In part 1 of this book Schiering and Bogner (both, Molloy Univ.) and Buli-Holberg (Univ. of Oslo, Norway) present their learning and teaching model to the reader, which includes a combination of memory, cognition, comprehension, learning, teaching perspectives, beliefs, and value systems. The authors define teaching and learning and indicate that learning is a result of memory, cognition, and metacognition that impacts comprehension. They indicate the importance of combining learning and teaching through a theoretical perspective. Readers learn the SOW (sociology of the world) model, as well as REAP (religion, economics, academics, and politics), and reflection. The authors present two interior components that are central, namely, societal realities, belief and value systems. Furthermore, they state that these are areas of commonality within all cultures. Part 2 of the book provides practical applications of the model. It is worth noting that there are three appendices written to add clarification and/or extended information on initially addressed topics in the book. Summing Up: Recommended. All readership levels.
In Teaching and Learning, the authors skillfully demonstrate for teachers, teachers-in-training, school psychologists, and parents the enormous impact of the Cognitive Collective on performance in the classroom setting. The awareness and understanding of the interplay of thinking on feeling and feelings on thinking by academic and school-based mental health teams can facilitate students' ability to meet the varied demands of the 21st century classroom. The authors' view of students in a holistic manner reinforce the principles of excellence in the field of education.
- Audra Cerruto Ph.D., school psychologist, Lexington School for the Deaf,
As someone with a life-long curiosity regarding the complex dynamics of the educational process, I'm impressed by the passion for teaching that drives this cogent, illuminating, and well-researched work. The innovative ideas on the foundation of effective education and cognitive theories, learning styles, the roles of emotion and environment in learning are valuable tools for all teachers. Teaching and Learning is a wonderful and welcome guide for teacher candidates, veteran educators, and for those parents attempting to home school their children.
- Lawrence Honigman, parent,
I found 'consistency and coherence.' What seemed to especially make the book cohesive is the section on lesson planning using the concepts presented in the first section. It's like a smorgasbord of options for thinking about the lesson and tailoring it into a format for the class you are teaching. It is like an orthotic—training your foot to walk so it doesn't hurt—learing to teach so it is meaningful for the students and your own style.
- Reverend Susan Lunning, director of Chaplain Services at Westchester Medical Center,
Concerning academic and social cognition, this book skillfully links thinking and feeling in the social and academic spectrums. The book addresses external factors including religion, politics, and academics. It can be a most useful resource in college education courses of study, as well as useful for practicing teachers and parents interested in gaining knowledge about ways to assist their children in learning.
- Barbara Hayes, EdD, Molloy College, former dean of undergraduate education studies and present field supervisor,