Om bidragsyterne
Vikrant Bhateja is Associate Professor in Department of Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (UNSIET), Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. He is also serving as Head: Computer Sc. Engg. & Information Technology in the same university. He holds a doctorate in ECE (Bio-Medical Imaging) with a total academic teaching experience of 21 years with around 190 publications in reputed international conferences, journals and online book chapter contributions; out of which 39 papers are published in SCIE indexed high impact factored journals. He has been Editor-in-Chief of IGI GlobalâInternational Journal of Natural Computing and Research (IJNCR) an ACM & DBLP indexed journal from 2017-22. He is Senior Member of IEEE and Life Member of CSI.
Maitreyee Dey is Lecturer at London Metropolitan University in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Computing. She is also Visiting Fellow at London South Bank University. She completed her Ph.D. (2020) from London, U.K., M. Tech. (2012) and B. Tech. (2009) Degrees from India. Before joining LondonMet she was Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, London South Bank University, and jointly holds the post of Data Mining Lead of Neuville Grid Data Management Limited. She worked as Research Fellow for three years and two months (August 2012- October 2015) at Jadavpur University, India. Her academic achievements include receiving various prestigious fellowship; the Access to Innovation (A2i) and Low Carbon London (LCLDN) project funded by ERDF for post-doc scholarship.
Roman Senkerik works as Professor and Head of the A.I. Lab at the Department of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence at Tomas Bata University in Zlin. He is also employed as Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VĹ BâTechnical University Ostrava. He obtained his masterâs degree in Technical Cybernetics at the Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Faculty of Applied Informatics, in 2004, and his Ph.D. degree in Technical Cybernetics in 2008 at the same university. In 2013, he habilitated Associate Professor in Informatics, and in the same field, he obtained the title of Full Professor at VĹ BâTechnical University Ostrava in 2022. He is Respected Reviewer for many leading journals in computer science or computational intelligence.