This is a very good way to test the student's knowledge and practice exam style questions. Each topic has a knowledge section with a concise summary of the main information required, then some revision tests (you'll have to cover the answers while going through this, which is not my favourite layout, but it works if the student abide by the rules... and then finally there is the "proper" practice section, which is longer than the two first parts of each topic, and which is where the student get to really see how well they know their topic and which areas might require going back to the study books again. An overall really good layout and structure and I like the focus on practice questions, as by the point the student has started using this book, you'd assume they have been through the student book, papers given by teachers etc. and they "simply" need to get as much practice in as possible.
Amazon review
This is a well-designed and presented chemistry revision guide. The book covers twenty topics and each chapter is set out in the same way. There are two pages titled 'knowledge' and this is essentially a brief overview of the topic, there are then two pages titled 'retrieval' which contains quick-fire questions and answers so you can test your knowledge and finally there are several pages of exam-style questions. You will need to go online to find the answers to these questions. There are plenty of exam tips also scattered throughout the book. This book uses text boxes and colour to help organise the topics and made it easier to review. There are also plenty of diagrams and illustrations. I have used Oxford revision guides with the teens I work for and have always found them fantastic and these guides are just as good.
Amazon review
Outstanding This is so much more than a revision guide. If you're looking for some simple last minute revision then this isn't going to help as this book is dedicated to those who revise throughout the course and regularly revisit forgotten stuff. In depth full coverage of the Higher AQA Chemistry specification. Excellent illustrations. Great questions and sample answers. Ideal for students and teachers. Highly recommended.
Amazon review