From the reviews:
“This book is a detailed description of the basics of 3-dimensional (3D) digital image processing, in particular the processing of images from techniques such as CT, MRI, and nuclear emission tomography. … The targeted audience is primarily graduate students and scientists in biomedical engineering and medical physics. … I would like to congratulate the authors for making available this book detailing the steps of filtering, processing, and rendering medical images.” (Tinsu Pan, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, June, 2010)
“Fundamentals of Three-Dimensional Digital Image Processing … is an informative thought-provoking publication that unveils some mysteries of computing 3D images that are contemporary used medicine industry. It presents insight not only into the data structures that are used in 3D imaging but also some most important algorithms for 3D image processing. … The proposed graph-based data structure has excellent properties. … My personal recommendation is that the book is worth reading and the reader gets insight in how it should be done professionally.” (Cad Cam Development, March, 2011)