An exquisite little book… With lovely retro images and wisdom about friendship and adventure.
Children’s books of the year, The Sunday Times
This is a polished little gem… Atmospheric black and white drawings add to the short but absorbing drama.
- Sally Morris, Daily Mail
This story is like a perfectly polished pebble. While other writers for children build extravagant worlds and create exhausting quests, Kate DiCamillo has done the opposite with her latest book, The Puppets of Spelhorst, taking all the big themes — love, loss, longing — and distilling them down, down, down to the beautiful, bare bones of a fairytale… It is quite unlike everything else. DiCamillo is a puppetmaster extraordinaire and such an effortless storyteller that you can barely see the strings… A playful, poignant and peculiar story that might just “break your heart and also heal it”.
- Lucy Bannerman, The Times
An exquisite little book about five puppets in which a play they perform overlaps with their experience. With lovely retro images and wisdom about friendship and adventure.
The Sunday Times
A captivating and magical tale… The book has a fable-like quality, touching on ideas of belonging and destiny, it’s beautifully presented, too, with enchanting black and white illustrations throughout.