<p>From the reviews of the first edition:</p>
<p>"This monograph presents a systematic, exhaustive and up to date overview of formal methods and theories related to data analysis and inference using the concept of rough sets. … In a nutshell, it is an interesting book for researchers and scientists in the area of information structure." (Prabhat Kumar Mahanti, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1016, 2003)</p>
<p>"The present monograph gives a systematic presentation of the theory related to the … relation-based knowledge representation and the underlying logics and algebras. … The structure of this book is clear. … The book is written to be self-contained … . The references section of this book is excellent … . The book can be recommended to researchers and graduate students interested in rough-set-style reasoning and knowledge representation. Also for lecturers this provides a great source … ." (Jouni Järvinen, Studia Logica, Vol. 89 (3), 2006)</p>