"A must-add for individual collections and storytime rotations." -- Larisa Martin, Youth Librarian, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library "A lot of actions that parents and tots could act out together as well as reinforcing the colors. A cute little story that would be quick to read, but with a lot of follow up and rereading possibilities." -- Carolyn Johnson-Hicks, elementary educator "A charming children's book for ages two and up... about friendship. The drawings are delightful & it's a fun book to read. My favorite little boy loved it & wanted me to read it again." -- Carolyn Injoy-Hertz, reviewer "An excellent book to share with very young children." -- Barbara Stolz, educator "Lovely little picture book that focused on friendship and how you can make and be friends with a variety of different people/things - easy to follow and read. I can see everyone loving Little White Fish - highly recommended." -- Donna McGuire, Donna's Book Blog "Very colorful and bold...could spark discussions about colors, actions and of course, what lives under the ocean!" -- I.J Hamilton, Goodreads

"Lovely little picture book that focused on friendship and how you can make and be friends with a variety of different people/things - easy to follow and read. I can see everyone loving Little White Fish - highly recommended." -Donna's Book Blog Little White Fish is a very playful fish. Luckily, he has many friends to play with. They play all sorts of games together: tag, hide-and-seek, blowing bubbles... Yes, Little White Fish and his friends have a lot of fun together! A simple book about friendship and games. For playful children ages 24 months and up.
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Little White Fish is a very playful fish. Luckily, he has many friends to play with. They play all sorts of games together: tag, hide-and-seek, blowing bubbles...Yes, Little White Fish and his friends have a lot of fun together! A simple book about friendship and games. For playful children ages 2 and up.
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Clavis Publishing
355 gr
248 mm
261 mm
10 mm
AD430L, J, 02
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Guido van Genechten is the author-illustrator of several bestselling children's books including The Big Baby Book, Mommies and Their Babies, and No Ghost Under My Bed. He is the winner of the Reader's Digest Award for Best Children's Books Illustrator and the Picture Book of the Year in Holland.