"A witty, thought-provoking meditation on the seductiveness--and fleeting nature--of power." -- STARRED REVIEW, Publishers Weekly "Schoolyard Politics 101--in a picture book, one well worth having on the bookshelf." -- STARRED REVIEW, Kirkus Reviews "It's a difficult lesson to impart even on the most intelligent and receptive of grownups, and one especially crucial in planting the seeds of good personhood in childhood, when we first brush with power dynamics in ways so real and raw that they can imprint us for life.[...] That's what French illustrator Olivier Tallec accomplishes with extraordinary humor, sensitivity, and warmth in Louis I, King of the Sheep -- one of the loveliest children's books I've ever encountered." -- Brain Pickings "Olivier Tallec's glorious, oversized picture book Louis I, King of the Sheep, originally published in France, explores the often fleeting (and in this case bleating) nature of power. [...] This funny, fresh political allegory reflects how power has been found, corrupted and lost throughout history, but there are few children who haven't experienced the rush of a playground victory, only to see the powerful moment blow away, just like that." --Karin Snelson, children's editor, Shelf Awareness "Tallec's airy illustrations with their dynamically sketched lines and expansive landscapes lend this tale humor and charm without taking away from its heftier themes. An interesting statement about the corrupting yet arbitrary and fleeting nature of power, this book could spark lively discussion with older readers."--School Library Journal, November 2015

Readers will delight in Louis's increasingly elaborate fantasy of what comes with being a supreme ruler: the pleasures, the responsibilities, the capriciousness. "What's good for me is good for my people," thinks King Louis in this clever fable about the randomness and absurdity of power, but also its abuses, and the hidden dangers in a society built on conformity. There's loads of wit and humor that will appeal to readers of all ages, but will also serve as a basis for discussing experiences of relevance to children, such as bullying and the power games of the playground. The work of Olivier Tallec has been described as "sensitive,"stunning," "breathtaking," and "beautiful." Tallec was born in France, in 1970. After graduating from the Ecole Superieure d'Art Graphique in Paris, he worked in advertising as a graphic designer, after which he devoted himself to illustration. Since then he has illustrated more than sixty books.
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Louis I, King of the Sheep is a funny philosophical fable about a sheep who finds a crown, and revels in dreams of power.
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The work of Olivier Tallec has been described as "sensitive," "stunning," "breathtaking," and "beautiful." Tallec was born in Brittany, France, in 1970. After graduating from the Ecole Superieure d'Art Graphique in Paris, he worked in advertising as a graphic designer, after which he devoted himself to illustration. Since then he has illustrated more than sixty books, nine of which have been published by Enchanted Lion.