts for the Extraction of Platinum Group MetalsChapter 3: Technologies of Hydrometallurgical ProcessesHydrochemical Investigation of Dissolving Sulfide Gold-Bearing Raw Material of Uderey DepositNitric Acid Treatment of Olympiada Deposit Refractory Gold-Bearing ConcentrateStudying Kinetics of Arsenic Recovery from Copper Dross by Alkaline Sulfide LeachingStudy of Influence of Parameters of Leaching Fluorine from Spent Pot LiningChoice of Efficient Technology for Aged Enrichment Tailings ProcessingThe Ways of Development of Combined Hydrometallurgical Technology for Processing of Complex Ores’ Beneficiation TailingsComplete Processing of the High-Iron Content Red MudQuality Increase in the Gold-Containing Cathode SedimentComplex Rare Earth Minerals Sulfate Decomposition Techniques InvestigationTheory of Copper-Electrolyte Slimes Decoppering in the Presence of Hydrogen PeroxideLeaching of Non-Ferrous Metals from Galvanic SludgesImprovement of Stirred Tank for Aluminum Hydroxide Seeded PrecipitationApplication of Inorganic Fe(III)-Based Sorbent for Arsenic SorptionInvestigating of a Low-Grade Copper Concentrate Desilication by Alkali Pressure LeachingCopper Smelting Fine Dust Autoclave LeachingSorption and Membrane Technologies for Mine Water PurificationChapter 4: Modern Problems of Foundry ProductionTo the Question of Casting Alloys of Non-Ferrous Metals in the Metal MoldProspects of Using Titanium Dioxide as a Component of Modifying Composition for Aluminum Casting AlloysPosition Control and Alignment of the CCM EquipmentPerspective Methods of Graphite Quality ImprovingPhysical Methods of Melt Processing at Production of Aluminum Alloys and Composites: Opportunities and Prospects of ApplicationForecasting the Structure and the Hindered Contraction of Casts by Using the ProCAST System of Engineering AnalysisNanostructured Materials in Preparation Casting AlloysAcceleration of the Formation on the Sodium Silicate Binder in Investment CastingEvaluating Heat Resistance of Mold Shells in Investment CastingApplication of Numerical Model of Continuous Cast Bloom Crystallization to Improve the Efficiency of Mechanical Soft Reduction TechnologyAn Experience of a Liquid Glass Mixture Using for AlpHaset Process in RussiaSpecialty of Сarbon-Carbid-Silicic Mixture Using (UKKS) as Substitute of Re-Carburizing Agent and Ferrosilicon for Grey Iron MeltingModel for Solidification of the Working Layer of the Roll in the Chill of the Centrifugal MachineInfluence of the Intensity of Electromagnetic Mixing in Continuous Casting Machine Crystallizer on the Formation of Grade BlanksChapter 5: Technologies of Metal Forming ProcessesInvestigation of the Flanging Process for the Parts with High Conical AnglesProcedure for Evaluating Competitiveness of Production ProcessesElastohydrodynamic Friction Mode as a Method of Surface Finishing Excluding BurnishingFuel Pipes Coil Drawing Line Production for Diesel EnginesSurface Pressure Treatment of Titanium Alloy Bars by Transverse RollingDevelopment and Research of the Billet Forging Technology in the Newly Designed Step-Wedge DiesDevelopment and Application of Tube End Forming Process with Combined Swaging and Local Differential Pre-HeatingGeneralized Model of Section Two-Roll Rolling - Geometry of the Zone of DeformationStress-Strain State of a Plastic Layer under Compression by Two Rigid Parallel Rough PlatesNumerical Analysis and Simulation of the Straightening Process of Heavy Rails on a Horizontal Roller-Straightening MachineDevelopment of a Method of Forging Long-Length Blanks with Intensification of Shear DeformationStudy of the Tubular Billets Geometric Characteristics during Computer Simulation of the Rotary Piercing ProcessDevelopment and Optimization of Flat Products Manufacturing at Rolling Mill 3200Influence of the Profile Radius of the Deforming Roller on the Limit Degree of Deformation in the Process of Flow FormingStudies on Technological Features of Obtaining Thin Bimetallic Brass-Aluminum-Brass StripsInfluence of Deformation Conditions on the Power Regimes of the Process of Cold Crimping of a Pipe Billet in a Conical DieThe Study of Deformability of Heat-Resistant Alloy Named “Inconel Alloy 625” for Estimation of Plates Production Possibility at Wide-Strip Rolling “Mill 2300”Study of Force and Kinematic Parameters of the Low-Waste, Zero-Draft Hot Forging of Welding Neck Flanges on the Basis of a Combined Expansion-Extrusion Deforming ProcedureStudies of Influence of Process Parameters on the Strain Rate at High-Speed Wire DrawingManagement of Rolls Handling Facilities of Long Products ShopStructure and Mechanical Properties of Electrical Copper Wire Processed by Coarse and Medium DrawingExperimental Study of Energy Force Parameters of Combined Process "Rolling - ECA-Pressing"Texture Evolution during Hot Deformation of Al-Cu-Li-Mg-Zn-Zr-Sc AlloyResidual Stresses in Elastoplastic Bending of Round BarTubes’ Rupture at Faulty Fusion of Welding SeamChapter 6: Technologies of Welding ProductionEvaluation of the Effectiveness of Plasma Torches Design for Metal Cutting by Qualimetric MethodConditions of Possible Application of Vibration Processing in the Course of WeldingCalculation of Modes of Arc Welding under the Flux of Double-Sided Butt JointsThe Influence of the Electrode Extension on the Welding-Technological Characteristics of Pulsed Arc Welding Using Cored WireResearch of Laser Welding of Thin-Sheet Structural Steels by Pulsed Laser RadiationThe Comparison Research of Plasma Surface Hardening of 34CrNiMo6 Steel Produced on Direct and Reversed Polarity CurrentResearch on Welding and Processing Behavior of Electrodes and Features of their Application in "Wet" Underwater Arc WeldingKinetics of Residual Stresses in a Welded Frameless Tubular NodeEffect Study of Thermal Cutting Methods on the Edge’s Microstructure of High-Strength Steel Grade S700MCDependence of Cold Cracks Formation from the Heat Input when Welding of High Strength Steel with Yield Strength of 500 MPaWelding of Valve Steels of Different-Sized Cross SectionsResearch on Plasma Electric Arc Granulation Processes of the Ural Region Mineral Raw Materials to Welding Materials for Submerged Arc WeldingAustenite Decomposition Kinetics in Laser-Hybrid Welding of Steel of Strength Class K52Chapter 7: Additive ManufacturingEfficiency of Hybrid Cyclic Processing with the Use of Additive Technologies on CNC Machines for the Manufacture of Composite Aviation Parts due to the Reduction of Processing ErrorsSelective Laser Melting of Mixed EP648-Alumina PowderThe Energy Density as a Reliable Parameter for Characterization of Selective Laser Melting of Various AlloysSingle Track Formation during Selective Laser Melting of Ti-6Al-4V AlloyProperties Anisotropy of Additive Manufactured High-Porous Titanium Alloy with Non-Equiaxial Cellular StructureFormation of Structure in Titanium Lightweight Structures Made by Selective Laser Melting
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