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Sheng-Lung Peng is a Professor and the director (head) of the Department of Creative Technologies and Product Design, National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan. He received the BS degree in Mathematics from National Tsing Hua University, and the MS and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the National Chung Cheng University and National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, respectively. He is an honorary Professor of Beijing Information Science and Technology University, China, and a visiting Professor of Ningxia Institute of Science and Technology, China. He is also an adjunct Professor of Mandsaur University, India. He serves as the secretary general of the ACM-ICPC Contest Council for Taiwan and the regional director of the ICPC Asia Taipei-Hsinchu site. He is a director of Institute of Information and Computing Machinery, of Information Service Association of Chinese Colleges and of Taiwan Association of Cloud Computing. He is also a supervisor of Chinese Information Literacy Association, of Association of Algorithms and Computation Theory. Dr. Peng has edited several special issues at journals, such as Soft Computing, Journal of Internet Technology, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, International Journal of Knowledge and System Science, MDPI Algorithms, and so on. He is also a reviewer for more than 10 journals such as IEEE Access and Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Journal of Modelling in Management, Soft Computing, Information Processing Letters, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, and so on. His research interests are in designing and analyzing algorithms for Bioinformatics, Combinatorics, Data Mining, and Networks areas in which he has published over 100 research papers.
Sun-Yuan Hsieh received the PhD degree in computer science from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in June 1998. He then served the compulsory two-year military service. From August 2000 to January 2002, he was an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chi Nan University. In February 2002, he joined the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, and now he is a chair professor. His awards include the 2007 K. T. Lee Research Award, President's Citation Award (American Biographical Institute) in 2007, Engineering Professor Award of Chinese Institute of Engineers (Kaohsiung Branch) in 2008, National Science Council’s Outstanding Research Award in 2009, IEEE Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (IEEE Tainan Section) in 2011, Outstanding Electronic Engineering Professor Award of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers in 2013, and Outstanding Engineering Professor Award of Chinese Institute of Engineers in 2014. He is Fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS) and Fellow of Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
Suseendran Gopalakrishnan completed his Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Computer Science, Lincoln University College, Malaysia and Ph.D., degree in Information Technology-Mathematics from Presidency College, University of Madras, India. He has obtained DOEACC ‘O’ Level AICTE Ministry of Information Technology, India and Microsoft Certified Database Administrator in additional qualification. He is currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, School of Computing Sciences, Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Chennai, India, a well-known university. He has more than ten years of teaching experience in both UG /PG and research levels. His research interests include Wireless Sensor Network, Ad-hoc networks, IoT, Data Mining, Cloud Computing, Image Processing, Knowledge-based systems, and Web Information Exploration. He has produced 4 M.Phil., Scholars and 8 Ph.D., Research Scholars awarded under his Guidance and Supervision. He has published more than 106 research papers in various international journals such as Science Citation Index, IEEE Access, Springer Book Chapter, Scopus, and UGC referred journals. He has presented 30 papers at various international conferences. He has edited/authored 18 books, received 15 awards, and has been acknowledged globally as a top reviewer by Publons (Web of Science). He has been invited to be a resource person/keynote plenary speaker at many reputed national and international universities and colleges.
Balaganesh Duraisamy is working as Dean, Faculty Computer Science and Multimedia, Lincoln University College, Malaysia. He is the one of the key members of Lincoln University College. He has 19 years of professional teaching experience which include overseas experience in India, Oman and Malaysia. He has In-depth knowledge of Information technology and la56tfvtest wireless fidelity. His Familiar research area is Malware detection, web mining and open source technology. He has given training in mobile application, open source ERP, software testing, and MYSQL. He has developed software applications “Timetable Automation”, “Online Exam”. He has ability to explain technical concepts and ideas in a clear and precise way.
He serves as Editor/ Editorial Board Member / Technical Committee/ Reviewer of International Journal such Arab/ Poland/ Europe/ USA journals. He servers as International Committee Members towards International Conference conducted in association with Springer and Scopus. He is a one of the editors of Springer (Scopus, ISI indexing). Also, the editor of two book chapter(“Internet-of-Robotic-Things and Ubliquitous Computing” and “The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): Healthcare Transformation” which is Wiley Press Publication.