"This engaging book is perfect for children who are learning about the history of one of the most culturally rich countries in the world. We think this is perfect…to learn, engage and dive into the life of one of humanities most coveted roles. Illustrator Ben Wang has beautiful, engaging drawings to have your children enjoying this book even more." —The Baby Spot blog
"Colorful cartoon-style illustrations credited to the Design and Cultural Studies Workshop, punctuate descriptions of those who served the emperor, the meaning of various military and civilian ranks, the role of empresses, the kind of food served, even the symbolism of the emperors' imperial robes." —American Library Association
"What Was It Like, Mr. Emperor? aims to make the past relevant and accessible to today's youth…This book is fun to look at and is filled with lots of interesting, digestible tidbits." —International Examiner
"What a fun book to learn about the life of Chinese Emperors in the Forbidden City! This resourceful book is packed with Chinese history and engaging stories. Readers have the opportunity to ask emperor questions about his life in the palace, his school, his allowance, and much more! Good read for ages 8 and up." —Miss Panda Chinese