OVER ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD!'Why, that interfering little worm, someone ought to step on him!' the Baron hissed to Tiki Pu. I guessed he was talking about me. 'Well, never mind if he blabs about the wood,' he added, cheering up. 'I'll just lie, and say I had nothing to do with it. You, however, must pay Much-to-Learn a visit. Steal his secret spell.'Jack loved it when Tashi told his stories. Today Tashi was telling about the time the old forest disappeared, and Much-to-Learn was in danger of disappearing with it! And then the whole village was threatened ... Could magic sand and a certain spell help save them all? Only someone as clever as Tashi could find a way to outwit the Baron - and solve the mystery of the disappearing trees. ACCLAIM FOR TASHIFirst published in 1995 and has now achieved classic status with sales of over one million copies.'The Tashi stories are some of my all-time favourites: a world within a world and a magical place for children to lose themselves in.' Sally Rippin, bestselling author of Polly and Buster and Billie B. Brown'I read my kids Tashi - it's this story that they love.' Angelina Jolie'All children should meet Tashi. He can be their mentor on the road to reading, feeding their imaginations with fantastic stories. The Tashi stories have the evergreen qualities of classics.' Magpies
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Can Tashi use Much-to-Learn's spell to outsmart the Wicked Baron and stop the old forest from disappearing? A delightful new Tashi story from the beloved and bestselling children's creators Anna and Barbara Fienberg, illustrated by Kim Gamble.
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Murdoch Books
92 gr
198 mm
128 mm
J, 02
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Anna Fienberg is a storyteller with a special talent for fantasy and things magical. She is the author of many popular and award-winning books for children of all ages. In 2019 Anna was made a Member of the Order of Australia for her services to literature. She and her mother Barbara, a teacher librarian, write the Tashi stories together.

Kim Gamble was one of Australia's leading illustrators for children, illustrating over 70 books. For many years Anna and Kim worked together to create wonderful storybooks.