Clouds are distributed technology platforms that leverage sophisticated technology innovations to provide highly scalable and resilient environments that can be remotely utilized by organizations in a multitude of powerful ways. To successfully build upon, integrate with, or even create a cloud environment requires an understanding of its common inner mechanics, architectural layers, and models, as well as an understanding of the business and economic factors that result from the adoption and real-world use of cloud-based services. In Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, Thomas Erl, one of the world’s top-selling IT authors, teams up with cloud computing experts and researchers to break down proven and mature cloud computing technologies and practices into a series of well-defined concepts, models, technology mechanisms, and technology architectures, all from an industry-centric and vendor-neutral point of view. In doing so, the book establishes concrete, academic coverage with a focus on structure, clarity, and well-defined building blocks for mainstream cloud computing platforms and solutions. Subsequent to technology-centric coverage, the book proceeds to establish business-centric models and metrics that allow for the financial assessment of cloud-based IT resources and their comparison to those hosted on traditional IT enterprise premises. Also provided are templates and formulas for calculating SLA-related quality-of-service values and numerous explorations of the SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS delivery models. With more than 260 figures, 29 architectural models, and 20 mechanisms, this indispensable guide provides a comprehensive education of cloud computing essentials that will never leave your side.
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Foreword     xxix Acknowledgments     xxxiii CHAPTER 1: Introduction     1 1.1 Objectives of This Book     3 1.2 What This Book Does Not Cover     4 1.3 Who This Book Is For     4 1.4 How This Book Is Organized     4 1.5 Conventions     9 Symbols and Figures     9 Summary of Key Points     9 1.6 Additional Information     9 Updates, Errata, and Resources (      9 Referenced Specifications (      10 The Service Technology Magazine (      10 International Service Technology Symposium (      10 What Is Cloud? (      10 What Is REST? (      10 Cloud Computing Design Patterns (      10 Service-Orientation (      11 Certified Cloud (CCP) Professional (      11 SOA Certified (SOACP) Professional (      11 Notification Service     11 CHAPTER 2: Case Study Background     13 2.1 Case Study #1: ATN     14 Technical Infrastructure and Environment     14 Business Goals and New Strategy     15 Roadmap and Implementation Strategy     15 2.2 Case Study #2: DTGOV     16 Technical Infrastructure and Environment     17 Business Goals and New Strategy     18 Roadmap and Implementation Strategy     19 2.3 Case Study #3: Innovartus Technologies Inc     20 Technical Infrastructure and Environment     20 Business Goals and Strategy     20 Roadmap and Implementation Strategy     21 PART I: FUNDAMENTAL CLOUD COMPUTING CHAPTER 3: Understanding Cloud Computing     25 3.1 Origins and Influences     26 A Brief History     26 Definitions     27 Business Drivers     28 Capacity Planning     28 Cost Reduction     29 Organizational Agility     30 Technology Innovations     30 Clustering     31 Grid Computing     31 Virtualization     32 Technology Innovations vs. Enabling Technologies     32 3.2 Basic Concepts and Terminology     33 Cloud     33 IT Resource     34 On-Premise     36 Cloud Consumers and Cloud Providers     36 Scaling     37 Horizontal Scaling     37 Vertical Scaling     37 Cloud Service     38 Cloud Service Consumer      40 3.3 Goals and Benefits     40 Reduced Investments and Proportional Costs     41 Increased Scalability     42 Increased Availability and Reliability     43 3.4 Risks and Challenges     45 Increased Security Vulnerabilities     45 Reduced Operational Governance Control     45 Limited Portability Between Cloud Providers     47 Multi-Regional Compliance and Legal Issues     48 CHAPTER 4: Fundamental Concepts and Models     51 4.1 Roles and Boundaries     52 Cloud Provider     52 Cloud Consumer     52 Cloud Service Owner     53 Cloud Resource Administrator     54 Additional Roles     56 Organizational Boundary     56 Trust Boundary     57 4.2 Cloud Characteristics     58 On-Demand Usage     59 Ubiquitous Access     59 Multitenancy (and Resource Pooling)      59 Elasticity     61 Measured Usage     61 Resiliency     61 4.3 Cloud Delivery Models     63 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)      64 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)      65 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)      66 Comparing Cloud Delivery Models     67 Combining Cloud Delivery Models     69 IaaS + PaaS     69 IaaS + PaaS + SaaS     72 4.4 Cloud Deployment Models     73 Public Clouds     73 Community Clouds     74 Private Clouds     75 Hybrid Clouds     77 Other Cloud Deployment Models     78 CHAPTER 5: Cloud-Enabling Technology     79 5.1 Broadband Networks and Internet Architecture     80 Internet Service Providers (ISPs)      80 Connectionless Packet Switching (Datagram Networks)      83 Router-Based Interconnectivity     83 Physical Network     84 Transport Layer Protocol      84 Application Layer Protocol     85 Technical and Business Considerations     85 Connectivity Issues     85 Network Bandwidth and Latency Issues     88 Cloud Carrier and Cloud Provider Selection     89 5.2 Data Center Technology     90 Virtualization     90 Standardization and Modularity     90 Automation     91 Remote Operation and Management     92 High Availability     92 Security-Aware Design, Operation, and Management     92 Facilities     92 Computing Hardware     93 Storage Hardware     93 Network Hardware     95 Carrier and External Networks Interconnection     95 Web-Tier Load Balancing and Acceleration     95 LAN Fabric     95 SAN Fabric     95 NAS Gateways     95 Other Considerations     96 5.3 Virtualization Technology     97 Hardware Independence     98 Server Consolidation     98 Resource Replication     98 Operating System-Based Virtualization     99 Hardware-Based Virtualization     101 Virtualization Management     102 Other Considerations     102 5.4 Web Technology     103 Basic Web Technology     104 Web Applications     104 5.5 Multitenant Technology     106 5.6 Service Technology     108 Web Services     109 REST Services     110 Service Agents     111 Service Middleware     112 5.7 Case Study Example     113 CHAPTER 6: Fundamental Cloud Security     117 6.1 Basic Terms and Concepts     118 Confidentiality     118 Integrity     119 Authenticity     119 Availability     119 Threat     120 Vulnerability     120 Risk     120 Security Controls     120 Security Mechanisms     121 Security Policies     121 6.2 Threat Agents     121 Anonymous Attacker     122 Malicious Service Agent     123 Trusted Attacker     123 Malicious Insider     123 6.3 Cloud Security Threats     124 Traffic Eavesdropping     124 Malicious Intermediary     124 Denial of Service     126 Insufficient Authorization     127 Virtualization Attack     127 Overlapping Trust Boundaries     129 6.4 Additional Considerations     131 Flawed Implementations     131 Security Policy Disparity     132 Contracts     132 Risk Management     133 6.5 Case Study Example     135 PART II: CLOUD COMPUTING MECHANISMS CHAPTER 7: Cloud Infrastructure Mechanisms     139 7.1 Logical Network Perimeter     140 Case Study Example     142 7.2 Virtual Server     144 Case Study Example     145 7.3 Cloud Storage Device     149 Cloud Storage Levels     149 Network Storage Interfaces     150 Object Storage Interfaces     151 Database Storage Interfaces     151 Relational Data Storage     151 Non-Relational Data Storage     152 Case Study Example     152 7.4 Cloud Usage Monitor     155 Monitoring Agent     155 Resource Agent     155 Polling Agent     157 Case Study Example     157 7.5 Resource Replication     161 Case Study Example     162 7.6 Ready-Made Environment     166 Case Study Example     167 CHAPTER 8: Specialized Cloud Mechanisms     169 8.1 Automated Scaling Listener     170 Case Study Example     172 8.2 Load Balancer     176 Case Study Example     177 8.3 SLA Monitor     178 Case Study Example     180 SLA Monitor Polling Agent     180 SLA Monitoring Agent     180 8.4 Pay-Per-Use Monitor     184 Case Study Example     187 8.5 Audit Monitor     189 Case Study Example     189 8.6 Failover System     191 Active-Active     191 Active-Passive     194 Case Study Example     196 8.7 Hypervisor     200 Case Study Example     201 8.8 Resource Cluster     203 Case Study Example     206 8.9 Multi-Device Broker     208 Case Study Example     209 8.10 State Management Database     210 Case Study Example     211 CHAPTER 9: Cloud Management Mechanisms     213 9.1 Remote Administration System     214 Case Study Example     219 9.2 Resource Management System     219 Case Study Example     221 9.3 SLA Management System     222 Case Study Example     224 9.4 Billing Management System     225 Case Study Example     227 CHAPTER 10: Cloud Security Mechanisms     229 10.1 Encryption     230 Symmetric Encryption     231 Asymmetric Encryption     231 Case Study Example     233 10.2 Hashing     234 Case Study Example     235 10.3 Digital Signature     236 Case Study Example     238 10.4 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)      240 Case Study Example     242 10.5 Identity and Access Management (IAM)      243 Case Study Example     244 10.6 Single Sign-On (SSO)      244 Case Study Example     246 10.7 Cloud-Based Security Groups     247 Case Study Example     249 10.8 Hardened Virtual Server Images     251 Case Study Example     252 PART III: CLOUD COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE CHAPTER 11: Fundamental Cloud Architectures     255 11.1 Workload Distribution Architecture     256 11.2 Resource Pooling Architecture     257 11.3 Dynamic Scalability Architecture     262 11.4 Elastic Resource Capacity Architecture     265 11.5 Service Load Balancing Architecture     268 11.6 Cloud Bursting Architecture     271 11.7 Elastic Disk Provisioning Architecture     272 11.8 Redundant Storage Architecture     275 11.9 Case Study Example     277 CHAPTER 12: Advanced Cloud Architectures     281 12.1 Hypervisor Clustering Architecture     282 12.2 Load Balanced Virtual Server Instances Architecture     288 12.3 Non-Disruptive Service Relocation Architecture     293 12.4 Zero Downtime Architecture     298 12.5 Cloud Balancing Architecture     299 12.6 Resource Reservation Architecture     301 12.7 Dynamic Failure Detection and Recovery Architecture     306 12.8 Bare-Metal Provisioning Architecture     309 12.9 Rapid Provisioning Architecture     312 12.10 Storage Workload Management Architecture     315 12.11 Case Study Example     321 CHAPTER 13: Specialized Cloud Architectures     323 13.1 Direct I/O Access Architecture     324 13.2 Direct LUN Access Architecture     326 13.3 Dynamic Data Normalization Architecture     329 13.4 Elastic Network Capacity Architecture     330 13.5 Cross-Storage Device Vertical Tiering Architecture     332 13.6 Intra-Storage Device Vertical Data Tiering Architecture     337 13.7 Load Balanced Virtual Switches Architecture     340 13.8 Multipath Resource Access Architecture     342 13.9 Persistent Virtual Network Configuration Architecture     344 13.10 Redundant Physical Connection for Virtual Servers Architecture     347 13.11 Storage Maintenance Window Architecture     350 PART IV: WORKING WITH CLOUDS CHAPTER 14: Cloud Delivery Model Considerations     359 14.1 Cloud Delivery Models: The Cloud Provider Perspective     360 Building IaaS Environments     360 Data Centers     361 Scalability and Reliability     363 Monitoring     363 Security     364 Equipping PaaS Environments     364 Scalability and Reliability     365 Monitoring     367 Security     367 Optimizing SaaS Environments     367 Security     370 14.2 Cloud Delivery Models: The Cloud Consumer Perspective     370 Working with IaaS Environments     370 IT Resource Provisioning Considerations     372 Working with PaaS Environments     373 IT Resource Provisioning Considerations     373 Working with SaaS Services     374 14.3 Case Study Example     375 CHAPTER 15: Cost Metrics and Pricing Models     379 15.1 Business Cost Metrics     380 Up-Front and On-Going Costs     380 Additional Costs     381 Case Study Example     382 Product Catalog Browser     382 On-Premise Up-Front Costs     382 On-Premise On-Going Costs     383 Cloud-Based Up-Front Costs     383 Cloud-Based On-Going Costs     383 Client Database     385 On-Premise Up-Front Costs     385 On-Premise On-Going Costs     385 Cloud-Based Up-Front Costs     385 Cloud-Based On-Going Costs     385 15.2 Cloud Usage Cost Metrics     387 Network Usage     387 Inbound Network Usage Metric     387 Outbound Network Usage Metric     388 Intra-Cloud WAN Usage Metric     388 Server Usage     389 On-Demand Virtual Machine Instance Allocation Metric     389 Reserved Virtual Machine Instance Allocation Metric     389 Cloud Storage Device Usage     390 On-Demand Storage Space Allocation Metric     390 I/O Data Transferred Metric     390 Cloud Service Usage     390 Application Subscription Duration Metric     390 Number of Nominated Users Metric     391 Number of Transactions Users Metric      391 15.3 Cost Management Considerations     391 Pricing Models     393 Additional Considerations     395 Case Study Example     396 Virtual Server On-Demand Instance Allocation     397 Virtual Server Reserved Instance Allocation     399 Cloud Storage Device     401 WAN Traffic     401 CHAPTER 16: Service Quality Metrics and SLAs     403 16.1 Service Quality Metrics     404 Service Availability Metrics     405 Availability Rate Metric     405 Outage Duration Metric     406 Service Reliability Metrics     407 Mean-Time Between Failures (MTBF) Metric     407 Reliability Rate Metric     407 Service Performance Metrics     407 Network Capacity Metric     408 Storage Device Capacity Metric     408 Server Capacity Metric     408 Web Application Capacity Metric     408 Instance Starting Time Metric     409 Response Time Metric     409 Completion Time Metric     409 Service Scalability Metrics     409 Storage Scalability (Horizontal) Metric     410 Server Scalability (Horizontal) Metric     410 Server Scalability (Vertical) Metric     410 Service Resiliency Metrics     411 Mean-Time to Switchover (MTSO) Metric     411 Mean-Time System Recovery (MTSR) Metric     412 16.2 Case Study Example     412 16.3 SLA Guidelines     413 16.4 Case Study Example     416 Scope and Applicability     416 Service Quality Guarantees     416 Definitions     417 Usage of Financial Credits     417 SLA Exclusions     418 PART V: APPENDICES Appendix A: Case Study Conclusions     421 A.1 ATN     422 A.2 DTGOV     422 A.3 Innovartus     424 Appendix B: Industry Standards Organizations     427 B.1 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)      428 B.2 Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)      429 B.3 Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF)      429 B.4 Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA)      430 B.5 Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS)      430 B.6 The Open Group     430 B.7 Open Cloud Consortium (OCC)      431 B.8 European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)      431 B.9 Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)      431 B.10 Liberty Alliance     432 B.11 Open Grid Forum (OGF)      432 Appendix C: Mapping Mechanisms to Characteristics     433 Appendix D: Data Center Facilities (TIA-942)      437 D.1 Primary Rooms     438 Electrical Room     438 Mechanical Room     438 Storage and Staging     438 Offices, Operations Center, and Support     438 Telecommunications Entrance     438 Computer Room     439 D.2 Environmental Controls     440 External Electrical Power Provider Interconnection     440 Power Distribution     441 Uninterruptible Power Source (UPS)      441 Power Engine-Generator     441 D.3 Infrastructure Redundancy Summary     442 Appendix E: Emerging Technologies     443 E.1 Autonomic Computing     444 E.2 Grid Computing     445 Service Grids     446 Appendix F: Cloud Provisioning Contracts     449 F.1 Cloud Provisioning Contract Structure     450 Terms of Service     452 Service Usage Policy     452 Security and Privacy Policy     453 Warranties and Liabilities     455 Rights and Responsibilities     455 Termination and Renewal     456 Specifications and SLAs     456 Pricing and Billing     457 Other Issues     457 Legal and Compliance Issues     457 Auditability and Accountability     457 Changes in the Contract Terms and Conditions     457 F.2 Cloud Provider Selection Guidelines     458 Cloud Provider Viability     458 Appendix G: Cloud Business Case Template     461 G.1 Business Case Identification     462 G.2 Business Needs     462 G.3 Target Cloud Environment     463 G.4 Technical Issues     464 G.5 Economic Factors     464 About the Authors     465 About the Foreword Contributor     467 About the Contributors     469 Index     471
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“Cloud computing, more than most disciplines in IT, suffers from too much talk and not enough practice. Thomas Erl has written a timely book that condenses the theory and buttresses it with real-world examples that demystify this important technology. An important guidebook for your journey into the cloud.” -- Scott Morrison, Chief Technology Officer, Layer 7 Technologies “An excellent, extremely well-written, lucid book that provides a comprehensive picture of cloud computing, covering multiple dimensions of the subject. The case studies presented in the book provide a real-world, practical perspective on leveraging cloud computing in an organization. The book covers a wide range of topics, from technology aspects to the business value provided by cloud computing. This is the best, most comprehensive book on the subject--a must-read for any cloud computing practitioner or anyone who wants to get an in-depth picture of cloud computing concepts and practical implementation.” -- Suzanne D’Souza, SOA/BPM Practice Lead, KBACE Technologies “This book offers a thorough and detailed description of cloud computing concepts, architectures, and technologies. It serves as a great reference for both newcomers and experts and is a must-read for any IT professional interested in cloud computing.” -- Andre Tost, Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Software Group “This is a great book on the topic of cloud computing. It is impressive how the content spans from taxonomy, technology, and architectural concepts to important business considerations for cloud adoption. It really does provide a holistic view to this technology paradigm.” -- Kapil Bakshi, Architecture and Strategy, Cisco Systems Inc. “I have read every book written by Thomas Erl and Cloud Computing is another excellent publication and demonstration of Thomas Erl’s rare ability to take the most complex topics and provide critical core concepts and technical information in a logical and understandable way.” -- Melanie A. Allison, Principal, Healthcare Technology Practice, Integrated Consulting Services “Companies looking to migrate applications or infrastructure to the cloud are often misled by buzzwords and industry hype. This work cuts through the hype and provides a detailed look, from investigation to contract to implementation to termination, at what it takes for an organization to engage with cloud service providers. This book really lays out the benefits and struggles with getting a company to an IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS solution.” -- Kevin Davis, Ph.D., Solutions Architect “Thomas, in his own distinct and erudite style, provides a comprehensive and a definitive book on cloud computing. Just like his previous masterpiece, Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design, this book is sure to engage CxOs, cloud architects, and the developer community involved in delivering software assets on the cloud. Thomas and his authoring team have taken great pains in providing great clarity and detail in documenting cloud architectures, cloud delivery models, cloud governance, and economics of cloud, without forgetting to explain the core of cloud computing that revolves around Internet architecture and virtualization. As a reviewer for this outstanding book, I must admit I have learned quite a lot while reviewing the material. A ‘must have’ book that should adorn everybody’s desk!” -- Vijay Srinivasan, Chief Architect - Technology, Cognizant Technology Solutions “This book provides comprehensive and descriptive vendor-neutral coverage of cloud computing technology, from both technical and business aspects. It provides a deep-down analysis of cloud architectures and mechanisms that capture the real-world moving parts of cloud platforms. Business aspects are elaborated on to give readers a broader perspective on choosing and defining basic cloud computing business models. Thomas Erl’s Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture is an excellent source of knowledge of fundamental and in-depth coverage of cloud computing.” -- Masykur Marhendra Sukmanegara, Communication Media & Technology, Consulting Workforce Accenture “The richness and depth of the topics discussed are incredibly impressive. The depth and breadth of the subject matter are such that a reader could become an expert in a short amount of time.” -- Jamie Ryan, Solutions Architect, Layer 7 Technologies “Demystification, rationalization, and structuring of implementation approaches have always been strong parts in each and every one of Thomas Erl’s books. This book is no exception. It provides the definitive, essential coverage of cloud computing and, most importantly, presents this content in a very comprehensive manner. Best of all, this book follows the conventions of the previous service technology series titles, making it read like a natural extension of the library. I strongly believe that this will be another bestseller from one of the top-selling IT authors of the past decade.” -- Sergey Popov, Senior Enterprise Architect SOA/Security, Liberty Global International “A must-read for anyone involved in cloud design and decision making! This insightful book provides in-depth, objective, vendor-neutral coverage of cloud computing concepts, architecture models, and technologies. It will prove very valuable to anyone who needs to gain a solid understanding of how cloud environments work and how to design and migrate solutions to clouds.” -- Gijs in ’t Veld, Chief Architect, Motion10 “A reference book covering a wide range of aspects related to cloud providers and cloud consumers. If you would like to provide or consume a cloud service and need to know how, this is your book. The book has a clear structure to facilitate a good understanding of the various concepts of cloud.” -- Roger Stoffers, Solution Architect “Cloud computing has been around for a few years, yet there is still a lot of confusion around the term and what it can bring to developers and deployers alike. This book is a great way of finding out what’s behind the cloud, and not in an abstract or high-level manner: It dives into all of the details that you’d need to know in order to plan for developing applications on cloud and what to look for when using applications or services hosted on a cloud. There are very few books that manage to capture this level of detail about the evolving cloud paradigm as this one does. It’s a must for architects and developers alike.” -- Dr. Mark Little, Vice President, Red Hat “This book provides a comprehensive exploration of the concepts and mechanics behind clouds. It’s written for anyone interested in delving into the details of how cloud environments function, how they are architected, and how they can impact business. This is the book for any organization seriously considering adopting cloud computing. It will pave the way to establishing your cloud computing roadmap.” -- Damian Maschek, SOA Architect, Deutsche Bahn “One of the best books on cloud computing I have ever read. It is complete yet vendor technology neutral and successfully explains the major concepts in a well-structured and disciplined way. It goes through all the definitions and provides many hints for organizations or professionals who are approaching and/or assessing cloud solutions. This book gives a complete list of topics playing fundamental roles in the cloud computing discipline. It goes through a full list of definitions very clearly stated. Diagrams are simple to understand and self-contained. Readers with different skill sets, expertise, and backgrounds will be able to understand the concepts seamlessly.” -- Antonio Bruno, Infrastructure and Estate Manager, UBS AG “ Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture is a comprehensive book that focuses on what cloud computing is really all about.... This book will become the foundation on which many organizations will build successful cloud adoption projects. It is a must-read reference for both IT infrastructure and application architects interested in cloud computing or involved in cloud adoption projects. It contains extremely useful and comprehensive information for those who need to build cloud-based architectures or need to explain it to customers thinking about adopting cloud computing technology in their organization.” -- Johan Kumps, SOA Architect, RealDolmen “This book defines the basic terminology and patterns for the topic--a useful reference for the cloud practitioner. Concepts from multitenancy to hypervisor are presented in a succinct and clear manner. The underlying case studies provide wonderful real-worldness.” -- Dr. Thomas Rischbeck, Principal Architect, ipt “The book provides a good foundation to cloud services and issues in cloud service design. Chapters highlight key issues that need to be considered in learning how to think in cloud technology terms; this is highly important in today’s business and technology environments where cloud computing plays a central role in connecting user services with virtualized resources and applications.” -- Mark Skilton, Director, Office of Strategy and Technology, Global Infrastructure Services, Capgemini “The book is well organized and covers basic concepts, technologies, and business models about cloud computing. It defines and explains a comprehensive list of terminologies and glossaries about cloud computing so cloud computing experts can speak and communicate with the same set of standardized language. The book is easy to understand and consistent with early published books from Thomas Erl.... It is a must-read for both beginners and experienced professionals.” -- Jian “Jeff” Zhong, Chief Technology Officer (Acting) and Chief Architect for SOA and Cloud Computing, Futrend Technology Inc. “Students of the related specialties can fulfill their educational process with very easily understood materials that are broadly illustrated and clearly described. Professors of different disciplines, from business analysis to IT implementation--even legal and financial monitoring--can use the book as an on-table lecturing manual. IT specialists of all ranks and fields of application will find the book as a practical and useful support for sketching solutions unbound to any particular vendor or brand.” -- Alexander Gromoff, Director of Science & Education, Center of Information Control Technologies, Chairman of BPM Chair in Business Informatics Department, National Research University “Higher School of Economics” “ Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture is a comprehensive compendium of all the relevant information about the transformative cloud technology. Erl’s latest title concisely and clearly illustrates the origins and positioning of the cloud paradigm as the next-generation computing model. All the chapters are carefully written and arranged in an easy-to-understand manner. This book will be immeasurably beneficial for business and IT professionals. It is set to shake up and help organize the world of cloud computing.” -- Pethuru Raj, Ph.D., Enterprise Architecture Consultant, Wipro “A cloud computing book that will stand out and survive the test of time, even in one of the fastest evolving areas of technology. This book does a great job breaking down the high level of complexity of cloud computing into easy-to-understand pieces. It goes beyond the basic, often repeated, explanations. It examines the fundamental concepts and the components, as well as the mechanisms and architectures that make up cloud computing environments. The approach gradually builds the reader’s understanding from the ground up. “In a rapidly evolving area like cloud computing, it’s easy to focus on details and miss the big picture. The focus on concepts and architectural models instead of vendor-specific details allows readers to quickly gain essential knowledge of complex topics. The concepts come together in the last part of the book, which should be required reading for any decision maker evaluating when and how to start a transition to cloud computing. Its thorough, comprehensive coverage of fundamentals and advanced topics makes the book a valuable resource to keep on your desk or your eBook reader, regardless if you’re new to the topic or you already have cloud experience. “I highly recommend the book to those looking to implement or evaluate cloud environments, or simply looking to educate themselves in a field that will shape IT over the next decade.” -- Christoph Schittko, Principal Technology Strategist & Cloud Solution Director, Microsoft “ Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture is an excellent resource for IT professionals and managers who want to learn and understand cloud computing, and who need to select or build cloud systems and solutions. It lays the foundation for cloud concepts, models, technologies, and mechanisms. As the book is vendor-neutral, it will remain valid for many years. We will recommend this book to Oracle customers, partners, and users for their journey toward cloud computing. This book has the potential to become the basis for a cloud computing manifesto, comparable to what was accomplished with the SOA manifesto.” -- Jurgen Kress, Fusion Middleware Partner Adoption, Oracle EMEA
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Instructor resources including chapter-by-chapter PowerPoint Presentation and an Instructor's Guide Structured format and breakdown of cloud computing technologies and models into well-defined components, concepts, and mechanisms makes it ideal for classroom study Clean separation of cloud computing topics within book by chapter make for suitable individual lessons or seminars by instructor Provides well-researched and well-defined coverage from an industry-centric and vendor-neutral perspective
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Thomas Erl is a top-selling IT author, founder of Arcitura Education, editor of the Service Technology Magazine and series editor of the Prentice Hall Service Technology Series from Thomas Erl. With more than 175,000 copies in print world-wide, his books have become international bestsellers and have been formally endorsed by senior members of major IT organizations, such as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, Accenture, IEEE, HL7, MITRE, SAP, CISCO, HP, and many others. As CEO of Arcitura Education Inc. and in cooperation with and, Thomas has led the development of curricula for the internationally recognized Cloud Certified Professional (CCP) and SOA Certified Professional (SOACP) accreditation programs, which have established a series of formal, vendor-neutral industry certifications obtained by thousands of IT professionals around the world. Thomas has toured over 20 countries as a speaker and instructor and regularly participates in international conferences, including Service Technology Symposium and Gartner events. More than 100 articles and interviews by Thomas have been published in numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal and CIO Magazine.

Dr. Zaigham Mahmood is a published author of six books, four of which are dedicated to cloud computing. He acts as a technology consultant at Debesis Education UK and a Researcher at the University of Derby, UK. He further holds positions as a foreign professor and professor extraordinaire with international educational institutions. Professor Mahmood is a certified cloud trainer and a regular speaker at the International SOA, Cloud + Service Technology Symposium, and he has published more than 100 articles. His specialized areas of research include distributed computing, project management, and e-government.

Professor Ricardo Puttini has 15 years of field experience as a senior IT consultant at major government organizations in Brazil. He has taught several undergraduate and graduate-level courses in service orientation, service-oriented architecture, and cloud computing. Ricardo was the general chair of the 4th International SOA Symposium and 3rd International Cloud Symposium that was held in the spring of 2011. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication Networks (2004) from the University of Brasilia, where he has taught in the Electrical Engineering department since 1998. Ricardo spent 18 months at the L′Ecole Superieure d′Electricite (Supelec) in Rennes, France, during his Ph.D., where he started researching distributed system architecture and security.