This volume contains the proceedings of the International Symposium on C- puting in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments (ISCOPE 99), held in San Francisco, California, USA on December 8-10, 1999. ISCOPE is in its third 1 year, and continues to grow both in attendance and in the diversity of the s- jects covered. The original ISCOPE meetings and the predecessor conferences focused more narrowly on scienti?c computing in the high-performance arena. ISCOPE98 retainedthis emphasis,but broadenedto includediscrete-events- ulation, mobile computing, and web-based metacomputing. ISCOPE 99 cont- ues this trend. The ISCOPE 99 program committee received 41 submissions, and accepted 14(34%)asregularpapers,basedontheirexcellentcontent,maturityofdevel- ment,andlikelihoodforwidespreadinterest.Inaddition,theprogramcommittee selected six submissions as short papers. These papers were deemed to represent important workof a more specialized nature or to describe projects that are still in development.
The 20 papers are divided into seven technical categories: Compilers and Optimization Techniques New Application Areas Components and Metacomputing Numerical Frameworks Generic Programming and Skeletons Application-Speci?c Frameworks Runtime Systems and Techniques This collection of 20 papers represents today's state of the art in applying object-orientedmethods toparallelcomputing.ISCOPE99istrulyinternational inscope,with its 52contributing authorsrepresenting21researchinstitutions in 8 countries. The ISCOPE 99 organizers are con?dent that the reader will share their excitement about this dynamic and important area of computer science and applications research. At the end of this volume, the author contacts section details the a?liations, postal addresses, and email addresses of all the proceedings authors.
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Complex Numbers for Java.- Automatic Generation of Executable Data Structures.- Improving Cache Utilization of Linear Relaxation Methods: Theory and Practice.- An Object-Oriented Framework for Parallel Simulation of Ultra-large Communication Networks.- Exploiting Parallelism in Real-Time Music and Audio Applications.- ARAMIS: A Remote Access Medical Imaging System.- Language Interoperability for High-Performance Parallel Scientific Components.- A Framework for Object-Oriented Metacomputing.- Tiger: Toward Object-Oriented Distributed and Parallel Programming in Global Environment.- SIFFEA: Scalable Integrated Framework for Finite Element Analysis.- Overture: Object-Oriented Tools for Applications with Complex Geometry.- Generic Programming for Parallel Mesh Problems.- Generic Graph Algorithms for Sparse Matrix Ordering.- Using Object-Oriented Techniques for Realizing Parallel Architectural Skeletons.- Loci: A Deductive Framework for Graph-Based Algorithms.- The OptSolve++ Software Components for Nonlinear Optimization and Root-Finding.- Are Generic Parallel Algorithms Feasible for Quantum Lattice Models?.- A Runtime Monitoring Framework for the TAU Profiling System.- SharedOnRead Optimization in Parallel Object-Oriented Programming.- Branch and Bound Based Load Balancing for Parallel Applications.
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Springer Book Archives
Springer Book Archives
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Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K
233 mm
155 mm
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