"Would that every child have as wonderful an imagination as Gus, who in the meantime can serve as their role model." -- Kirkus "A lovely book about the power of a child's vivid imagination. The lush, gorgeous paintings of natural settings are a beautiful touch. An index of words at the end of the story provides an excellent learning opportunity. In all, this is sure to bring out the science and nature lover in the young reader!"- curledupkids.com "Tallec's depiction of this underwater world is breathtaking; he seamlessly integrates photographs of reeds, water lilies, frogs, and ducks with his original artwork. Each page has depth, light, color, and density." -- School Library Journal "Three Stars - Outstanding. This book is cool. Read and imagine being a fish and discover a new world. I love the artwork and at the end there is a picture glossary to help your kiddo learn new words and their meanings." - Lisa Barker, JellyMom.com "While playing in the tub, Gus pokes his head underwater and discovers that he can breathe comfortably there. It seems that he is no longer a boy in a tub at all, but a fish in a lively pond filled with wonders. Tallec's depiction of this underwater world is breathtaking; he seamlessly integrates photographs of reeds, water lilies, frogs, and ducks with his original artwork. Each page has depth, light, color, and density. Eventually, Gus's mother calls him from the tub, which forces him back to reality. An illustrated glossary expands on the text." -- Catherine Threadgill, Charleston County Public Library, SC