“Nancy Pimm does justice to the inspiring story of World War II soldier Bill Wynne and Smoky, his hero best friend. This is a must-read for any dog lover.”
- Charles Shuck, Iraq War veteran and handler of 2012 American Humane Hero Dog Gabe,
“In war-torn New Guinea, a young soldier and a scrawny stray dog joined forces. He went on to become a distinguished photographer and photojournalist, and his companion a war hero and pioneering therapy dog. Nancy Roe Pimm provides a fresh take on the fascinating story of Bill Wynne and Smoky for a new generation of readers.”
- Robert S. Arrighi, archivist (ATS) at NASA Glenn Research Center,
“For all the horror of World War II, there was also hope in Bill Wynne and Smoky. They found each other in the midst of war and forged a heartwarming and endearing bond that lasted a lifetime. It doesn’t get any better.”
- Brian Albrecht, military affairs reporter, the Plain Dealer,