A poignant story of family, friendship and the things that matter, with an audacious heroine
A great tale of home, homing birds and belonging . . . drenched in atmosphere . . . full of heart
Insightful and perceptive, this is an excellent read about contemporary issues with superb characters and thought-provoking scenarios.
Parents in Touch
I don't mind admitting that I bawled my eyes out over <i>Where Do You Go, Birdy Jones</i>? It's just so lovely and heartfelt and genuine [...] There's so much to love about this story [...] I won't forget Birdy Jones for a long time.
- Jill Murphy, The Book Bag
This is such a lovely story and Birdy is a wonderfully strong girl [...] It's enough to make you cry.
The Bookwitch (blog)
A story about finding yourself when everything changes.
The Bookseller
'A tender, unsentimental adventure, filled with family ties, love and courage'
<p>'A real boy's voice, nailed hard to a tale rich with wrong decisions, hopeless plans and<br />stabs at redemption. I loved it'</p>
Steve Cole on JOE ALL ALONE
'An insightful, gripping, character-driven novel about peer pressure and the conflict between wanting to fit in and standing up for yourself ... As the novel builds to a tense, emotional climax, you'll be on the edge of your seat'
Joanne Owen - LoveReading4Kids - on WHITE LIES, BLACK DARE