<p>From the reviews:</p>
<p>"‘Evolvable Hardware’ … is the newest title in David E. Goldberg and John R. Koza’s ‘Genetic and Evolutionary Computation’ book series. It is directed at advanced-level students interested in evolvable hardware (EHW). … it includes a collection of 11 examples of cutting-edge research and applications that will attract EHW specialists. ... It is a good book for EHW researchers, since it brings together articles specially selected by editors, who are very experienced in the field, to trace the state of the art in EHW applications." (Eduardo do Valle Simoes, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Vol. 8, 2007)</p>
<p>"The general field of genetic algorithms, evolutionary hardware, and genetic programming has grown steadily over the last 15 years. … This book can be considered unique in that it concentrates heavily on the development of hardware to support these efforts … . This has added appeal, in that it is highly applicable and generalizable to many practical areas. The editors and authors of the chapters did a fine job in communicating these advanced technologies and applications to a wide audience." (Minette Carl and Michael Goldberg, ACM Computing Reviews, Vol. 49 (3), March, 2008)</p>