It focused on the strategies, challenges and choices in the renaissance of modern sports. It brought together scientists, sports persons, decision makers and executives from across the globe to share research approaches, methods and results. It analyzed ways for implementing adaptable and observable improvement which have direct impact on sports.
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It focused on the strategies, challenges and choices in the renaissance of modern sports. It brought together scientists, sports persons, decision makers from across the globe to share research approaches, methods and results. It analyzed ways for implementing adaptable and observable improvement which have direct impact on sports.
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1. Survey on Sports Facilities and Infrastructure of Schools in Manipur2. Effect of Yogic Practice on Selected Motor Fitness Components of Manipur University Female Students3. Positive Social Adaptability of College Athletes and Regular Exercisers: A Cross-Sectional Study4. Assessment of Stress on Displaced People of the MEETEI Community due to the PresentCrisis of Manipur5. A Comparative Study of School Choice between Private and Goverment School based on SchoolCharacteristic in Thoubal District6. Collective Impact for Mental Health and Social Wellbeing7. Effect of SAQ Training on Selected Performance Variables Speed and Passing among CollegeMen Football Players8. Psychological Factors Influencing Serve and Sports Competition Anxiety among Volleyball Players9. Scrutiny of Badminton Gameplay for Non-Sports Obese Person Using Body Composition Analyser10. The Biomechanical Aspects of the Football Kick-Challenges and Elucidations11. The Future of Healthcare: Emerging Technologies and Trends12. Revolutionizing Athlete Performance with Wearable Technologies: Recent Trends and Future Directions13. Injuries in Professional Wrestling: A Comprehensive Study14. A Psychological Perspective on Coaching Styles and Athlete Motivation15. Analysing the Implementation of IoT Infrastructure in Stadiums and Sports Venues toEnhance Operations, Security, and Overall Fan Experience16. IoT-Enabled Performance Monitoring Methods, Injury Prevention Strategies, andTactical Decision-Making in Football17. IoT Sensors and Wearable Devices in Preventing Injuries and Aiding in the RehabilitationProcess for Athletes18. IoT Sensors and Data Analytics for Analyzing Game Patterns and Optimizing Strategies for Coaches19. Integration of Wearable IoT Devices with Existing Sports Equipment for Real-Time Feedback andInsights in Athlete Training and Competitions20. Ethical Implications and Regulatory Frameworks Surrounding the Use of IoT Technology in Sports21. IoT Devices in Monitoring Hydration Levels, Sleep Patterns, and Overall PhysiologicalCondition of Athlete22. Integration of Wearable IoT Devices with Existing Sports Equipment to Provide Real-TimeFeedback and Insights to Athletes During Training and Competitions23. Optimizing Athletic Performance with the Assistance of Healthcare Professional24. Optimizing Performance with Data Analytics in Sports25. The Future of Sports Broadcasting: Interactive Viewing Experiences with Virtual Stadiums26. Enhancing Sports Performance through the Integration of Smart Equipment and Sensors27. Implications and Innovations of Blockchain Technology in Sports Management28. A Study on the Use of Technology for Strength and Endurance Testing for Kickboxing29. A Psychological Guide to Retiring and Transitioning to a New Career among Sports Persons30. Fueling Performance and Supporting Health through Sports Nutrition31. A Review of Advances in Sports Medicine: Prevention and Treatment of Injuries32. Technology Implementations in Reducing Stress among Drivers in F1 Racing33. Recent Technological Advancements in Healthcare Systems for Sports Personnel34. Goal Line Technology in Sports35. Smart Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery: A Wireless-Controlled Approach36. Pharmacogenomic Profiling: Towards Precision Medicine in Cardiology37. Machine Learning Predictions of Drug-Drug Interactions: A Comprehensive Analysis38. Blockchain Integration for Ensuring Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Integrity39. Telepharmacy Services: Enhancing Accessibility and Adherence in Rural Communities40. Optimizing Medication Therapy through Data Mining and Predictive Analytics41. Interoperability Challenges in Electronic Health Records: Implications for Pharmacy Informatics 42. Wearable Sensors for Real-Time Medication Adherence Monitoring: A Technological Perspective 43. Biometric Sensors in Personalized Drug Therapy: A Novel Approach to Treatment Optimization 44. Pharmaceutical Informatics: Leveraging Big Data for Enhanced Patient Outcomes45. Blockchain-Based Authentication for Counterfeit Drug Detection and Prevention46. Robotic Prescription Dispensing Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Efficiency and Accuracy 47. Pharmacovigilance in the Age of Big Data: Utilizing Analytics for Adverse Event Detection48. Evaluation of Microbial Flora Antibiotic Sensitivity and Infections with OdontogenicOrigin in the Orofacial Region49. A Study on the Effects of Pre-Operative Risk Stratification of Phase Cardiac RehabilitationAfter 6-Minute Walk50. Quantitative in-Vitro Evaluation of Flavonoids in Tagetes Minuta51. Development and Validation of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug in Pure andFormulation using UV- Spectrophotometric Method52. A Study on a Rare, Mysterious Condition Associated to High Rates of Maternal Mortality andMorbidity using Peripartum Cardiomyopathy53. An Analytical Study on Obstetrics and Gynecology Surgery Wound Infections inTertiary Care Hospitals54. Assessment of Image Quality and Dose Optimization During a Cardiac Computed TomographyExamination using the Catphan Phantom Model55. An Analytical Study on Wide-Ranging Tissues in the Micro-Morphological Spectrum ofOphthalmic Lesions56. Analysis of the Relationship among Ocular Trauma and Monocular Blindness as a Result ofOphthalmic Illness57. A Clinical Study on Associated Tumors Like Disseminated Intraperitoneal Mucinous Tumors byRare Neoplastic Pseudomyxoma Peritonei58. Assessment of Ocular Appearances of Dengue Haemorragic Fever in Health Care Centers59. Influence and its Effects of Ondansetron Hypotension in ASA 1 and 2 Patients Arranged forCaesarean Section Under Sub Arachnoid Block60. Analysis on Anti-Diabetic Medicine usage and Development for Type II Diabetic Patients inTertiary Care Hospitals61. Multi Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Bacteria Isolated from Indian Currency Notes62. Advanced RP-HPLC Technique for Huge Drug Formulations using Empagliflozin andMetformin Methods63. Importance of Medical Services Conveyed by Expansion of in Vitro Antioxidant Activity of PlantTuberculous Roxb64. Common Effects of Antinociceptive Cinnarizine Combination of Tramadol in Albino Rats usingTail Flick Method65. A Comparison of Tamil Nadu’s Urban and Rural Residents’ Health Centers—A Cross Sectional Study66. Readability Analysis of Online Patient Education Materials (PEM) in Preventive Dentistry67. The Impact of Unsupervised Contraceptive Pill Use on Birth Defects: A Global and Regional Analysis68. Increasing Competencies and Integrating Technologies in Dental Public Health69. Public Health Dentist as a Big Data Scientist—A Review Article70. Assessment of Cleaning Efficiency and Wear of Commercially Available Orthodontic Brushes—An In-vitro Study71. Double Trouble—A Case Report of Coinfection with Leptospirosis and Scrub Typhus72. A Case of Reversible Neurological Blindness73. An Intriguing Case of Mitral Regurgitation74. A Rare Case of UTI by Nosocomial Pathogen Serratia Marcescens—A Detailed Review75. Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (An Indeed Treatable Neurological Illness)76. Impact of Yoga Therapy on Prolonged Stanidng Jobs Diagnosed with Varicose Veins77. Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation78. The Effect of Specific Mental Training on Motivation and Preparation among Batters in Cricket 79. Common Training Stress Factors Leading to Burnout in Athletes80. Impact of Different Types of Footwear on Running Performance81. Depression and Physical Exercise: Future Perspective82. A Case of Intraoperative Severe Hypotension during Percutaeneous Nephrolithotripsy underGeneral Anaesthesia Suspected Septicaemia Producing Shock83. Is Elevated Alpha Defensin a Warning Sign for Hypercoagulable States in COVID-19?84. Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs of Tribal Population in Yelagiri Hills, Tamil Nadu—A Cross-Sectional Study85. Chemical Injuries of Oral Mucosa—A Review86. Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Diabetes87. Rare Case of Pancreaticopleural Fistula with Uncommon Presentation88. Navigating Regional Anesthesia in a Patient with Kyphoscoliosis89. Terminal Hinge Axis—Evidence Based Investigations90. Unleashing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Gait Analysis—A Narrative Review91. Time Interval Patterns for Implant Placement Following Sinus Lift Surgery among Dental Students92. Pathological Surprise of Fistula in ANO as Pilonidal Sinus93. Film Criticism in the Digital Age a Review of Online Platforms94. Stromal Dominance Mediated by COL1A2 as a Deterministic Prognostic Indicator in Oral Cancer95. In Vitro Evaluation of Microleakage Around Class 5 Conventional GIC and Class 5 YttriumNanoparticle Modified GIC Restorations96. Efficacy of Glass Ionomer Cement for Primary Anterior Strip Crown Cementation: A Pilot Study 97. Comparing Acceptance of Mucosal Atomization Device in Children Receiving Intranasal SedationDuring Dental Treatment: Parent-Administered Versus Dentist-Administered - A RandomisedClinical Trial98. Effect of Thang-TA Exercise on Selected Physical and Psychological Variables among theStudents in the Releif Camp of Manipur99. Impact of Sports and Mental Health100. New Approaches to Aid Cardiovascular Disease through Exercise101. Amount of Energy Consumed During Resistance Exercises: Short Review102. Endurance Exercise and Aging-Related: Overview103. Yoga and Their Effect on the Cardiac Disease104. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Anti-Bacterial Activity of Triple Antibiotic Paste CoatedAlloplastic Bone Grafts with Triphala Coated Alloplastic Bone Grafts, Synthesis ZnO NanoparticlesCoated Bone Grafts: An in-Vitro Study105. CHRNA5 Polymorphism (Rs16969968) and Its Association with Nicotine Dependence among Smokers106. CHRNA5 Polymorphisms and its Association with Quit Attempts among Smokers Visiting aDental College107. Fabrication of Hydrogel Composed of Carrageenan Blended with Cuttlefish Bone-DerivedHydroxyapatite Nanoparticles and Assessment of its Efficacy as a Local Drug Delivery Agent108. Effects of Desensitising Mouthwash on Surface Microhardness of Pre-heated and Non-heatedComposite Resins—An in Vitro Study109. Correlation of Clinical TNM Staging and Bryne’s Histological Scoring in Oral Squamous CellCarcinoma (OSCC)110. Effect of Ulva Fasciata Remineralising Agent on Microhardness and Chemical Composition ofDemineralised Enamel: An Invitro Study111. Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Risk Reduction andIdentification of Early Signs of Stroke in Hypertensive Patient: A Protocol112. A Case Report on Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome113. “Evaluating the Impact of Structured Education on Parental Knowledge and Attitudestoward Children’s Right To Education (RTE) in a Community Setting”: A Research Protocol114. Case Report on Cerebral Palsy Presenting with Intellectual Disability: “W Sitting Position”115. Protocol: A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Simulation-Based Teaching Programmed onSelf-Administration of Insulin among Diabetic Mellitus Patients116. Grade III Cystocele: Rare Case Report117. Effectiveness of Plan Teaching on Knowledge Regarding Management of Seizures amongParents of Under-Five Children118. Assessment of Comparative Efficacy of Standard Practice of Labour with Modified PerinealProtection Device (MPPD) versus Standard Practice of Labour alone in Prevention PerinealTear during Second Stage of Labour amongst Primi Parturient Mothers: RCT119. Research Study Protocol - Evaluation of Comparative Efficacy of Modified ComprehensiveCare Map (MCCM) for Elderly Primigravida Mothers with Caesarean Section as AgainstClinical Pathway, Improving Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes120. “Relationship between Inflammatory Markers (IM) and Primary Dysmenorrhea (PD):A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (SRMA) Concerning Prisma 2020”121. The Traditional Postpartum Care Practices in the Women of Gorvanshi Culture of India122. Comparison of Efficacy of Near-Peer Teaching (NPT) in Formal as against Informal Setting as aSupplemental Teaching Modality in Undergraduate Students – A Randomized Controlled Trial123. A Comprehensive Review Related Purification Processes of Gandhak (Sulphur) Mentioned inDifferent Ayurveda Compendiums124. Facial Nerve Palsy during Third Trimester of Pregnancy with Oligohydramnios125. Maternal Exercise and Pregnancy Outcome: A Literature Review126. Effect of Different Bleaching Agents on Surface Hardness of Nanocomposite127. Prevalence of Supernumerary Teeth in Males in the Orthodontic Outpatient Population—An Institutional Study128. Invitro Hypoglycemic Activity of Glycyrrhiza Glabra Using the 3T3-L1 Cell Line129. Evaluation of the Effect of Bacteria on the Surface of the Dental Implant130. Influence of Kaempferol and Piperine on Absorbable Sutures131. Microbial Adhesion on Surface Engineered PolyEther-ketone-Ketone (PEKK) by Sulphonation inComparison with Gold Standard Titanium Implant Biomaterial132. Eco-Friendly Synthesis of Selenium Nanoparticles using Acacia and Stevia and itsAnti-inflammatory Activity133. PCB Induced Inflammation and Insulin Resistance in Adipocytes in Male Albino Rats134. Prevalence of Pulpotomy vs Pulpectomy in 10-12 Year Old Children135. Anticancer Activity of Allium sativum Against Osteosarcoma in Saos2 Cell Line136. Prevalence of Habit Related Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Squamous CellCarcinoma in a Cohort of Tamil Population137. Advancements in Dental Implantology: From Osseointegration to Future Directions138. “Revitalizing Smiles by Bioactive Elixir: Unveiling Bioactive Innovations in Endodontic andConservative Dentistry”139. CAN 5-FU Replace Carnoy’s Solution in Treatment of Keratocyst140. “Catalyzing Innovation: Antimicrobial Nanoparticles in Endodontics for Biofilm Disruption andEnhanced Treatment Strategies”141. Diabetes and Periodontal Health142. Enhancing Orthodontic Treatment Efficiency: A Review of Non-Invasive Modalities143. Current Concept in Forensic Facial Identification: Review Article144. Case Report on Oligodactyly (Congenital Anamoly)145. Multipurpose Implications of Medicinal Cannabis and Related Drugs in Dentistry/Oral HealthRelated Disorders146. Synthesis and Characterisation Study of Glycyrrhiza Glabra Synthesised Magnesium OxideNanoparticles147. Pain Management in Orthodontic Treatment148. Human Factors Engineering in Dentistry149. Mini Review Botox in Correction of Gummy Smile150. Association of Gender and Dental Caries—A Retrospective Analysis151. Prevalence of Regressive Alterations of the Teeth among Patients with Oral SubmucousFibrosis—An Institutional Study152. After Effects of Oppana Dance Training on Self-Confidence Amidst Muslim Women in Kerala 153. Antidiabetic Potential of Hibiscus and Marigold Formulation Mediated Silver Nanoparticles 154. Assessing Corrosion Resistance of Titanium Coated with Gadolinium Nitrate155. Prevalence of Caries in Children Less than 3 Years using ICDAS156. Assessment of Skeletal Correction in Class II Patients Undergoing Functional ApplianceTherapy and its Association with other Factors157. Evaluation of Biofilm Adherence using Two Different Composite158. In-silico Docking of Vasicine and Vascinone from Adhatoda Vasica against Covid-19 BA.2-36Delta Variant159. Studies on Some Schiff base Complexes Derived from 3-Hydroxy-Quinoxaline-2-Carboxaldehyde and Various Amines with Manganese (II)160. Comparative Evaluation of Wear Resistance of Two Different Nanohybrid Composites,an in Vitro Study 883161. Dental Caries and Treatment Needs in Children Less than 3 Year Old Children—An Institutional Study162. “Impact of Genistein and Eugenol Coating on Absorbable Sutures”163. Influence of Probiotic Yogurt Consumption on Calcium Level among 18-22 Year Old Age Group 164. Prevalence of Diabetes and Hypertension among the Implantology Outpatient PopulationPost Covid Lockdown—An Institutional Study165. Fabrication of a Novel Implantoplasty Gel using Cissus Quadrangularis and Vitex NegundoFormulation Mediated Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles: Invitro Study166. Bioluminometer Based Evaluation of Efficacy of Herbal Irrigants Formulated from Garlic andTriphala in Disinfection of Root Canals167. Influence of the Method for Determining Working Length on the Quality of ObturationLevel of Primary Molars168. Assessment of Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activity of Azadirachta Indica and Ficus Benghalensis Herbal Formulation for Orthodontic Patients Mouthwash Preparation—And Invitro Study169. Comparison of Surface Roughness after Ultrasonic Scaling at Gingival Margin in Class VRestoration with Two Flowable Composites170. Comparative Evaluation of Corded and Cordless Light Curing Units in Curing Composite Resins171. miRNAs Regulating RUNX2 and their Expression Pattern Copper-Zinc Alloy Nanoparticles172. Anticancer Potential of Piperine in Human Oral Cancer Cell Lines—An In-Vitro Study173. Caries Prevalence among 1st Permanent Molar in Paediatric Patients – An University basedRetrospective Study174. Implant Associated Gene Expression Analysis of OPG (Osteoprotegerin) GENE175. Evaluating Long-Term Success of Dental Implants in South Asians: A Five-Year Study onBone Changes, Patient Comfort, and Survival Rates176. Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Acacia and Stevia and Stevia Mediated SeleniumNanoparticles using DPPH and H2O2 Assay177. Comparison of Microleakage After Ultrasonic Scaling at Gingival Margin in Class V Restorationwith Gingival Composites178. Application of Nanoparticles in Biodiesel Production-Literature Review179. Degradation of Microplastics by a Novel Green Synthesised Nanoparticle180. Enamel Remineralisation Assessment after Treatment with Sargassum Integerrium NovelRemineralising Gel—Invitro Study181. Single Visit Versus Multi Visit Root Canal Treatment in Permanent Molars182. Comparison of the Diametral Tensile Strength of Zirconomer, Hydroxyapatite ModifiedGlass Ionomer Cement and Selenium Hydroxyapatite Modified Glass Ionomer Cement—An in Vitro Study183. Management of Facial Swellings: Endodontic Therapy vs Extraction in 3-5 Year Olds184. Finding the Efficient Pathways Regulating Oral Carcinoma using Systematic Data Analysis and to Understand the Potent Role of Luffa Cylindnica Plant Extract by In-Vitro Analysis185. Regional Variation of Inter Canine Distance in Tamil Nadu—A Tool for Gender Identification186. Comparison of Flexural Strength of Glass Ionomer Cement, Strontium-HydroxyapatiteModified Glass Ionomer Cement, and Strontium-Hydroxyapatite Modified Composites—An Invitro Study187. From Self-Esteem to Oral Health: The Multi-dimensional Impact of Orthodontic Therapy188. Fabrication of Hyaluronic Acid/Fluorouracil Drug Carrier for Cancer Therapy189. Strontium Incorporated Hydroxyapatite Bone Block Derived from Eggshell as an Alternativefor Alloplastic Bone Graft Material: An Invitro Study
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Om bidragsyterne

Prasanna Balaji is currently working as vice- Principal and as a Professor & Head in Physical Education Department at National College, Tiruchirappalli, India.

Pinar Dinç Kalayci is a Professor in the Architecture Gazi University, Turkey.

Seshadri Ramkumar is currently a full professor in the Department of Environmental Toxicology at Texas Tech University, USA.