<p><em>"For starters, this book is one of the best books on architectural visualization. And if you use 3ds max, there is little reason not to order it. Even if you have real experience. It is complete, well written and well structured."</em>--<strong><em>Stefan Boeykens (</em>Amazon reviewer<em>)</em></strong><em>"This book and the title that precedes this, '3ds Max 2008 Architectural Visualization-Beginner to Intermediate' are the only two books you'll ever need to master 3ds Max! No need to look elsewhere. You have stumbled upon the most concise, clearly written and easy to understand book on this subject. It also covers the very important business practices of Arch Viz. Many thanks to the author(s) and experts who composed this book."--</em><strong><em>Susan Moses</em> (Amazon reviewer)</strong> <br /><em>"If you are trying to learn 3ds Max, there is no better collection of books available on the market. Brian has managed to assemble the best in the business with easy to follow COLOR instructions. Thank You for all of your efforts! I have been waiting for someone to write books exactly like this for years!" --<strong>Shane Johnson</strong></em><strong> (Amazon reviewer)</strong></p>