"The human face has fascinated people since time immemorial and many scientists would agree that, aside from the brain itself, the face is the most intriguing part of the human body. Attempting to emulate its form and function by computer is an extremely challenging problem because people are very sensitive to even the smallest shortcomings and defects in facial models. Liu and Zhang boldly tackle the difficult challenge of modeling the form and appearance of the face. The value of their book is enhanced tremendously by the fact that it not only presents and discusses their own work in detail, but also that delves into the technical details of a plethora of related methodologies and algorithms contributed by other researchers. I am pleased to highly recommend Zicheng Liu and Zhengyou Zhang's magnum opus to anyone interested in graphics and vision in general and the human face in particular. Let's face it, for people like us this book is an essential read."
Demetri Terzopoulos, The Chancellor's Professor of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles
"Whether you are developing facial representations, modeling appearance, working with applications, or surveying the subject, this book is likely to have something for you and is a good resource to have on hand."
Alyx Macfadyen, Computing Reviews