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For several decades Judy Blume has been winning legions of fans around the world with her stories. In addition to her hilarious The Pain and the Great One books, Soupy Saturdays, Cool Zone, Going, Going, Gone! and Friend or Fiend? some of her incredibly popular books include Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and Freckle Juice. More than eighty-two million copies of her books have been sold, and her work has been translated into thirty-two languages. She receives thousands of letters every month from readers of all ages who share their feelings and concerns with her. Judy lives in Key West, Florida, and New York City with her husband.
Kate Pankhurst illustrates and writes from her studio in Leeds with her spotty dog, Olive. A Carnegie longlisted author, she is the creator of the bestselling Fantastically Great Women who Changed the World and Fantastically Great Women who Made History.