Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The aim of this special volume is to facilitate the exchange of information concerning the best practice with regard to Advanced Intelligent Structures, Bio-Inspired Smart Materials and Structures, Active Materials, Mechanics and Behavior, Vibration and Control, Modeling, Simulation, Control and Applications, etc. It will provide an opportunity for engineers and scientists, in academia, industry and government, to address the most innovative research and new development, including technical challenges, social and economic issues, and to discuss their ideas, results, work-in-progress and experience concerning all aspects of Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control.
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Selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control (ISVC) 2011, January 14-16, 2011, Chongqing, China
Committees, Reviewers and PrefacePart 1CDMA Multiuser Detection Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization AlgorithmFlutter Analysis of Compressor Blade Based on CFD/CSDCode Reuse in Gene Expression ProgrammingA Derivative-Free Filled Function Method for Non-Linear Inverse Optimization of Material ParametersOn Stability of Neutral Systems with Time-Varying DelayPeriodic Solutions for a Kind of Second Order Differential Equation with Multiple DelaysResearch on Impedance Characterization of Triple-Layer Piezoelectric BenderDynamic Modelling and Analysis of Rectangle-Shaped Plastic-Coated Slideways in Machine ToolsAcoustic Source Localization via Advanced TDoA for Self-Organization Wireless Sensor NetworksA (t, n) Threshold Signature Scheme Based on Factorial Decompose Theorem of PolynomialA Smooth Flow of Traffic Circle ModelModal Analysis of Magnetic Suspended Control Moment GyroscopeSet Pair Social Network Analysis ModelOptimal Design of the Vertical Machining Center Based on Stiffness AnalysisNovel Design for a Biomimetic Water-Jetting Propulsion Vehicle Actuated by SMA WiresA Fuzzy Concept Similarity Measure Based on Lattice StructuresA Method of DEL Resources Matching DEL NeedsDesign, Implementation and Performance Testing of Vector Control for a Flexible Biomimetic Octopus ArmThe Plastic Work Curvature Criterion in Evaluating Gross Plastic Deformation for Pressure Vessels with Conical HeadsStudy on the Effects of Train Live Loads on Isolated and Non-Isolated Simply Supported Railway BridgesStudy on the Impact of Lead-Rubber Bearing Parameters on Seismic Responses of Seismically Isolated PierRobust Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Based on BacksteppingNumerical Simulation of Mechanical Behavior on Landslides Triggered by Heavy RainfallImpact and Control of Environmental Vibration on Precision InstrumentsAssessment of the Performance of Modal Based Decoupling Method in Identifying Structural Joints CharacteristicsConstruction Method of Fuzzy Attribute Information System Based on DEA and Attribute ReductionStudy of Parameters Optimization on Seismic Isolated Railway BridgesAnalysis of Fault Tree Base on Uncertain Optimistic ValueResearch on E-Commerce Platform and Modern Logistics Management System Based on Knowledge Management PlatformChance-Constrained Programming EOQ Model Based on Uncertain MeasureAnalysis on Ecological Principles in Macau Urban DesignAnalyzing the Vibration System with Time-Varying MassA Small-World Model of Scale-Free Networks: Features and VerificationsThe Design of E-Yuan Home Multimedia SystemStrongly Ding Projective, Injective and Flat ModulesIncomplete Concept Lattice Data Analytical Method Research Based on Rough Set TheoryPositive Solutions for the nth-Order Delay Differential System with Multi-ParameterLeast Squares Skew Bisymmetric Solution for a Kind of Quaternion Matrix EquationStudy on the Adaptability of Staining Method for Acoustic Field Measuring in Ultrasonic ProcessingSimulations of Natural Vibration Characteristics of Large-Size Radial Gate with Three Arms Considering Fluid-Solid CouplingThe Influence of the Voltage Slope to the Homogeneous Multiple-Pulse Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric PressureA Study on the Acceptance and Use of Handheld E-Book ReadersFuzzy Vibration Control of Flexible Solar Panel Using Piezoelectric StackA Biomimetic Squid Funnel Actuated by Shape Memory Alloy WiresConvergence Theorems for Accretive Operators in Banach SpacesThe Working Principle of Multi-Layer Electromagnetic Screens and the Dynamics AnalysisStability Analysis of Finite Element Method for Stokes Problem on Overlapping Non-Matching GridsEstimation of Origin-Destination Matrix with Tolling DataA Important Property on Planar GraphVacuum Casting Automatic Control System Based on Configuration SoftwareA Hyperchaotic System and its Synchronization via Scalar ControllerGeneralized Projective Synchronization for a Class of Continuous Chaotic SystemsSolving Two-Person Zero-Sum Game by MatlabEffects of Overburden on Deformation and Failure of Anti-Dip Slopes under the Action of Seismic LoadPreliminary Discussion on the Applications of Cloud Computing in the Bank SystemA Novel Heat Sink for High Power Light Emitting Diode-Phase Change Heat SinkAggregate Constraint Homotopy Method for Nonlinear Programming on Unbounded SetSome Properties of BSDEs Driven by a Simple Lévy Process with Continuous CoeffcientInfinite Time Interval BSDEs Driven by a Lévy ProcessStudy on Simulation and Optimization of the Road Rush-Repair Model after DisasterAn Intelligent Feature Selection Method Based on the Bacterial Foraging AlgorithmDynamic Instability Mechanism and Vibration Control of Radial Gate ArmsExperimental Study on Collaborative Work Performance of Multi-Functional Vibration-Absorption Structure to Enclosing WallAnalysis on the Influence Factors of Multi-Functional Vibration-Absorption Enclosure Wall StructuresStocks Network Analysis Based on VisualizationVibration of Double Cable Suspension Bridge under Vehicle LoadOptimize Fundamental Matrix Estimation Based on RANSACChasing Models under Different Conditions in Anti-Smuggling ProblemCoupling Acoustic Analysis of Enclosure Consisting of Multi-Flexible Plates and its Active Structural Acoustic ControlStudy of Dry Sliding Friction and Wear Characteristic of High-Speed Steel/ Ti6Al4V Alloy under Direct Steady Magnetic FieldA Maturity-Based Adaptive Ant Colony Optimization AlgorithmAn Effective Grid Resource Management Model Based on Cloud Computing PlatformDesign for Automatic Cone-Shaped Dynamic Traditional Chinese Medicine Extraction EquipmentStudy of Milling Force in High Speed Milling Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) Using Diamond ToolGeneralized Refinable Function Vectors with Hermite Interpolating PropertyA Note on q-Derivative Operator and Divided DifferenceSimulation of General 3D Virtual Stochastic Road ModelSearching Best Strategies Algorithm for the No Balance Assignment ProblemHermitian Solutions to a Quaternion Matrix EquationCrack Pattern and Ductility of Connections Composed of CSSEUHSC Columns and SEC Beams under Cycle LoadsKinematic/Dynamic Simulation of Gear System of Tunnel Boring MachinePrincipal Component Analysis the Economy of Shanghai in 2010Game Analysis of Preventing Conspiracy in Construction ProjectIncentive Contract Designing of Preventing Conspiracy in Construction ProjectA Review on Development Course of Formula for Roots of EquationSolution to China’s GDP Prediction Problem by BP Neural NetworkResearch of Genetic Algorithm for Parabolic Equation Inverse ProblemConvergence Theorems for a Finite Family of Strictly Asymptotically Pseudocontractive Mappings in Q-Uniformly Smooth Banach SpacesThe Study of the Brake Test Bench ModelThe Study of the Competition Model of Portal and Search EngineImproved Tikhonov Regularization Research and Applied in Inverse ProblemSolution to China’s GDP Prediction Problem by BP Neural NetworkNumerical Method Research of Partial Differential Equations Inverse ProblemTikhonov Regularization Solve Partial Differential Equations Inverse ProblemResearch on the Model of Positioning System and its ApplicationResearch on a Single Camera Location Model and its ApplicationResearch of Binocular Positioning Mathematical Model Based on the Least Square MethodResearch and Application on the Fixation Task Model of the Doubled-Sight Digital CameraCanny Edge Detection Method and its ApplicationOn the Dimension of Bivariate C1 Cubic Spline Space with Homogeneous Boundary Conditions over a CT TriangulationA Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm for Job Shop SchedulingFuzzy Ideal of Hilbert Algebras in BCK-AlgebrasRelationships between some Ideals of Hilbert Algebras in BCK-AlgebrasPart 2Analysis on the Dynamic Responses of the Broken Conductors in Transmission LinesAnalysis of Subsynchronous Oscillation in a Multi Turbo-Generator Sets Power System Based on Electromechanical Wave ModelA Heuristic Resource Management Method in Grid Computing EnvironmentAn Efficient Resources Management Model and Task Scheduling Algorithm in Grid ComputingResearch on Network Security and Data EncryptionDynamic Response of Supercavitating Underwater Vehicle Impacted by Tail-Slap ForceNormal Stress between Steel Wires in the Stay-CableExperimental Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge ColumnsFault Statistical Classification and Fault Mode Analysis of Steam-Induced Vibration of Steam TurbineThe Control of Stochastic Resonance by Harmonic SignalImage Interpolation Algorithm Based on Edge FeaturesNumerical Simulation on Failure Mechanism of Rock Slope Using RFPANetworking Register System for Web-Press MachineA Method of Network Forensics Analysis Based on Frequent Sequence MiningApplication of Harmonic Balance Method to Numerical Model Unsteady Viscous Flow around Oscillating CascadeDeposition of Fluorocarbon Films by RF Magnetron Sputtering at Varying Target-Substrate DistanceResearch on Intelligent Oracle Bone Fragments Rejoining TechnologyA Data-Driven Process for Estimating Nonlinear Material ModelsA New Heuristic Attribute Reduction Method Based on Boolean MatrixThe Prediction Research on Ports of Coasts Based on Grey Theory in Fangcheng PortFinite Element Simulation of Springback in Sheet Metal FormingVisual Simulation of Straight-Racket-Hit Skill of Table Tennis Based on MD2 ModelPower Transformer Fault Diagnosis Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine and Particle Swarm OptimizationControl of Stochastic Energetic Resonance in a Bistable SystemRobust Intrusion Detection Algorithm Based on K-Means and BPDivergence Color Histogram for Content-Based Image RetrievalA Kind of Web Database Classification Based on Machine LearningWater Exit Dynamic Analysis of Underwater VehicleDynamic Performance of Vehicle-Turnout-Bridge Coupling System in High-Speed RailwayAutomatic Texture Mapping Algorithm for Plant Leaf ModelIntelligent Control Mining Management System in an Open Pit Based on GIS/GPS/GPRS/RFIDAggregate Homotopy Method for Min-Max-Min Programming Satisfying a Weak-Normal Cone ConditionForeground Extraction Based on Dual-Camera SystemAdaptive Polynomial Approximation to Circular ArcsPositive Approximation for Positive Scattered DataStatus of Electromagnetic Compatibility Research and Technology Application in some AreasBlind JPEG Steganalysis Using Features Derived from Multi-DomainChinese Text Classification with a KNN Classifier Using an Adjusted Feature Weighting MethodExistence of Positive Solution for Multi-Point Sturm-Liouville Boundary Value ProblemNew Harmonious Development of the College Sports Game Status and Strategic ThinkingThe Unbiased Estimator Based on the Function of Poisson PopulationThe Equivalence of Mann and Implicit Mann Iterations for Uniformly Pseudocontractive Mappings in Uniformly Smooth Banach SpacesPricing Option on Jump Diffusion and Stochastic Interest Rates ModelStudy on the Effect Factors of Non-Perormance Loan Ratio of Chinese Commerical BanksResearch on Generalized Green ComputingStudy on the Collective Effect of Industrial ClustersResearch on Discipline Evolution in Local University Based on Ant Colony AlgorithmEarthquake Loss Assessment Based on Industry AssociationStudy on Processing Mineralogy of Xuanhua Iron OreApplication of Combination Evaluation for Academic Title EvaluationExistence of Positive Solutions for a Class of Higher-Order Neutral Delay Difference EquationsAn Evaluation Method Based on Grey Incidence Coefficient and Double-Point MethodThe Research on the Stimulation of Particle Flow System Based on the Event-DrivenResearch on Key Factors in Shader Programming of Dynamic Water SurfaceStudy on the Modification of Polishing Putty by Inorganic FillerNumerical Studies on Resistive Wall Instabilities in Cylindrical Plasma Confined by Surface CurrentUse of Information Discrepancy Measure to Register Medical ImagesFilling Holes in Triangular Meshes with Feature PreservedResearch of Centroid Extraction for Feature Point Based on FPGADesign of Free-Form Surface Optic in Wide Field of View Off-Axis Optical SystemOrthodontic EMR Cloud Based on 2-Tier Cloud ArchitectureThe Structure of a Group BiproductThe Comprehensive Evaluation of the Human All-Round Development Based on G1- Standard Deviation and Empirical StudyModal Parameters Identification Based on Noise Cancellation from Measured Vibration Response SignalsA New Method for Predicting Unsteady Performance of Integrative Propulsion SystemInfluence of Absorber’s Stiffness and Installation Site on Bit TrajectoryDynamic Analysis of Sandwich Beams Filled with ER ElastomersModeling and Rendering Realistic TreesComparison and Analysis on Four International Seismic Isolation Design Codes for BridgeTime-Dependent Load Bearing Capacity of Corroded R.C. Columns in Atmosphere EnvironmentNew Method of Reliability Analysis for Deep TunnelProducing Mechanism and Distribution Laws of Remote Cracks for Geotechnical Engineering StructureDetection of Damage Extension in Cantilever Beams Using Change Ratio of Frequency Response FunctionsA Level Set Method for Image RestorationA Crime Decision-Making Model Based on AHPSimulation & Prediction of Pacific Plastic PollutionNumerical Simulation of Small Cold StorageEffect on Galena Oxidation Process of Temperature and Oxide ConcentrationProduce and Design of the Teaching Website - with an Example of Education Website of Mineral Processing DepartmentControl and Utilization Method for Urban Rain-FloodDelay-Dependent Robust Stability of Cellular Neural Networks with Time-Varying Discrete and Distributed DelayTo Optimize a BP Network SystemStudy on Dispersion Character of Fine Oolitic Hematite Ore ParticleSpallation of Concrete under Dynamic Loading: Mesh Size EffectMethod of Concept-Drifting Feature Extracting in Data Streams Based on Granular ComputingA Survey on Nurses’ Job Burnout and Factors Analysis in Tangshan Private HospitalsModeling Research on Hospitalization Cost in Patients with Cerebral Infarction Based on BP Neural NetworkInvestigation and Analysis about the Scientific Research Ability of Clinical Teachers Guiding Nursing UndergraduatesAnalysis to Postgraduate Employment Plight under Dual-EconomyBP Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression in Acute Hospitalization Costs in the Comparative StudyComparison of BP Neural Network Model and Logistic Regression in the Analysis of Influencing Factors of Violence in HospitalsApplication of the BP Nerve Network Model in the Analysis of Factors Affecting Hospitalization ExpensesApplication of Factor Analysis in the Research of Hospital Medical ExpensesBased on BP Neural Network Discrete Data ForecastThe Comparative Study of Workplace Violence in Both the State-Owned Hospitals and Private HospitalsOxidative Damage of Cardiovascular System in Rats Following Lead ExposureMulti-Sensor Network Design Based on Intelligent NodeDamping Parameter Identification of Large Span Cable-Stayed BridgesResearch on Seismic Performance of Prestressed Precast Reinforced Concrete Intelligent StructureStudy of Urban Land-Use Structure Situation on the Ground of Information EntropyStatistical Analysis of Reliability Field Data in CNC SystemStudy on the CT Real-Time Scanning Tests and Deterioration Evolution Process of Recycled ConcreteDesign and Development of Simple and Instant Communication ToolImprovement Design Research of a CNC Lathe-Bed Structure
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