EUROCRYPT '95. Sponsored by the International Association for Cryp- logic Research (IACR), in cooperation with the Centre Commun d'Etudes de T616vision et T61Qcommunications (CCETT), a workshop on the theory and - plications of cryptographic techniques takes place at the Palais du Grand Large, Saint Malo, France, May 21-25, 1995. The General Chair of EUROCRYPT '95 is Franqoise Scarabin. The Or- nization Committee was helped by Maryvonne Lahaie and her communication team. Moreover, the CCETT has generously provided the help of a young - glish lady, Miss Virginia Cooper, for the secretariat of both the Organization arid Program Committees. They all did an excellent job in preparing the conference. It is our pleasure to thank them for their essential work. IACR and EUROCRYPT. According to a very good suggestion expressed during CRYPTO '82, the Association was established at CRYPTO '83. Today, the Association has approximately 600 members and the mailing file managed by its Secretariat consists of more than 2 000 names. The main goal of the Association is the sponsoring of two annual conferences: CRYPTO, every summer at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), and EUROCRYPT, every spring in a different European country. Moreover, the Association edits quarterly the Journal of Cryptology (JoC).
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Drawing on the proceedings of EUROCRYPT '95, the theory and application of cryptographic techniques is discussed in this text. Revised versions of the 33 papers address aspects of cryptologic research and advanced applications.
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Cryptanalysis.- Attacking the Chor-Rivest Cryptosystem by Improved Lattice Reduction.- Convergence in Differential Distributions.- A Generalization of Linear Cryptanalysis and the Applicability of Matsui’s Piling-up Lemma.- Signatures.- On the Efficiency of Group Signatures Providing Information-Theoretic Anonymity.- Verifiable Signature Sharing.- Server(Prover/Signer)-Aided Verification of Identity Proofs and Signatures.- Number Theory.- Counting the number of points on elliptic curves over finite fields: strategies and performances.- An Implementation of the General Number Field Sieve to Compute Discrete Logarithms mod p.- A Block Lanczos Algorithm for Finding Dependencies over GF(2).- Protocol Aspects.- How to Break Another “Provably Secure” Payment System.- Quantum Oblivious Mutual Identification.- Securing Traceability of Ciphertexts — Towards a Secure Software Key Escrow System.- Secure Multiround Authentication Protocols.- Secret Sharing.- Verifiable Secret Sharing as Secure Computation.- Efficient Secret Sharing Without a Mutually Trusted Authority.- General Short Computational Secret Sharing Schemes.- Electronic Cash.- Fair Blind Signatures.- Ripping Coins for a Fair Exchange.- Restrictive Binding of Secret-Key Certificates.- Shift Registers and Boolean Functions.- Towards Fast Correlation Attacks on Irregularly Clocked Shift Registers.- Large Period Nearly deBruijn FCSR Sequences.- On Nonlinear Resilient Functions.- Authentication Codes.- Combinatorial Bounds for Authentication Codes with Arbitration.- New Hash Functions for Message Authentication.- A 2—codes from universal hash classes.- New Schemes.- A New Identification Scheme Based on the Perceptrons Problem.- Fast RSA-type Schemes Based on Singular Cubic Curves y 2 + axy ? x 3 (mod n).-Complexity Aspects.- Relationships among the Computational Powers of Breaking Discrete Log Cryptosystems.- Universal Hash Functions & Hard Core Bits.- Recycling Random Bits in Composed Perfect Zero-Knowledge.- Implementation Aspects.- On the Matsumoto and Imai’s Human Identification Scheme.- Receipt-Free Mix-Type Voting Scheme.- Are Crypto-Accelerators Really Inevitable?.- Rump Session.- Anonymous NIZK Proofs of Knowledge with Preprocessing.
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