"Anthea Simmons tells Mary’s story as an exciting adventure and also as a rousing story of what an intelligent and brave woman can do."
LoveReading4Kids, Julia Eccleshare
"Anning’s strong, idiosyncratic personality bursts forth from the opening pages of this bold first-person narrative"
"An intriguing insight into a fascinating figure from history: Mary is a bold, brilliant and truly inspiring heroine."
"Lightning Mary is a rewarding novelization of how Mary Anning became one of the first people to discover dinosaurs. Full, imaginative writing opens up Mary’s world"
Foreword Reviews
"Mary is a fascinating character and in Simmons’ hands, she rips up the page with her determination and strength"
Irish Independent
"A brilliant read."
"Riveting and evocative. Inspirational for budding scientists"
"An inspirational fictional account of a bold heroine, this also includes a factual section to inspire budding scientists"