"A must-add for individual collections and storytime rotations." -- Larisa Martin, Youth Librarian, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library "A lot of actions that parents and tots could act out together as well as reinforcing the colors. A cute little story that would be quick to read, but with a lot of follow up and rereading possibilities." -- Carolyn Johnson-Hicks, elementary educator "A charming children's book for ages two and up... about friendship. The drawings are delightful & it's a fun book to read. My favorite little boy loved it & wanted me to read it again." -- Carolyn Injoy-Hertz, reviewer "An excellent book to share with very young children." -- Barbara Stolz, educator "Lovely little picture book that focused on friendship and how you can make and be friends with a variety of different people/things - easy to follow and read. I can see everyone loving Little White Fish - highly recommended." -- Donna McGuire, Donna's Book Blog "Very colorful and bold...could spark discussions about colors, actions and of course, what lives under the ocean!" -- I.J Hamilton, Goodreads