Pastor Warren’s adult book The Purpose Driven Life (2002) has been translated into 50 languages. This volume, aimed at young people, uses a day-by-day devotional format to engage readers in thinking about God, prayer, and the Bible. The book is divided into six “purposes”: The Reason for Everything; Faith and Friendship with God; Your Part in God’s Family; Becoming like Christ; Serving God, Serving Others; You Were Made for a Mission. Within each section, Warren focuses on a biblical passage from the Old and New Testaments and offers both a kid-friendly discussion and a brief prayer that encapsulates the message. Most of the discussions make the passages relevant to young people, though some feel forced, as when analysis of a passage in Genesis in which Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah attests she was originally known only as Abraham’s wife, and then suggests readers ask their parents how they were named or contemplate God’s name for them. Still, kids will make their own connections, and the decorative format makes the book quite manageable for young readers. --- Ilene Cooper