Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 20th Symposium on Composites, July 1-3, 2015, Vienna, Austria. The 137 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Polymer Matrix Composites; Chapter 2: Metal Matrix Composites and Interpenetrating Materials; Chapter 3: Ceramic Matrix Composites; Chapter 4: Hybrid Structures, Laminates; Chapter 5: Structural Health Monitoring; Chapter 6: Coatings; Chapter 7: Modelling, Simulation; Chapter 8: Manufacturing Technology, Components/Products/Applications; Chapter 9: Testing and Characterization; Chapter 10: Cemented carbides, Cermets, Wear and Abrasion Materials; Chapter 11: Bio-Composites; Chapter 12: Recycling & Sustainability, Building Materials
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Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 20th Symposium on Composites, July 1-3, 2015, Vienna, Austria
Preface and CommitteeChapter 1: Polymer Matrix CompositesFast Curing of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics Using the Integration of NanoparticlesMechanical Properties of Structural Paper-Polypropylene Composite LaminatesShort Glass Fiber Reinforced PA6 Materials for Automotiv Applications – Assessment Aging Behavior with Methods of Polymer DiagnosticsInfluence of Different Thawing Salts on the Material Properties of PA66GF30Influence of the Impregnation Velocity on Impregnation Quality and Mechanical Properties of Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding (VARTM) MaterialsCost-Effective Microfibrillar Reinforced Composites for Lightweight ApplicationsToughening of Photopolymers for Stereolithography (SL)PPS-Polymer-Composites for High Performance Rubber ComponentsPreparing of Heatable, CNT-Functionalized Polymer Membranes for Application in Textile CompositesThermal Debinding of Ceramic-Filled PhotopolymersChapter 2: Metal Matrix Composites and Interpenetrating MaterialsInfluence of In Situ Formed Tribolayer on Abrasive Wear ReductionHigh Temperature Squeeze Casting of Nickel Based Metal Matrix Composites with Interpenetrating MicrostructureInnovative Aluminum Based Metallic Glass Particle Reinforced MMCs Produced by Gas Pressure InfiltrationInterpenetrating Freeze Cast Composites: Correlation between Structural and Mechanical CharacteristicsNovel Metal-Matrix Composites Prepared by Paper Manufacturing TechnologyPowder Metallurgical Tungsten Fiber-Reinforced TungstenInterface Characterization of Hybrid Composite ExtrusionsInfluence of the Diamond Surface Termination on the Thermal Conductivity of Al/Diamond- and Ag/Diamond MMCsInfluence of Reinforcement Geometry on the Very High-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Aluminium-Matrix-CompositesAnalysis and Evaluation of Different Influencing Factors in Processing of Hollow and Full Beads by Alginate Gelation Based on Zirconia and TRIP SteelEfficient Processing of Metal-Matrix-Composites by Combining Direct Pressure Sintering and Subsequent ThixoforgingInfluence of Mg-PSZ Particle Size on the Fatigue Behaviour of a High Alloy Steel Matrix CompositeSpark Plasma Sintering and Strength Behavior under Compressive Loading of Mg-PSZ/Al2O3-TRIP-Steel CompositesSynthesis of Copper/Silicon-Carbide Composites in a Thermodynamic DisequilibriumThermal Conductivity Behaviour of Al/Diamond and Ag/Diamond Composites in the Temperature Range 4 K < T < 293 KThe Influence of Stress and Heat on the Transformation Behaviour of NiTi for Actuator Applications in Extruded Aluminium Matrix CompositesChapter 3: Ceramic Matrix CompositesDevelopment and Characterisation of Phenolic Resin Moulding Materials for the Production of New Short Fibre-Reinforced C/C-SiC CompositesDevelopment and Characterisation of Phenolic Resin Based Liquid Silicon Infiltrated SiC/SiC Composites with SiNx Fibre CoatingThe Evaluation of Thermoplastic Precursors for C/C-SiC Manufactured by Liquid Silicon Infiltration (LSI)Investigation of Different Phenolic Resins and their Behavior during Pyrolysis to Form SiC/C-CompositesInfluence of Specimen Geometry and Surface Quality on the Bending Strength of Short Fiber-Reinforced C/SiCDevelopment of a SiNx-Based Barrier Coating for SiC FibresDevelopment of a Silicon-Infiltrated Silicon Carbide (SiSiC) Friction Layer by the Doctor-Blade Technique Using a Computer-Optimized Calculation for the Packing DensityDamage Evaluation of CMCs after Drilling with Geometrically Defined Cutting EdgesAdhesive Bonding of Oxide Ceramics for Complex Ceramic Parts in High Temperature FurnacesChapter 4: Hybrid Structures, LaminatesInterface Phenomena of Co-Sintered Steel-Zirconia LaminatesThermophysical Properties of Molybdenum Copper Multilayer Composites for Thermal Management ApplicationsFundamental Studies and Development on an Innovative Ceramic/Polymer Material Compound„Smart Multi Material Joint" – Hybrid Joint of Steel and FRPTextile Reinforced Lightweight ShellsSurface and Fracture Surface Analysis of Thermally Bonded Metal/FRP JointsWorkpiece Shape Deviations in Face Milling of Hybrid StructuresSpecific Mechanical Properties of New Hybrid Laminates with Thermoplastic Matrix and a Variable Metal ComponentSmart Material Composites Substitute Monolithic StructuresSandwich Structures: Analysis of Bonding Techniques between Faces and Core and the Effect of Internal PressureResidual Stresses in Intrinsic UD-CFRP-Steel-Laminates - Experimental Determination, Identification of Sources, Effects and Modification ApproachesRequirements for a Process Chain for Manufacturing of Piezoceramic-Aluminum SandwichesMechanical Requirements of Tailored Joining Technologies for Spring Elements in Multi-Material-DesignJoining of Aluminum Matrix Composites and Stainless Steel by Arc BrazingIntrinsic Lightweight Steel-Composite Hybrids for Structural ComponentsInfluence of Material Properties on the Bond Strength of a Hybrid Part Consisting of Composite Sheet and Short-Fiber ThermoplasticIncreasing the Structural Integrity of Hybrid Plastics-Metal Parts by an Innovative Mechanical Interlocking EffectCarbon Fiber Reinforced Composite – Toughness and Structural Integrity Enhancement by Integrating Surface Modified Steel FibersExperimental Investigation of the Shear Cutting Behaviour of Sandwich PanelsEvaluation of Corrosion Mechanisms of Hybrid Light Metal Structures by High Pressure Die CastingMetal/FRP Connection Module – A Powder Metallurgical ApproachOptimization of Friction Stir Welded, Spring Steel Wire Reinforced EN AW-6082 Profile JointsSpin-Blind-Riveting – A New Joining Technology for Hybrid ComponentsEvaluation of Different Hybrid Material Systems and Systematic Analysis of their Physical Mechanisms in Terms of FatigueLightweight Hybrid Composites of CFRP and Aluminum FoamThe Consequence on Structural Adhesive Bonding of Humid Thermoplastic Composites and Possibilities of PreventionJoining of Zirconia Reinforced Metal-Matrix CompositesCharacterization of Metal Inserts Embedded in Carbon Fiber Reinforced PlasticsCombined Detachable Joints for Textile Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites with Embedded Sensor NetworksProcess Combination of Hydroforming and Injection Moulding for the In Situ Manufacturing of Metal and Plastic Composite StructuresChapter 5: Structural Health MonitoringAnalyses of Boundary Conditions for Process Integration of Sensor Elements in Complex Fibre-Reinforced Thermoplastic Spacer StructuresLaser Assisted Electrical Contacting in Multifunctional GF/PP CompositesPreparation of Ni-C Thin Films for Strain Sensor Applications in New Hybrid Laminates with Thermoplastic MatrixExperimental and Numerical Studies on Integration Thermoplastic Composite Compatible Piezoelectric Ceramics for Actuatory Application of Cylindrical Hollow StructuresProcess-Integrated Manufacturing and Embedding of Novel Piezoelectric Sensor Modules into Glass Fibre-Reinforced Polyurethane Composite StructuresIntegrative Manufacturing of Textile-Based Sensors for Spatially Resolved Structural Health Monitoring Tasks of Large-Scaled Composite ComponentsHighly-Sensitive Humidity Sensors for Condition Monitoring of Hybrid LaminatesIntegration Methods of Sensors in FRP ComponentsChapter 6: CoatingsNanostructured Coatings for Tooling ApplicationsDiamond Coatings on Carbon Based SubstratesAl-Mn Thermally Sprayed Coatings as Replacement of Cd-Based CoatingsSolvothermal Modified Layers against High Temperature CorrosionOxidation and Decomposition of Ti2AlN MAX Phase Coating Deposited on Nickel-Based Super Alloy IN718Anodic Oxidation of AMCs: Influence of Process Parameters on Coating FormationPreparation of Polymer-Derived Ceramic Coatings by Dip-CoatingChapter 7: Modelling, SimulationCoupling of Mold Flow Simulations with Two-Scale Structural Mechanical Simulations for Long Fiber Reinforced ThermoplasticsSurface Structuring of Sheet Moulding Compounds (SMC) for Process Reliable CoatingsVirtual Composite Manufacturing Simulation ChainpvT-Behavior of Polymers under Processing Conditions and Implementation in the Process SimulationChapter 8: Manufacturing Technology, Components/Products/ApplicationsContinuous Winding Technology for Specific Closed Structural ComponentsSpinning of Staple Hybrid Yarn from Carbon Fiber Wastes for Lightweight ConstructionsSupport Structures in Lightweight Design for the Construction of Resource Efficient BridgesTool Life Experiments and Vibration Assistance in Regard to the Machining of CFRPInnovative Concepts for the Use of Composite Material Solutions in the Production of Automotive Cylinder HeadsHigh Volume Production Technology for Corrosive Resistant Long-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic ExtinguishersExperimental and Numerical Analyses of the Lightweight Potential for Hybrid Thin-Walled MembersEnergy and Time Efficient Microwave Curing for CFRP Parts Manufactured by Filament WindingBraiding of Branches for the Fibre Composite TechnologyApplications of Variable-Axial Fibre Designs in Lightweight Fibre Reinforced PolymersApplication of Polymer Plaster Composites in Additive Manufacturing of High-Strength ComponentsApplication of a Composite Hot Shearing Tool Manufactured by Co-Spray FormingReinforcement Elements Aligned with the Direction of Forces for Load Transfer Areas of Long-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic ComponentsOnline Poling of Thermoplastic-Compatible Piezoceramic Modules during the Manufacturing Process of Active Fiber-Reinforced CompositesChapter 9: Testing and CharacterizationNew Sandwich Structures Consisting of Aluminium Foam and Thermoplastic Hybrid Laminate Top LayersThe Edge Shear Test - An Alternative Testing Method for the Determination of the Interlaminar Shear Strength in Composite MaterialsX-Ray Refraction Techniques for Fast, High-Resolution Microstructure Characterization and Non-Destructive Testing of Lightweight CompositesProcess-Oriented Determination of Preform Permeability and Matrix Viscosity during Mold Filling in Resin Transfer MoldingMorphological Impact on the Fatigue Behaviour of Short Fibre Reinforced PolypropyleneMorphology of Sintered Cr-Mo Porous MaterialsIdentification of Bearing Defects in Hybrid Thrust Ball Bearings by Vibration AnalysisCharacterisation of Steel Composites Produced by the Damascus TechniqueAssembly Injection Molding of a Hard Component with Integrated Rubberlike Shaft Seal and Investigation of its QualityCharacterisation of Anisotropic Fibre Orientation in Composites by Means of X-Ray Grating Interferometry Computed TomographyCharacterization of the Mechanical and Fatigue Behavior of Braided Composites Made of Twisted YarnsComposite-Composite Joining with through the Thickness Reinforcements for Enhanced Damage Tolerance
Failure Analysis of High-Strength Fiber RopesFracture Mechanics Characterization of Sintered 30 Vol.-% Al2O3/TRIP Steel Composites Using SENB Miniature SamplesConsideration of Accuracy of Quantitative X-Ray CT Analyses for Short-Glass-Fibre-Reinforced PolymersFatigue Delamination Growth in CFRP Composites: From Pure Mode I and Mode II to Mixed Mode I/IIMethod to Quantify the Surface Roughness of Circular Reinforcing FibresMicro Test Specimens for Compound Engineering with Minimum Material NeedsOnline Process Monitoring and Control by Dielectric Sensors for a Composite Main SparPhase Change Detection in Neat and Fiber Reinforced Polyamide 6 Using Dielectric AnalysisPractical Results to the Long Term Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Polymers under Constant LoadStiffness and Strength Based Models for the Fatigue-Life Prediction of Continuously Fiber Reinforced CompositesStrength and Stiffness Degradation of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic under Cyclic Loading under Membran-, Shear- and Bending LoadingNew Approaches in Nondestructive Characterisation of Defects in Metal - CFRP HybridsCyclic Deformation Behaviour of Cu Multilayered Films on Si SubstratesChapter 10: Cemented Carbides, Cermets, Wear and Abrasion Materials3D-FIB Characterization of Wear in WC-Co Coated CompositesBimodal Particle Reinforcement for Wear Resistant Powder Metallurgy SteelsControl of the Cobalt Surface Layer Formation on Cemented CarbidesGigacycle Fatigue Behaviour of Sintered WC-Co Hardmetals Investigated by Ultrasonic Resonance TestingChapter 11: Bio-CompositesProduction of 3D Parts from Wood Chips in a Closed Mold ProcessBio-Pultrusion of Façade-Profiles from Sustainable MaterialsProcessing and Characterization of Wood Plastic Composites from Bio-Based Polyamide 11 and Chemically Modified Beech FibersImpact Resistance Bio CompoundNew Biocomposites for Lightweight Structures and their ProcessesBacterial Cellulose Reinforced Flax Fibre Composites: Effect of Nanocellulose Loading on Composite PropertiesChapter 12: Recycling & Sustainability, Building MaterialsSandwich Elements from Renewable Resources as a Structural Component in the ArchitectureKnowledge Based Technologies for Promoting Innovation in Material ScienceDamage Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Materials Induced by High Temperature Oxidation for Optimisation of Thermal Recycling RoutesIntegration of Mineral Fiber Semi-Finished Products in Bituminous Matrices
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