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Dr. Paulo J. Sequeira Gonçalves is a Professor of Electrotechnical and Industrial Engineering with the School of Technology in the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal. He is also a senior researcher at IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Dr. Gonçalves was trained in Mechanical Engineering, achieving the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, 1998 and 2005, respectively. Dr. Paulo J. Sequeira Gonçalves (P.J.S. Gonçalves) presented more than 100 paper in renowned journal and conferences in robotics, vision and computational intelligence. He served as Chair of the IEEE-CIS (computational Intelligence) Portuguese chapter, was officer of the IEEE RAS working group who developed the first RAS standard and one of the first ontology-based IEEE standards. He received several scientific awards both national and international. He organized and chaired several international conferences, and edited its proceedings. The organized several workshops in top-tier robotic IEEE conferences, e.g., ICRA, IROS and ROMAN. He server as a regular reviewer in top level journals. He was invited visiting professor in European Universities, in the field of robotics. Currently is Co-Chair of the IEEE P1872.2 - Standard for Autonomous Robotics (AuR) Ontology, and actively works in three other IEEE standards working groups within robotics and automation. He received funding for his research projects, in Principal Investigator and/or Researcher, from the EU, IEEE, private companies and the Portuguese National Research Funding Agency. He works as a regular expert for the European Commission and for the National Accreditation of University Study Programmes. Dr. Paulo J. Sequeira Gonçalves research keywords include Computational Intelligence, Ontologies, Robotics, Computer Vision, Industrial Automation.
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh is currently working as a Professor and Associate Dean, Computer Engineering, NMIMS Deemed to be University, India. He is Associate Editor of the IJISMD, [IJISMD is indexed by Scopus & Web of Science], IJAEC, IGI Global USA, SPY, Wiley & IJISC from Romania. He is recently appointed as a Section Editor, Discover IoT, Springer Journal. He has published nearly 200 research papers. He has received three sponsored research projects grant worth Rs 25 Lakhs. He has edited a total 16 books from Springer and Elsevier and also edited several special issues for SCI and SCIE Journals from Elsevier and IGI Global. He has Google scholar citations 3250, H-index 27 and i-10 Index 62.
Dr. Sudeep Tanwar is a Professor in the Computer Engineering Department at the Institute of Technology of Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India. He received his Ph.D. in 2016 from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Mewar University, India, with a specialization in Wireless Sensor Networks. His current interests include routing issues in WSN, integration of sensors in thecloud, computational aspects of smart grids, and Blockchain Technology. He has authored or co-authored more than 150+ technical research papers published in leading Peer-reviewed International journals and International Conferences from the IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, John Wiley and has authored five books: He is recipient of the Best Research Paper awards from IEEE GLOBECOM-2018 and Springer ICRIC-2019. He is a TPC member and reviewer of many international conferences across the globe. He is an associate editor of the Security and Privacy Journal, and is a member of the IAENG, ISTE, and CSTA. He has Google scholar citations 8405, H-index 52 and i-10 Index 140.
Dr. Gregory Epiphaniou currently holds a position as an Associate Professor of security engineering at the University of Warwick. His role involves bid support, applied research and publications. Part of his current research activities is formalised around a research group in wireless communications with the mainfocus on crypto-key generation, exploiting the time-domain physical attributes of V-V channels. He led and contributed to several research projects funded by EPSRC, IUK and local authorities totalling over £8M. He is also the main inventor of a patented-pending technology on a distributed ledger system (GB2576160A/US200042497A1). He was previously holding a position as a Reader in Cybersecurity and acted as deputy director of the Wolverhampton Cybersecurity Research Institute (WCRI). He has taught in many universities both nationally and internationally in a variety of areas related to proactive network defence with over 120 international publications in journals and conference proceedings and author in several books and chapters. He holds several industry certifications in Information Security and worked with several government agencies, including the UK MoD, in Cybersecurity related projects. He currently holds a subject matter expert panel position in the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments. He acts as a technical committee member for several scientific conferences in Information and network security. He serves as a key member in the development of WS5 for the formation of the UK Cybersecurity Council.