Want to change the trajectory of students’ lives? Alter your organizational culture for the better? Have the experience of brainstorming open-ended decisions in these complex times? Using the current knowledge base in educational leadership, in this updated edition authors Harris, Ballenger, and Mixon deliver on such aspirational goals. This guide is beneficial because it covers the changing standards in the profession and anchors them to foster self-understanding and group understanding.
- Carol A. Mullen, professor of educational leadership, director of the School of Education, and associate dean for professional education of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Virginia Tech University,
What we know most about tomorrow is that we know very little about tomorrow. This means we do not know exactly how to prepare our babies for tomorrow. Like no other time in history, schools and schools systems must ensure students receive a high quality academic education, leverage learning experiences from extra-curricular pursuits, and have their social/emotional needs fulfilled. Schools and school systems must accomplish this for all students, especially students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and marginalized communities. These schools and school systems must be led by innovative and inspiring people called Superintendents. We all should feel a sense of gratitude to authors Harris, Ballenger, and Mixon for very timely information. This book will grow current Superintendents and it will assist in the development of aspiring Superintendents.
- Desmond K. Blackburn, superintendent, Brevard Public Schools; member of Chiefs for Change; and author of Socio-Cultural Leadership: The Art of Restructuring Schools through Research-Based Principal Leadership,
The authors have clearly defined the critical and complex role of the superintendent in providing leadership for school transformation and community engagement. They have articulated the challenges administrators face and the skills and traits needed for successful leadership. The case studies will be helpful to school leaders as they work to create and sustain student-centered schools and develop future-ready students.
- Johnny L. Veselka, executive director, Texas Association of School Administrators,
The shift towards transformational leadership must begin with a strong focus on student achievement. Authors Harris, Ballenger, and Mixon clearly define and deliver for the reader the elements a school superintendent must embrace to make this shift. This book is a must-read for current superintendents who desire a fresh perspective on the new Professional Standards for Educational Leadership and lessons learned from relevant case studies from school superintendents. Superintendents must consider this book as a great resource towards making that transformational shift in leadership.
- Mark Gotcher, deputy commissioner, Arkansas Department of Education,