"In the glorious tradition of Not Now, Bernard by David McKee, Dot’s thwarted attempts to be heard by her parents are very funny, and her fierce and brave transformation in the face of imminent danger will have even the youngest readers shouting out in glee."
Daily Mail
"An amusing tale of sibling rivalry with stylish, retro illustrations."
Daily Express
"This book approaches sibling rivalry in an original and amusing way"
- Vanessa Lewis, The Bookseller, Bookseller's Choice
"Very entertaining... This book perfectly captures a sibling's agitation at a new arrival."
- Marilyn Brocklehurst, The Bookseller, Bookseller's Choice
"OHora's acrylic paintings are the heart of this tale. They clearly show everyone's feelings from fear to sadness to joy to anger to love and everything in between, and there are brilliant bits of humor and whimsy added to the mix. VERDICT: A great book for one-on-one sharing that's also sure to be a storytime hit."
School Library Journal, starred review