This volume contains papers which were presented at the International Russian Conference on Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology(RusMetalCon-2019, October 1-4, 2019, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation) and are devoted to discussion of the latest achievements in the field of material science and metallurgical technologies: design, synthesis and characterization of material, pyrometallurgical processes, foundry production, welding, metal forming, additive manufacturing. We hope this collection will be useful and interesting for many researchers and engineers from industrial enterprises.
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International Russian Conference on Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology (RusMetalCon 2019)
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Russian Conference on Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology (RusMetalCon-2019), October 1-4, 2019, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
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PrefaceChapter 1: Properties, Synthesis and Processing of MaterialsThermodynamic Modeling of Phase Equilibria in the FeO-MgO-Al2O3 SystemThe Influence of Heat Treatment on the Quality of Vehicle Component Parts Made of Rigid Polyurethane FoamThe Research of Service Characteristics of Up-to-Date Packaging Material for Metal ProductsFailure Analysis of the Propylene Parts Used in TrucksStudying of Causes of Destruction of the Main Gas PipelineStructural-Phase Analysis of the Titanium Niobium System Formed by Electro-Explosive Method on the Titanium Implant SurfaceExamining of Solid and Liquid Industrial Copper Blanks with Purpose for Quality Control in Respect of Defects of Technological OriginUse of Nonferrous Metallurgy Waste: Clayey Portion of the Zircon-Ilmenite Ore Gravity Tailings and Pyrite Cinders in Tile-MakingInnovative Approaches to Using Kazakhstan’s Industrial Ferrous and Nonferrous Tailings in the Production of Ceramic MaterialsThe Properties of Steel 42HMFA after Hardening and TougheningShort-Range Order in Fe-Cr Alloys: Lattice Monte Carlo ModellingStaged Local Dissolution of Stainless Steel in Chloride SolutionsChanges in the Structure of Steel during Quenching in a Magnetic FieldStudy of Sorption of Manganese (II) Cations by Composite SorbentThe Solubility of Gd2O3 in K Cl-GdCl3 MeltsThe Influence of a Magnetic Field on Skin Effects Lubricated by Magnetic LubricantsStudy of the Process of Heavy Metals Cations Mineralization by Poly-Component Structures Based on Calcium and Magnesium SilicatesStability of Strength Characteristics of Hardened by Deformation AMg6 Alloy during High-Speed HeatingModel of Electro-Pulse Processing of Metals MeltsResearch on Obtaining Silica Xerogels from Nepheline and Study of some of their Physical and Chemical PropertiesPatterns of Fracture Initiation in Metallic Materials with a Heterogeneous Structure under Dynamic Cyclic LoadingThe Research of Heat-Resistant Layer Defects Formed during the Surfacing of Nickel Alloy on the Exhaust Valve ChamferStructure, Texture and Mechanical Properties through the Section of the Hot-Extruded Tube of Titanium Alloy PT-1MThe Morphology of Carbide and Nitride Coatings on Steels after Laser IrradiationInvestigation of Nitrogen Containing Austenitic Stainless SteelThermo-Physical Parameters Determination of Nano-Crystalline Fe72.5Cu1Nb2Mo1.5Si14B9 Alloy for Twisted Magnetic Cores Heat Treatment OptimizationSelection Principles and Investigation of Substances for Synthesis of Composite Medium-Temperature Phase Change Materials for Space Heating and Domestic Hot WaterThe Microstructural Peculiarities of Beryllium Bronze after Heat TreatmentMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of the Alloy Mg61Cu28Gd11 in SubmicrovolumesControlling the Properties of the Surface Layers of Parts by Forming Regular Micro-ReliefsA Study of Porosity of Products Sintered from BrS30 Alloy Electro-Erosion PowdersThe Effects of Alkaline Earth Metals on the Structure of Sodium Borosilicate Glasses: 11B and 29Si NMR StudyKinetics of Structural Changes in Strontium Hexa-Ferrite Powder during Milling in Beater MillThermodynamic Modeling of Phase Equilibria in the FeO-Al2O3-Cr2O3 and MgO-Al2O3-Cr2O3 SystemsMorphology of ZnO Films Fabricated by Electrochemical Oxidation of Metallic ZnHigh-Temperature Ferromagnetism of Zn1-xMnxOy Thin Films Synthesized by Pulsed Laser DepositionFeatures of Tri-Calcium Silicate Formation Suppression by Sulphur and Possible Ways of its PreventingFeatures of Zinc Extraction from Sulfide FormsThe Research and Simulation (Modelling) of the Destruction of a Single Abrasive Particle during Waterjet CuttingStudy of the Adhesion Strength of the Coating with Different Coating Methods to the Surface of Parts of «Shaft» TypeThe Identification of the Mineralogical Composition of Converter Slags on the Basis of Testing and DiagnosticsEffect of Chemical Composition of Glassy Phase of Porcelain Stoneware on Product BrittlenessEffect of Hydrogen Absorption on the Composition of the Amorphous Alloys Surface LayersInvestigation of CaSO4-KPO3-Na2B4O7 System as a Basis for Synthesis of Low-Melting Glasses Used as a Glass-Solder MaterialThe Influence of Temperature and Deformation Ratio on Structure Formation and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Powder MaterialsExperimental and Numerical Investigation of the Catalytic Gas Carburization of SteelThe Study of the Complex Mechanical Properties of Rolled Bars of VT6 Alloy as a Function of Chemical Composition and Structure TypeEffect of the Lattice Parameter on Brittle Fracture of Metals at Low TemperaturesFeatures of Laser Treatment of Corrosion-Resistant Steels of Austenitic and Carbide ClassesStatistical Analysis of Grain Structures Formed by Solid-State Diffusion at AnnealingRegulation of the Properties of Construction Composites Depending on the Material CompositionCavitation Erosion-Corrosion Behavior of Fe-Cr Steel Induced by Ultrasonic VibrationSurface Electric Arc Hardening of Low-Carbon SteelsMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of the Heat Treated Hy-TUF SteelThe Effect of Manganese-Containing Pigment on the Strength of Ceramic BricksInfluence of Homogenization Heat Treatment and Cooling Modes on Microstructure of AA7475 Aluminum Alloy IngotThe Creation of Multicomponent Octahedral Crystals with Spinel Structure Using Solid-Phase Synthesis in the Al2O3-BaO-CuO-Fe2O3-Mn2O3-NiO-SrO-TiO2- ZnO and Al2O3-BaO-CuO-Fe2O3-NiO-SrO-TiO2-WO3- ZnO SystemsThe Chemical Reactivity Comparison of High-Modulus and High-Strength Carbon FibersPrediction of Fracture Toughness of Steels According to the Microstructure and Chemical CompositionRETRACTED: Studies of the Electrodynamic Parameters of a Powdered Material Depending on the Fractional Composition in the Frequency Range of 8-12 GhzPeculiar Properties of Temperature Modification of Carbonate PrecipitateThe Influence of Hardening Curve on the Shape and Size of the Neck of Specimen in Tensile TestChapter 2: Technologies of Pyrometallurgical ProcessesObjective Laws of Nitrogen Removal in the Vacuum Tank DegasserRemoval of Copper from the Sulphide Copper Smelting Waste SlagMathematical Modeling оf the Silicon Production Process from Pelletized ChargeImproving the Efficiency of Steel De-Oxidation at the Ural SteelResearch for the Processing of Stale Slag from the Ural Region by the Pyro-Metallurgical MethodNon-Metallic Impurities in Continuous Cast BilletsOptimization of Siderite Ore Sintering Operation ConditionsTechnologies Development for Thermo-Temporal Melt Processing in Order to Improve the Quality of Metal ProductsThe Metallurgical Characterization of Iron-Containing ConcentrateResearch on Siderite Ore Reducing FiringKinetics of the Natural Wolframite Interaction with Sodium and Potassium CarbonatesStudy of Sulphatizing Roasting Process Using Iron Sulphates for the Treatment of Zinc Leach ResidueSilver-Containing Concentrate ProcessingThermal Properties of High-Magnesia Oxidized Nickel OreAnalysis of the Engineering Process of Reforming Dead Catalysts for the Extraction of Platinum Group MetalsProspects for the Use of Hollow Electrodes for Deep Desulfurization of Steel in the Ladle-Furnace UnitSingle Pellet Heating in Natural Gas Combustion Products in Mixture with Air and OxygenSpecific Features of Thermal Performance of the Arc Steel Furnace in Unstable Properties Conditions of Burden MaterialsForming and Utilizing Ferrochromium Production WasteReduction Smelting of Iron-Manganese-Ree Ores of the Tomtor DepositThermodynamic Model of Silicon Smelting in Ore-Smelting FurnacesA Study of Nickel and Iron Reduction Silicothermic Process by Thermodynamic SimulationChapter 3: Technologies of Hydrometallurgical ProcessesStudies on Hydrometallurgical Treatment of Oxydized Gold-Bearing Copper OreOptimization of Alkaline Sulfide Leaching of Gold-Antimony ConcentratesMechanochemical Processes in the System “Titanium - Heptane” during Ball MillingInvestigation of Flotation Separation of Elemental Sulfur and Sulfides from Lead Sulfate from Low-Temperature Leaching of Lead ConcentratesGold Cementation by Dendritic Zinc Powders in Percolation ModePerspective Method for Regeneration of Spent Solutions from Printed Circuit Boards EtchingSelective Acid Leaching of Copper and Zinc from Old Flotation TailingsUranium Bioleaching from Low Grade OreFine Gold Extraction Problem from Industrial SludgeAnodic Dissolution of Non-Ferrous Metals in a Glycerate-Alkali ElectrolyteChapter 4: Modern Approaches in Foundry ProductionStructural Changes in the Aluminum - Magnesium System AlloyDevelopment of Cryptocrystalline Graphite Desulfurization MethodsImproving the Quality of Production of Sand Core on Core Shooting MachinesAssessment of Mold Filling Rate Influence on Amount of Oxide Films in Castings by Numerical SimulationProduction Technology of Synthetic Iron to Ensure the Efficiency of Casting ProductionChapter 5: Research and Development of Metal Forming TechnologiesImprovement of Process Parameters Calculation for Coil Rolling at the Steckel MillThe Numerical Mathematical Modeling of Gradient Hardening Processes under Conditions of Complex Local Loading of the Center of DeformationMechanics of the H-Beam Rolling in the Universal Beam GrooveRolls Geometry Calculating Mathematical Model for Rotational Bar Surface DrawingInvestigation into the Flanging Process with Minimal Thickness VariationResidual Stresses of Round Steel Rod at Elastoplastic TwistingShot Blasting Process Schematization for Rollers Using Slip-Line MethodRole of Surface Roughness in the Interlayer Boundary Formation during Manufacturing of Clad Metal CompositesForecasting Increase of Quality of Large-Sized Forgings Used for Stamping, Piercing, and Rolling of High-Duty ProductsInvestigation of Plastic Properties of Ø8 Rod Made of Fire-Refined Copper of Kmor GradeThe Ways of Reaching the Specified Mode of Testing Samples for Torsion with Variable Strain RateThe Optimal Content of Liquid Glass in the Raw Material Mixtures in the Briquettes ProductionComputer Simulation of Micro-Mechanic in Pearlitic Steel Wire DrawingApplication of Statistical Representation of Microstructure during Simulation of Ferritic-Pearlitic Steel Wire DrawingExperience of Hot Pack Rolling Application for Production of Specific Steels or Creep Resistant AlloysKinematic and Dynamic Conditions in Metal Rolling of Porous MaterialsMathematical Model of Temperature Conditions of Sheet Mills with Furnace CoilersChapter 6: Technologies of Welding ProductionInvestigation of the Effect of Welding Heat Input and Focal Distance of Laser Beam on Penetration Depth and Dynamics of Welding Pool Using a High-Speed Video CameraRegularities in Bimetal Joint Formation at Explosion Welding with Simultaneous StampingResearch the Effect of Stress-Pulse Regulation on the Process of Manual Arc Welding Technological Plates Made of AMg6 Alloy Sheet Material 4mm ThicknessDevelopment of Technology for Welding Repair of Steel Housings Using a Combination of Ultrasonic Vibrations and Forced CoolingAnalysis of the Formation of Welded Joints from Non-Ferrous AlloyThe Selection of Parameters for Automatic Welding of the Nuclear Reactors PipelinesAutomated Orbital Welding of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels Pipelines with Small DiameterChapter 7: Technologies for Plasma Processing of MaterialsStudy of the Processes of High Temperature Material Heating for Plasma RecyclingEffect of the Gas-Vortex Stabilization Method on the Plasma Cutting QualityInfluence of Electrolyte-Plasma Hardening Technological Parameters on the Structure and Properties of Banding Steel 2Research of Electrolyte Plasma Treatment Impact on Wear Resistance and Roughness of 18HN3MA-SH SteelChapter 8: Additive ManufacturingObtaining and Research of Additive Products from Electro-Erosive Cobalt-Chrome PowdersStudying Gas-Phase Flows in the Laser Exposure Zone during Selective Laser MeltingRheological Properties and Microstructure of PH1 Stainless Steel Produced by Selective Laser MeltingInfluence of the Powder Particle Size on the Denudated Zone Width at Selective Laser MeltingInvestigation of Mechanical Properties of Anisotropic Materials Used in Rapid Prototyping TechnologiesImprovement of Composite Filaments for Extrusive 3D PrintingThe Roughness of the Contact Surfaces of Plastic Cylindrical Gears with a Circular Tooth during Additive ShapingDirected Energy Deposition Heat-Resistant Nickel Alloy with Vibration AssistedSelective Laser Melting of Stainless Steel with Subsequent ProcessingNumerical Simulation of the Selective Laser Melting Process Using the Example of a Turbine BladeFinite Element Simulation of Cellular Structure Built from Orthogonal Cylindrical Struts
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