Meet a riot of cheeky dinosaurs in this adorable story about friendship.When a dinosaur comes to play, you're sure to have lots of fun. But wouldn't 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . or even 10 dinosaurs be better still? Or would they be too big, too messy and just a little bit too naughty? Perhaps one very special dinosaur is just perfect!
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Meet a riot of cheeky dinosaurs in this adorable story about friendship.When a dinosaur comes to play, you're sure to have lots of fun. But wouldn't 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . or even 10 dinosaurs be better still? Perhaps one very special dinosaur is just perfect!
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One day, I got a dinosaur,but very soon I knewone dinosaur was not enoughand so I wanted . . . two!Two . . . three . . . four . . . or even tendinosaurs might be lots of fun -but could they also be too big, too messyand just a little bit too cheeky?Perhaps just one very specialdinosaur is best of all!
Les mer
Meet a riot of cheeky dinosaurs in this adorable story about friendship.


Nosy Crow Ltd
270 mm
270 mm
J, 02
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Lou Peacock (Author)
Lou Peacock is lucky enough to have one of the best jobs in the world: 'Publishing Director of Picture Books' at Nosy Crow. She has a degree in English Literature from Oxford University, and over twenty years' experience in children's publishing. She started her editorial career working on novelty books, but has focussed on picture books and poetry for the last 15 years. She often puts her author hat on to write picture books for Nosy Crow and has a notebook full of scribbled ideas.

Nicola Slater (Illustrator)
Born in the wild and windy north, Nicola began her career as an usher, but life by the big screen was too heady and too fast. Instead, she chose to study Illustration in Buckinghamshire, where she developed a passion for children's books that far surpassed her love of popcorn. She has since had books published here and in the United States, which include Best Friends, Spot a Lot, and Leaping Lemmings. Nicola lives with her family in Cheshire, close to the local cinema where she likes to occasionally lurk in the foyer.