"A deeply satisfying and worthy continuation of a beloved story."
- Kirkus Reviews, STARRED, September 15, 2021
"Melody’s voice is as wryly funny as ever, and the supporting cast, which features kids and adults of various ethnicities and disabilities, treat her with respect and empathy… it’s impossible not to be charmed by the witty protagonist’s affirming, frequently ecstatic discovery of what it means to be part of a community that truly understands her.”<br /> <br />
- Publishers Weekly *STARRED REVIEW*, October 11, 2021
Draper authentically captures [Melody] determination, fears, and blossoming abilities with such sweet accuracy that readers will feel the anxieties and triumphs themselves. […] Full of fun and the brightness of the future, Melody's summertime adventure will delight readers old and new and leave them hoping for another installment. The best-selling Out of My Mind won countless hearts, which will eagerly seek out Melody's latest outing.
- Booklist, 11/01/2021