Comments on previous edition: 'The Caldwells have written an easy to read book that translates scientific findings on fatigue into practical and effective strategies that will improve alertness and performance in flight ops. Aviation professionals--including flight crew, cabin crew, maintenance personnel, schedulers, safety professionals, and all levels of managers--should read this excellent book and use the information to reduce known fatigue-related risks and enhance flight safety.' Mark R. Rosekind, President and Chief Scientist, Alertness Solutions and Former Director, NASA Fatigue Countermeasures Program, USA ' means of practical examples, some very lively, the scientific jargon surrounding the issue of fatigue becomes very familiar...very interesting' Aerlines Magazine June 2004 'Fatigue in Aviation is wholeheartedly recommended - for flight crews and everyone else in aviation whose work impacts the lives of others: security; maintenance; emergency services; airline management; air traffic control...and, indeed, for anyone who's ever had a bad night's sleep.' The Aerospace Professional, August 2005